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Posts posted by maradigamer

  1. Already got one foot out the door, but on behalf of the people losing a large percentage of their matches (especially Republic sub 50, from what I saw):


    Way to imbalance things even more between winning and losing factions and pugs and premades. Way to make sure pug players have less gear and untrained skills while they level through pvp because they get 0 credits for a loss.


    What an ill-considered decision!

  2. Well have a good life HAHA try not to cry about as much stuff n the future OK? BYE.


    Case in point for why you shouldn't make these threads. It does no good whatsoever and brings out creatures like this to mock you.


    When you unsub, you get a chance to say why you're unsubbing. Anyone unsubbing over this issue should be sure to tell them the reason is premades.

  3. I unsubbed because I'm tired of losing to premades on my Republic toons and I expect it will only get worse with the upcoming changes.


    Vote with your wallet, because I find making threads like this one does no good at all. Premades don't belong in with pugs and vice versa. They never did, they never will, it will never be fun or fair to solo queue in this game.

  4. On the one hand, this ties yet another class's survivability even more closely to a healer and/or guard and/or CCer. On the other hand, it's always been this way for most melee.


    This game's pvp really isn't solo player friendly and the upcoming changes are going to make it even less so.


    Advice: Hate to say it, but go premade or go play something else.

  5. If Bioware had announced at launch, "Hey, in 3 or 4 months, the gear you're grinding for now will be easier for players who don't have it yet to get", almost everyone who grinded it out would still have grinded it out for the immediate advantage it gave. So the people who rushed to 50 and started grinding have lost nothing. You enjoyed your time of dominance, what's the problem?
  6. thats cool an all that.. but wait till the qqers get their teeth into GW2. will end up the same as this


    Except for the crowd that doesn't want to pvp without a gear advantage. They won't be playing GW2 at all.






    Please say they won't!

  7. yh but you got the key word in there. its still fun. Sorcs/sages are already squishy enough as is and now cant even kite ppl properly due to cl removal from wrath ect. the fun factor of the class will vanish quite fast i think as ppl are able to just lolnuke us down. Its bad enough melee already destroy us as is and with the changes to sorcs/sage luined with the other changes to melee.. its just going to become a melee fest


    I didn't find sorc/sage fun before, it got really boring to pve with and in pvp anytime you face a premade, they just burn down sorc first, if that sorc is actually healing or otherwise useful as far as utility and objectives.


    Sin is much more fun. Sorry the hybrid sorc kite spec got nerfed, didn't really mind fighting them, except when three or four worked well together, they're tougher in groups than any other class combo, imo. I didn't really care if anything got nerfed (of course I don't have the dps numbers bioware does, either), but there's no need to howl for a tankasin nerf when the hybrid already got nerfed. At least, no need to howl yet. If they breed like rabbits in the next few weeks and overrun rateds, then I'm sure the howling will get some attention.

  8. assassin hybrids got nerfed yes buyt their 31point builds are still strong. Sorc 31point builds are pathetic and from a competitive pov sorcs will be a very unloved class where assassins will still shine.


    not to mention when assassin hybrids got nerfed their other abilities got some buffs


    Someone in another thread is predicting rateds will be full of tankasins, if so, I'm sure they will get nerfed.


    Meanwhile, I'm happily playing a dps sin, not because it's better, even while leveling it isn't, but because it's more fun. So even if I'm still around for that, it won't affect me. In fact, maybe if tankasin does eat a nerf, the dps trees will get some love.

  9. People queue, then don't accept when it pops. Since they're putting a deserter penalty in for people who leave warzones, people who queue and then don't accept when it pops should suffer the same penalty. If you aren't going to play, don't queue. If you think you might not be able to accept, un-queue and then re-queue when you know you can play.
  10. They really have gone out of their way to destroy the hybrid build. Yet at the same time offered nothing in return. All this has done is made an already weak class vs melee a free kill.


    really am wondering tho.. how the **** did assassins avoid the nerf bat.. really? Or is BW going to do the same super tactic that Blizz has "there is q on the forums.. we must pander to it"


    Really not looking forward to 1.2 with this. and any chance at doing something usefull in rated wz has gone completely out the window. No burst, minimal control, no survivability and no ability to kite. Why take a sorc at all?


    It was my understanding that an assassin hybrid already got the nerf bat. So really? How did everyone miss that fact?

  11. Trust me, if they make it so PuGs are going against 8 man premades in Ranked play, they might as well take PvP out of the game :p


    Well, if they do that, I'm definitely taking my pvp out of the game, anyway. I don't pvp to get stomped on with no chance of fighting back, if I wanted that, I'd roll on a pvp server and wander around as a low level calling here ganker ganker ganker!

  12. There is no 4 man option. There will always be 8 mans around, especially with cross server queues. Solo and 8 man are 2 separate ratings, thus 2 separate queues.


    Hey, no one wants to be wrong on this one more than me, because then I can resub. I'm not pugging against 4 and 8 mans. I will be so happy if I'm wrong!

  13. No...what would be the point of a solo queue option then? It's 2 different brackets. Besides, if you're an 8 man premade going against other 8 man premades, there's no ROOM for PuGs...


    The reason I think 4man and solos will end up queued against 8mans sometimes is because there is no way the 8man queues will pop often enough if they don't have filler from 4man and solo players when another 8man isn't available.

  14. Already shelved mine. Probably because the only hybrid I was interested in was a dps/heal hybrid for solo warzone queuing and I never could stay interested in the class long enough to get 40ish levels so I could test some out. Something about sorc in pve makes me yawn and the pvp is only good when not against a premade.
  15. No, I did not come from WoW. My last game before this one was LOTRO, then I resubbed to Aion for a month, was kicking around in AoC before that, have tried damn near everything. I played WoW for a little while, but it wasn't the game I played the longest out of all of them, either.
  16. Simple fix if this becomes widespread. Award xp and only xp at the 1/4 timer, the 1/2 timer, the 3/4 timer, and the last bit after the match ends. Do not award anything else this way. Very few people will leave a match solely for a fraction of the xp they would get if they stay, and if they were going to leave they would anyway. Meanwhile, twink problem solved.
  17. But they already said it.

    2 ques.

    One for OPS and groups(2 players=group)

    And one for solo PUGs. separate ranking.


    This would be great, as long as those two queues put players in two different warzones. I'll believe it (and resub) when I see it.

  18. The same reason some people don't like to


    Be forced to pvp

    Be forced to watch people from the opposite faction stroll past without consequence

    Have to meet high requirements for gear

    See gear given out for free to everyone


    Have crafting be worthless

    use a LFG tool

    form groups without LFG tools


    And so on. Entertainment is subjective. Some people enjoy grouping. Others prefer to avoid the encumberance of others. It's not about hardcore versus softcore. Plenty of people played Diablo 2 hardcore, and that was perfectly soloable. It's just about play styles.


    Some people are terrified of being "forced to pvp." Other people find carebear coddling intolerable. There are many such dichotomies in MMOs because you have a single gaming environment that is trying to accommodate the desires of multiple types of gamers at once.


    Can't say it better than this.



    I will add though that I was more willing to group in the past before MMO communities in general grew larger while declining in quality.

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