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Posts posted by asciiadam

  1. I think you mean. The Harbinger. and interestingly enough i play on The Harbinger too but i dont have any Rep toons. Empire Forever!


    There is another faction? I thought there was only empire. Anyway, to the OP, stop buying stuff. You can level to 50 without spending 10 credits on anything but training. If you need money to train now(said you did) pvp is the way to go.

  2. No....It was Dallas. Here is his quote from Nov 8 2005 talking about the NGE....


    "The community has responded even more positively than I hoped," Dickinson stated. "We have been very confident that the enhancements (to the combat system especially) were both more fun and the right thing to do for the game. Those who have gotten into the game and tried it out are, for the most part, really happy and excited about what this means for the future of SWG."


    Yeah so why exactly would any company making a Star Wars game want him within 100 feet of their product is beyond me.


    How did I not know this? I went to both the dev breakfast in 04 and the dinner in 05. I can say at the time before the CU came out we were excited about it. I remember asking the question whether a Jedi that did not use a light saber would be viable. I really wanted to be a powers only Jedi in the CU. I also remember no one being excited about the NGE. The CU started the dumbing down of combat and crafting but the NGE took it to 2nd grade level.


    How in the world did we get someone from the SWG sandbox to the most linear MMO in history. My end game dream would be crafting a unique(stats) weapon or armor and selling it on a vendor in my house and then going to someone else's house and buying something off their vendor that I could not make.

  3. "The number of commendations in Champion and Battlemaster Bags has been greatly increased, and the direct item trade tokens appear less frequently in Champion Bags."


    You don't get Champion commendations in Champion bags, they're increasing the rate at which you get them from Battlemaster bags. So if you're already Rank 60 Valor, then yes, your rate of obtaining Champion gear will be buffed, but if you're not, it will be considerably nerfed.


    Way to post without reading everything! You win an internet sir!


    "Champion Bags now always contain 15 Centurion Commendations AND 7 Champion Commendations. Battlemaster Bags now always contain 15 Champion Commendations. So Centurion gearing up progression for new level 50s is increased significantly and Champion gearing up progression will be steady."

  4. If you are having issues on a planet I would suggest doing a few Warzones to level. That way you are a little ahead of the curve.


    I am only level 28 but I have yet to finish a quest on Tat. I just queue for a Warzone and then start questing and play every WZ that pops. I was level 26 before I set foot on Tat.


    It makes things a lot easier.

  5. So marathon runners have no skill because all they do is jog along. Anyone can jog after all, even if they are horribly out of shape.


    Who cares if one can do it for days and the only can only do it for a few seconds, they are exactly identical and should get the same medals.



    As someone who played the old games, where grinding meant something, and i dont mean EQ like games where you got to a cap 'eventually' and really just needed to hang in there and you would get there, i mean the games with no cap, where the game was to stay ahead of the rest, to keep your place on the ladder, and to try and overtake the person ahead of you, forever being chased by the person behind you. I can say that grinding is in fact HARD, you have to condition yourself for it, not just your body but also your mind, there are things you can do to keep your stamina up. People have died grinding.


    Marathon runners have no skill. It is a great accomplishment to run a marathon, but the only thing it takes, is the time to devote to running. No, I have not run a marathon, just a half marathon (13.1 miles), know why, it's because I did not have the time to devote to running. It's running. Anyone can do it. Same with this game.

  6. This is mearly a warning from a player that goes back to the ZX81 level of gaming and played UO/EQ1.


    Aiming the game at the below average skill/ability level will make this game the butt of the mmo world.


    Nothing in an MMO is hard!! Say what you really mean. Only the people that can spend 10 hours a day in a game should get the best gear. I don't have a job so I should get the best gear.


    Pushing buttons is not hard. Yes, there needs to be time sinks, but to claim "I'm in the top 85% is BS, you just have more time."

  7. Something is definitely out of balance. It might just be that the buffs and the Operative create the perfect storm. I think both need to be looked at thoroughly before a class gets nerfed outright.


    I can tell you it is buffs and maybe gear. I am a 50 scrapper (Operative mirror), and my big crits are 3.5k on low level players. I have 2 pieces of PvP gear and the relic and no stims. There are so many times that I open on someone and hit for 1.5k and proceed to get my butt handed to me in like 5 seconds.

  8. I'm not upset. I am a "hardcore" PvPer to the point that if I could start the game with level 50 toons I would. I hate leveling and story, yet I really like the game and the PvP in the game.


    They just need to split off the 50's from everyone else and get some world PvP going. Which will happen, so I am not worried.


    Great that 2 weeks into the game and people can complain about the PvP and random bugs instead of the servers crashing. NJ BW!

  9. I had the same feeling then I realized what it was. I was used to being max level. I thought about it and said to myself, "self, I really don't care much for the story but if I remember correctly, I hated leveling in just about every game I have played". I then said " self, remember that because you don't like leveling, and in an MMO, EVERY MMO, leveling is done solo. The game for you starts at 50".


    Thank you self, you are correct.


    Fixed my issue.

  10. Operative/Scoundrel is fine. They do a lot of burst damage because that is their role. Why should X suffer a nerf because Y does not know how to play correctly. They are strong in dealing burst damage because that's what the class was designed to do. The sustained damage is minimal. The only problem I can foresee with this spec is their healing. They may need to have healing toned down a bit when choosing a DPS spec, but that's a judgement I am going to put off until I complete my PvP set and get more experience against this spec as well as others.


    My heals at 46 hit for 1500 tops and have a cast time that can be pushed back / stopped. At this point 46 I have not learned to use them or they are crap. I will let someone that knows more than me make that call.


    For the amount of time it takes to cast I take a lot more damage being out of stealth than I can heal.

  11. I'm rolling mine right now! I need to knife people and then stealth afterwards because I can't handle myself in front of a person one on one sans stealth.



    The grass is not greener as you will see. The class is good, not going to lie. It is also pretty fun to play.


    The nerf calls here are from bad players that don't know what a counter in PvP is. Also the class is a real one trick pony, it is just that the trick it has really makes people mad. They freak out when hit from stealth and stand there like a deer in headlights until dead.

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