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Posts posted by Songano

  1. Hey,


    im not new to this game. But i consider myself new, because i wasnt playing for a good while...


    I even got every class @ 70. I enjoyed leveing every class in the past, because it was somewhat challenging, when you didnt have the appropriate gear to fight certain bosses or groups of silvers. Crafting was fun too. While leveling i sold many stuff my charakters produced, nowadays nearly no one is buying anything while leveling, because its way to fast and you get enough gear through the faceroll content. Do you remember playing other MMORPGs? You started fighting animals, then you get better, you face harder NPCs / mobs, stuff gets challening, you get better gear and so on. In SWTOR...you start fighting animals (bears, pigs) and you end up fighting animals (bears, pigs)...from 1-70 and after that...you keep on grinding them. All that changes is the story.


    At 70 there is not much you can do...you can grind gear, yeah. But for what? Im not into pvp, because playing with 30-50 fps is not enjoyable. Raids? The same...30-50 fps...not fun.


    Why grind gear? For the faceroll content? You cannot spot the difference between a boss and a mob group!?

    Where is the challenge? What is the gear for? I did several master mode FPs yesterday, nearly every one without any problems an no special gear.


    What am i suppose to do @ max level? I cannot find anything enjoyable...so im just trading on the GTN currently. I startet a new char. but its boring as hell, because there iss NO *********** challene. Faceroll content wherever you go. You dont even have to play the game, just send in you comp (k1-z3n) and he kills stuff faster than i do. I cannot enjoy the story, because no one is a threat.


    Why do i keep playing this game? I loved the class storys and im willing to play though them again, but...this is not a game anymore...its just like watching a movie, but much worse...there are better movies out there. I also like the fighting system, the animations, the gear sets they put out on the CM, the trading system on the GTN, housing (but why the **** am i not able to sit on my chairs or interact with my items!?)...but thats it.


    Im so sad about what happened to this game...the number of players on my home server (satele shan) is speaking for itself. Even after the merge, there are fewer people on the server, then before (even on the server with the lowest population back then)...


    So i played the new content and it was really bad / cheap. Now im posting this after cancelling my subscription again.


    How do you guys keep on enjoying this game? Where do you get the fun from? Why do you care about gearing?

  2. If you open up the CM or the GTN and click an item in order to see it in your appearance window, the CM / GTN windows closes and you just can watch one item. If you switch back to the CM / GTN your appearance window will get shut down...this way you wont be able to see the whole set...just one item at a time xD
  3. Hey there,


    particle effects will drop FPS more than shadows does (at least on my system). I love doing lowlevel PvP, because it will run so "fluid" @ nearly stable 60FPS (VSYNC on). But as soon as i start doing PvP on my 70 toons (at that level many classes got new spells which come with heavy particle effects), my FPS will move between 25-50FPS and that is ruining PvP (for me at least). Is there a way to disable particle effects via config file or even ingame? Or can i even somehow disable it in my radeon settings?


    If that is not possible, may it be possible for the SWTOR devs to implement an option to turn off particle effects?



  4. It just randomly drops without anything happening special on the screen. Its pretty much stable everywhere in the game. Even in lowlvl warzones i get stable 60 fps. Ive read that other players are experiencing the same in other games, but they didnt found a solution so far. The CPU is not overheating, i cannot even hear a fan.
  5. Just posted this on another thread this morning...haha


    In a few days we will be back here complaining about what took them so long to get out the roadmap, because there wont be anything special on it...


    -every 1-2 months an OP boss...

    -one new flashpoint in the distant future...

    -one new stronghold in the distant future...

    -10 new comps in the distant future...

    -customizable comps in the distant future...

    -cxp point bonus or even legacy wide cxp in the distant future...

    -10 new cartel packs immediately after next weeks downtime!


    Thx for listening...*drops-mic*

  6. In a few days we will be back here complaining about what took them so long to get out the roadmap, because there wont be anything special on it...


    -every 1-2 months an OP boss...

    -one new flashpoint in the distant future...

    -one new stronghold in the distant future...

    -10 new comps in the distant future...

    -customizable comps in the distant future...

    -cxp point bonus or even legacy wide cxp in the distant future...

    -10 new cartel packs immediately after next weeks downtime!


    Thx for listening...*drops-mic*


    Well, i just quote myself...hahaha...i "nailed" it...sadly.

  7. In a few days we will be back here complaining about what took them so long to get out the roadmap, because there wont be anything special on it...


    -every 1-2 months an OP boss...

    -one new flashpoint in the distant future...

    -one new stronghold in the distant future...

    -10 new comps in the distant future...

    -customizable comps in the distant future...

    -cxp point bonus or even legacy wide cxp in the distant future...

    -10 new cartel packs immediately after next weeks downtime!


    Thx for listening...*drops-mic*

  8. Let's not be too sore about this. I am sure the delay is not because they don't take the players seriously or something but that there was a lot of red tape to dig through as well as get the Roadmap approved through multiple layers. Keith is not the Senate (yet) and can't form the Roadmap and implement all the changes by himself without prior approval from those above and beside him. Those things simply take time.


    The first time he delayed it, i was not angry in any way...he prefered to spend time with his dad instead of working on the roadmap, its ok...really. Im a nice guy and all...but i am a customer too...why should a customer care about shomething like that? Where is the professionalism? If i would tell my customers, that i prefered to spend time with my family last weekend instead of fixing stuff they paid me for...


    Approved through multiple layers...dream on. Thats how it works @Blizzard Entertainment...but SWTOR is run by 10 people max and just one guy has to sign/approve this roadmap.

  9. Just got out of bed, although i just came back from work like 4 hours ago, just because i wanted to check out the roadmap...today would be THE DAY. Especially since keith took over, i was so looking forward for the map and this time BW would deliver the roadmap without anymore delays. They delayed so MANY announcements...keith would not let this happen again.


    Im shocked now...keith is as bad as everyone else in this company. They fooled me again...shame on me. Im thinking about contacting my bank to get my money back...i subscribed for like 3 months (never did something like that), since keith took over...i was so confident, but now...WOW...just WOW...

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