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Posts posted by Cattery

  1. I've had this problem as well! I can make my male characters look bare to the waist, but below that it's clothing from hips to floor. Yet I look at the female characters and they can run around and fight wearing nothing but some ribbons and the Force holding their breasts and butts up, even when flipping through the air in Force Leap. Tell me, am I doing something wrong with my male characters?


    Oh, and lately I've noticed in the newer choices of pants for male characters that not only are they hips to floor, but the manly bulge at their fronts seem to be flattened. I don't think it's a graphics issue, as I can see breasts just fine.

  2. Full name: Sha'enra'tavas

    Known as: Aenrata



    Though I suppose that technically she's now Sha'enra'miurani, shortened to Aenrami, but most high level Chiss would have that occupation name.


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