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Posts posted by coldtrix

  1. Guild Name: Paradigm


    GM or Contact Person:krypkicks

    # of Members (not including alts):16

    Age of Guild:1 week

    Actively Recruit or Constantly Closed:Actively recruiting for skilled end game pve'ers

    Reason you would like a guild ship:Well my friends and i been threw a lot in the last 6 months or so some of us split off to other guild in the beginning and it seemed to have worked for a while but in the end some of our closest friends basically turned there backs on us and put is in a position where we could no longer stand being in there guild nor there friends, in some cases we were friends with them for the last 2 years or so wen threw thick and thin with them, its been a sad falling out and until recently we have had nothing but bad luck with guild. Just this week we finally decided to put together our own guild most of the players in the guild have been playing since beta so were all die hard swtor fans and were the 2nd best pve guild on our server. We want to make our new name known and bury our past we have a face book group and a website that's a work in progress we plan on fully competing with the best pvers out there come nightmare time, we would love a guild ship to further promote our guild on our server so we can attract other skilled players with the same mind set as our selves, thanks for putting your donation thread out there I'm sure there are plenty of guilds that would love a guild ship and were one of them.

  2. What are the current BiS PVE relics? Currently im using two WH power relics i know those use to be BiS but has anyone done any extensive research on there own that proves the new dread guard relics are better then the WH ones. If there are please name the ones your using so that i can get an idea of what every one thinks. I play a annilation spec mara below is my link



  3. Im sure this is in another thread somewhere but i need clarafication here everything i read says get to 100% melee acc and 110% force acc but doesnt that mean my offhand will still miss i here claims that the offfhand will always have a chance to miss? the website i use is noxicc and it says on there 330 rating acc is the way it should be which equals 100% melee so the question here is that information right?
  4. This isn't a joke and im no ninja so please don't bring that kind of crap into this thread this is a real guild sell i have guild master over the guild and im willing to sell it im hopping for 5 million credits or best offer. It comes with 4 guild bank tabs which alone is worth 7 million credits the name of the guild is We Brake for Nobody its a old guild that died off and theirs no point in having it around anymore. You can hit me up in game on Kryptanite if interested.
  5. Guild Name: We Brake for Nobody

    Faction: Empire

    Guild Website: http://webrakefornobody.shivtr.com/

    What we cover (PvE/PvP/Dailys/Weeklys/Flashpoints/Operations/Rated PvP): 8 Man Only PVE, some PVP

    Guild Master: Hatestar

    Guild Officers: Trends, Liqui, Kryptanite

    Voice Comms (Mumble/Teamspeak/Ventrilo): We use Vent but that info is not public knowledge

    Operation Days/Times: Wed (6-9pm PST) Fri (7-10pm PST) Sun (6-9pm PST)

    Operation Progression: HM EC 4/4 SM TFB 4/5

    PvP/Rated Warzones: Were still gathering people for rateds some members do pvp daily.

    Recruiting (Yes/No): Yes

    Currently Recruiting (Classes/Roles/Levels): All Classes (Visit Website to apply)

    About Us/Description/Info: : We are a very laid back casual friendly raiding guild that loves to have fun and meet new people, we come from wound in the force before server mergers and the guild has been together since nearly launch of the game, we've gone through our ups and downs as a guild but we wont quit just got to keep pushing forward and try to have fun doing it.

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