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Posts posted by Otys

  1. I invested in the Razer Naga. Best item I have purchased since my SSD. The only cons I could find were the placement of the Back/Forward buttons, almost out of reach to be comfortable and I have traditionally used one of these for auto run.


    The bottom row of side buttons are not as accessible as the rest of the side buttons but still not near as bad as the back/forward buttons. I would however be in a terrible position if I did not have my mouse because being able to bind the side buttons to any key has resulted in my hotbars being far from organized. Some of my most common utility spells are sitting in the 7,8,9,0,-,= position. Others on the side hotbar.


    Another great thing is the Razer Synapse 2.0 software. I sometimes use my wife's PC. The mouse settings are saved to an online profile. When using a different computer all you need is to install the Razer software and log into your account. All your custom settings are there. It also allows on the fly DPI adjustments.


    LINK to Naga


    Cheaper on amazon...

  2. I bugged this the other day, it happens to me every time I cross specific doorways. Most memorable is in HM BT when you cross the doorway into the room where the large 4 legged droids sit. It is always fixed when I use the Tram (zoning). It has nothing to do with mechanics. We have waited several minutes for all debuffs and such to fade.


    CTRL UU does not help either. Dieing or Zoning are the only ways I have corrected the issue.

  3. After watching this video earlier posted you can easily see the initial heal for 800ish followed by 11 ticks in the 300s (minus crits of course).





    Watch that Consular heal after the knock back into lava at 1:35. Count the Hots after the initial heal. Still 11.

  4. I have been experimenting in FPs using Purge when it looks like it should have a positive effect and making a note of the icons it removes. Within each FP the effects/icons are decently consistent. There are several icons that are removed every time. Trial and error, not the best system but if you are dedicated to healing you will be that much stronger.


    I have used this method to determine which I cannot remove as well. I liked the option in LOTRO to "Show Dispellable Debuffs Only". Dispellable effects only displayed on Raid/Party frames and you could see the whole list when you selected a player. LOTRO also had options for "Show Target of Target" and "Skill Target Forwarding" (heal the tank through the boss mob/damage the mob targeted by selected party member). Combined this made healing loads easier. I suppose the positive to not having any of these effects is if they decide to implement any of them we will all be really skilled healers, doing it the hard way for so long.

  5. In beta I started as full healer spec for warzones at lvl 22. I was largely unimpressed with the strength of my heals and soon re-specced Madness. I lost a bit of healing but made up substantially in the damage department. There is a great potential for multiple characters off-healing and contributing the DPS needed to succeed. Add this to the universal shield the Sorcerer gets and you get more leeway on healing required.


    I wouldn't say a Sorcerer HAS to be the main healer but no matter the spec you can take some of the healing load when required.


    There are some nice healing talents higher in the skill tree that will make the Sorcerer a strong main healer.

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