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Posts posted by Antiproton

  1. What good is a Force Choke on a 20 mins cooldown? I hardly ever use the Heroic Moment ability anyway. These are just going to be more buttons that I don't bother putting on my bars . Which is too bad, because it could have been a lot of fun.
  2. Ok guys. I didn't read the whole thread but here's the bad associated with x-server lfg:


    You que solo, get in a group, never speak to said group, finish dungeon. Reque solo.


    If you're grouping with only players from your own server you might actually talk to them, maybe get to know then and group with them again in the future. This is a small start but part of having a server wide community.


    Not to mention the people who turn into total douches, knowing that that can treat players like **** cause they will never see them again.


    This post encapsulates the fallacious argument against cross-server LFG tools. It assumes that players join dungeons to socialize and not to finish a dungeon. This is wrong. We are not using a Star Wars themed chat client, we're playing a game. Joining a dungeon group carries with it the implicit understanding that you're there to do a job, whatever that job is. Anything else that happens is outside the parameters of the dungeon.


    Servers don't have communities. This is an illusion. On my RIFT server, 50 chat always has a few individuals that everyone knows by name chit-chatting away. This doesn't constitute a community, it constitutes pattern recognition - kudos! You recognize a vocal player by name.


    Finally, people here are guilty of very questionable logic when it comes to the LFG. Specifically, they start with the supposition "WoW had cross server LFG and WoW's community was crap. Therefore cross server LFG makes the server community crap". WoW's playerbase is immense. There are the same proportion of smacktards there as there is here, there's just a fewer number of them. RIFT had xserver LFG and is better for it all around. There's simply no objective evidence to say that cross server LFG tools induce players to be better or worse to each other than is normal on the internet at large.


    The only real difference is that more people run more dungeons more frequently, raising the chance that you'll run in to someone you don't like. But you know what? That's the whoooole point.

  3. The patch notes are linked, in a single small line from the launcher. they aren't actually on the launcher.


    They *should* be in game in a window somewhere, in addition to the discussion on these boards.



    Not to derail this thread, but this is just one of the many quality of life issues that we've come to expect from MMOs these days and that SWTOR misstepped on.


    We should be able to read the notes directly in the launcher while the patcher is patching. I'm not going to ever click links in the launcher. List them out for us to scroll through.

  4. Typical WoW casual spoon-fed 1 button easy heroics from Blizzard.


    Anyways I do support the idea of a tool to facillitate easier group finding, also a world-wide LFG channel that you auto enter when using this tool.


    I do not agree with it being cross server, as in my experience this does damage the server community.


    I'm sick of the word "community". It doesn't mean even a percentage of what people on forums think it means.


    I can't world PVP, therefore there's no community.

    No one will talk to me in the instances, therefore there's no community.

    Someone was a jerk to me in an instance, therefore there's no community.

    Some people just want to get the instance done as fast as possible and do something else, so therefore there's no community!


    A community is a group of people with similar social and societal goals. But a game server does not constitute a society. My progression is not tied in the least to your progression. You MIGHT argue that a guild is a society, but guilds are excluded from this discussion becuase no one is claiming that the LFG tool ruined guilds.


    I do not agree with it having any form of insta-teleport, as have many people have allready stated people will never leave the fleet, world pvp will never get off the ground etc.


    What's the 'etc.'? Instant teleport removes the possibility of ganking outside of instance portals. But instances are accessible from the Fleet. Are you saying you should be able to sneak up on to Vaiken just so you can gank some lowbies?


    World PvP is like a mythical dragon that people keep hoping is behind every hill. They kill every dragon-ish looking think they come across thinking they'll finally get the dragon, but it turns out it was just a lvl 32 BH killing a quest mob.


    Ganking is not PvP. Ganking is, at best, opportunistic bottom feeding. And catering to that kind of behavior IS anti-social.


    What people need to remember aswell, games like wow have 8 times as many people playing and swtor has only just begun building it community. Therefore you cant expect to walk in here and find groups as easy as you do in wow.


    Weak rationalization. It only takes 4 people to do a Flashpoint. You don't need 1 Million 50's to get a group together. However, the more you have, the better your chances and, most importantly, the shorter your wait time.


    Before the LFG tool, WoW's community was a high percentage of undesirables. Barrens Chat became a meme for this reason. To suggest that WoW was better before the LFG tool because it had a better community is laughably preposterous on the very face of it for anyone who played the game before the tool existed.


    You don't need the mythical community dragon to have a successful game. MMOs are inherently social. Any player who avails him/her self of more than the 1-50 experience is going to interact with other players. It doesn't need to have one aspect functionally crippled in order to keep people interacting.


    And note the use of "interacting" as opposed to "talking". I don't want to talk to you in the flashpoint. I want to point you at the boss and the understanding is, you will kill it. That is the sum total of our interaction. I don't care that you want to laugh and frolic and adventure and talk about how stupid Darth Malgus sounds. Don't. Care. Do your job, or I'll find someone else who will. I'm interacting with you in this way. We are having a social experience. We are working towards common goals. We can do this in abject silence. If YOU need someone to make small talk with while you clear trash, then YOU can find a guild who grooves on that. It's frankly insane to say that spamming in Fleet "works fine" just so they don't develop a LFG tool out of some mysterious concept of 'community'.


    Final point: I think the responsibility is on Bioware to implement content finely tuned to be hard enough to ENCOURAGE group interaction (Which leads on to making friends) but not so difficult people will become disallusioned with it.


