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Posts posted by SolGravion

  1. My only deal breaker is the 2am CST downtime every Tuesday and Friday. As my game time falls primarily into these windows. Now of course someone is gonna tell me to just play some other time, in my schedule that is impossible. Work + Girlfriend dictates my schedule, not star wars. I often dont get home till midnight CST and so I get about 6 hours to play in the week, when I want to play the game is down, when I can play the game is down.
  2. While I would hate it, since I work from home and sometimes have time when there's no work, and find myself playing in the mornings, I would be willing to 'suck it up' for the team?


    How does the 6am-noon PST-ish look to Europe? I'm not very good with time zones. :o


    I feel for you folks, hope they come up with a different solution in the future. :(


    Its nice to see a post that is really sincere. Usually its trivial hate posts and stuff like "go to bed"

  3. Someone can correct me if I am wrong but isnt that what they said was the great thing about this engine? That they could do things while the servers were still up.


    To be honest its one of the only things blizzard has managed to keep good on over these last few expacs, their systems teams are ahead of the game for sure.

  4. SO they fix a bug in less then 2 days of it being reported, and people still complain.




    So people still have problems with things and make threads about them on the internet and you are still expecting everyone to see eye to eye?




    For real though, bugs need to get fixed.

  5. People thinking Blizzard gets all the bugs out with every patch on the PTR I want you to take a look at something called the "LFR Exploit". And this was just recently, not 7 years ago.


    Blizzard gets off the hook because they dont patch until 4PST though.


    Man I just defended Blizzard... see what you made me do?

  6. Downtime is the only time I get to catch up with grampa Ezio and the Bishops. Yay downtime!


    Good for you man, keep it positive. Now for the millions and millions out there that dont get their game on until about 12am PST on a weekly basis; ... I feel your pain

  7. Patches are fine. 2am CST is not fine. That is way too early. Push that to 5-6am CST.


    This is how I stand on it as well. Until server maintenance is pushed to a more reasonable schedule im out. I don't fault bioware, they are console dudes and this is their first mmo, just learn from your mistakes.

  8. It's as if people have never experienced patching in an MMO before :confused:


    It all has to do with the fact that they pull the plug at 2am CST. If you live on the US east coast or central time zone ( and sleep before 2 am) its considered a non issue. Patches are a part of mmos and so is downtime, but none of the mmos ive played in the past years have had a 2am CST maintance window, its usually around 4-6am PST.

  9. So I checked my Knight's companions, and it looks like Scourge in heavy armor mitigates about 40% of damage, Doc in medium armor mitigates about 21%, and Kira in light armor mitigates about 13%. Scourge has more than 3 x the armor value of Kira.


    Armor matters. When I pop an absorb adrenal that adds 1700 armor for 15 seconds, it helps my healer catch up. There is no way for a Sentinel, much less a Guardian, to use social armor without a significant penalty, and if you think it is "maybe 5%" or something you won't notice, you simply have no idea what you're talking about.


    So we are in agreement then, its a tank problem.

  10. The difference in damage mitigation between the different armors is hardly noticeable and in most cases a none factor for anybody other than tanks(and even with tanks a lot of their armor and damage mitigation comes from talents and ability/buffs) whether you are doing pvp, solo pve, or group pve. If I get swarmed by 5 people in a war zone on my merc I am going to die just as fast as if I had been swarmed on my sorc(in fact in pvp it is expertise rather than armor that more directly determines how long you will live). The same in pve.


    I am not saying the BW shouldn't add heavy/medium social armor. I am just saying that some of you are exaggerating the difference between them. If you are a heavy armor class and decided to use light social armor and gave it up to date mods the difference in your survivability would be minor at best. Some of you are making it sound like mobs will suddenly start to 2 shot you if you downgrade your armor.


    Thank you.

  11. Your class is designed to use light armor and to survive in it. You have a static shield, for example, to mitigate damage. If you were playing a marauder instead, for example, your class would be designed to be survivable in medium armor, and trying to play in light armor would be a disadvantage.


    If you think that a marauder or sentinel doesn't get hit, either soloing (especially with a healer pet) or in a group, well...


    Two of my characters are healers, and I can assure you that in flashpoints and Heroic 4 content, there are plenty of encounters where the tank can hold aggro flawlessly and the medium armor characters still get hit and take damage that is mitigated somewhat by their medium armor. In other words, you are completely off base. I get it, though: you play a light armor class and get the full benefit of the social armor. Of course you don't see a problem with things the way they are.


    Look I will agree with you about you cant level up without taking a hit. I do see a problem, FOR TANKS, how nice of you to neglect that. Im certain you see more social armor added over time as well, and as such I dont subscribe to the tableflip fanclub.


    So do you feel better now that you have branded me? Oh wait thats how you started this argument, first im clueless then im a troll. Now im just some ignorant sith who is wearing your social armor and you just cant take it.


    Take a pill and relax before you rage over somebody who has a MINOR disagreement with you.

  12. And a lot of people will find these random whispers very pushy. I actually /ignore players who do it.


    What is /whisper for then? I could understand if somebody whispers you with "DUDE COME DO THIS FP NAO!"


    But somebody just asking and you /ignore them? I respect your differences but c'mon man.

  13. The names I use are fine. If you consider LFG <instance> or LF2M <instance> pushy, well then, I don't know what else to say other than "enjoy your game".


    I think mmorpgs are getting to the point where the group game is almost dreaded by most. People have nightmares from "that other game" and they are letting it effect their gameplay.

  14. this game isnt a never get hit game, they have multiple enemies at once, often spread out, using range, also most tanks dont start with aoe taunts. not to mention soloing, and of course the obvious pvp. If no other classes got hit you wouldnt see defensive abilities in almost every class and skill tree.


    Its essentially an error



    and no mods do not give you heavy /light/medium stats currently go test it out.


    Still besides the point, you DO NOT need armor (THE STAT) to do max dps / heals. The only ones affected are tanks. If you heal or dps you can still wear those social armors, and get competitive results.


    If you get stuck with a mob in your face and die its not your armor class' fault its yours.

  15. I only see this as a problem for tanks because they are the only ones that need armor in their role.


    If you are a dps you dont need the armor.

    If you are a healer you dont need the armor.

    If you are a pvp'er you should be in your pvp gear.


    Sorry tanks I hope they fix this problem for you, everybody else you shouldnt be getting hit in the first place.

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