    You're right. Bioware is charged with making content that challenges its groups. Where your premise falls apart is the idea that having a tank tell me which target to Whirlwind should ipso facto lead to some kind of relationship. I have all the friends I want already.


    More to the point, why would you assume that when you run with a tank, that tank is giving his implicit permission to be spammed by every DPS he's ever run with to do a flashpoint? The number of DPS far outweighs the number of support. Your "solution" has unintended anti-social consequences. All in the name of coming up with increasingly circuitous workarounds for a problem that has already been solved in other games and functions exactly as it should.

  5. That being said, our design team doesn't philosophically believe that cross-server Flashpoints are good for the game at this stage in the game's lifespan. There is huge social pressure to not be a jerk that goes away when the odds that you will never see these people again is high. I'm not saying never - there may come a time in the future where we reevaluate this - but at least in the short term, we believe this will cause more damage to the community than good.


    There is zero social pressure to not be a jerk in an online video game. Any argument otherwise is blind optimism. Talk all you want about community, but the only people I'll ever recognize are the people in my guild. Everyone else might as well be from the moon for all I know... I certainly don't know them from anyone else on any server.


    There is only one thing here: queue time. Like all games, you require a tank and a healer. Most people are DPS. The larger the pool you draw from, the more tanks and healers there are to go around. Limiting that pool intentionally because you're afraid people will be jerks ON THE INTERNET is just ridiculous.

  6. No matter how many people get on the forums, devs will not start taking suggestions from General. I know everyone THINKS that's what happens because someone in General once made a suggestion and BAM there it was in-game, but that is not how it works. Ever. It's post hoc ergo propter hoc.


    Bioware, Blizzard, Trion, none of them are flipping through the forums looking for ideas.


    That said, there's going to be a LFG function. It's now a standard set piece in the genre... it should have shipped with it.

  7. I really like this game, however, four things should have been done with this game.

    1. It should have been an offline RPG with free roaming like Skyrim
    2. The tutorial stage up to getting your ship should be A LOT shorter. I was getting bored by the end, wanting my ship already.
    3. When you finish a quest, the changes that are supposed to happen should happen. Granted it's an MMO and the server space does not provide for that, but if it could, it should have been that way
    4. The dialogue scenes still need a lot of work. I have scenes where my companion is completely black, scenes where I have no eyes, and scenes where the mouths don't move. I LOVE the dialogue scenes, but they should be better developed.


    "I like the game, I just wish it was a different game with the same IP"?


    What did you imagine you'd accomplish by making this post?

  8. This would be required, yes. The quest needs to deliver location hints. This instead of map reveal.


    So, what you want is for Bioware to complete redesign the questing system because you think RPGs should work differently.


    Let me tell you what's not going to happen... that. That is not going to happen.

  9. So what you're telling me is, you started playing WoW from WoTLK? Last time I checked, running Dead Mines when the game first came out required a group effort believe it or not. So no, wow wasnt that easy when it first launched. I don't know which game you were playing, but it wasn't that easy to solo. However, they didn't make the game super easy or required you to skip zones. In the end and the final quest would always lead you to the next zone which was yellow. Ask me, I've been playing forever since vanilla.


    Now for this game, I'm not looking for just the end game content. I want to experience the story and enjoy my time. I've gotten tired with WoW since all my toons are 85 and there's really nothing more left but to do professions and raid. Finally a game comes out where I can start over and I come to find out that it's super easy to level? If i wanted to race I'd probably be servers first at 50. That's not the point.


    You are NOT suppose to skip the game if you want to enjoy it. Basically what you guys are saying "Skip everything except your class quest". What's the point of every other quest in the game?


    This thread is now beating a dead horse. Incoming blizzard haters. Sorry, but they did an amazing job at blizzard with WoW. I'm really disappointed with bioware and the direction they took. GET EVERYONE TO 50 FAST FOR END GAME CONTENT.


    WoW was incredibly easy to level, even in Vanilla from day one. If you think otherwise, you're deluding yourself. I played WoW at launch, and when I quit, I had 3 85's and 7 80's - one of each class. I did everything you can do in WoW. The quest progression in SWTOR is not substantially different in any way, shape or form than it is in WoW.


    I've now leveled two toons through mid twenties in TOR. I do all the quests in all the zones. None of the quests are gray and I'm still moving along at a perfectly reasonable pace. Even with rest, I'm not outleveling a zone.


    You're over-exaggerating the "problem" here. Frankly, it's not even a problem.


    Do you want to do every quest in every zone? Then do it.

    Do you want to get to 50 as quick as possible? Then do that instead.


    You can either skip the quests that don't give you xp or not. How does it affect your gameplay at all? Is it really detracting from your entertainment because the game isn't giving you a small reward to keep the dopamine flowing in yoru brain?


    This has got to be the pettiest grievance I've encountered yet. And that's saying something.

  10. Then go back to Rift. This is SWTOR, it has one spec. I don't go in McDonalds asking for a family bucket and a pepsi fgs......


    No, this is SWTOR and it has 3 spacs. It just costs money to switch. If they didn't want you to respec, they wouldn't have provided the vendor. The only thing you can infer from the costs is they may not have balanced the amount of money coming in vs. the reality of respecing.


    This argument is hilarious. "Respecs should be hard." "Your decisions matter" "We shouldn't be able to respec on a whim". Are you people on drugs? Do you LIKE sitting in general spamming LFG because everyone is a DPS spec and can't afford to change to tank or heals?


    This is a game. Grinding for credits just to pay for respecs and repairs is not fun. The only thing it will do is make credit selling for RL money more profitable. And that WILL destroy the game.


    Some of you people need to get a grip.

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