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Posts posted by Fireside

  1. I am trying to transfer off Ven Zallow; when i click on my character everything says full.


    And it won't let me so not sure what is up.


    Nevermind I see my destination server is full of my characters already. That kind of sucks...i hate to tell them this but server to server transfer isn't going to do much for population problems they need multiple clusters to one predestination server for this to do anygood.

  2. I am sorry to say but games that start to fall behind go free to play and that is where this one is going to be eventually.


    I predict in 9-12 months if they don't get there **** straight you will see a very different number of subs. I cancelled and purchased that CoE. I am going to let the cash up front bite me for now, if it gets any better I may be back.


    For anyone that thinks this game is going to have 10 million customers or even break 900k after 6 months needs to look at what it on the horizon coming out. SWToR has peaked now the back slide starts because they didn't have everything together at the begging.


    And before you go and say WoW was terrible when it came out, I know I was there but there was different types of gamers than, now people are not so kind as to wait and let alone on an EA game considering their track record.

  3. Colors, did you say COLORS, Colors who thinks about COLORS when buying a mouse, Seriously COLORS?



    Should I get the SWTOR Razer Naga, Naga Epic, or Normal Naga again.


    I can't play without the Naga, since I've gotten used to it. Playing with a normal mouse is pretty dull and I'm a bit dependent on the awesome 12 button thumb pad.


    The SWTOR Razer Naga looks decent. The problem I have with the normal Naga is that its a little small. The SWTOR Naga is a little bit bigger.


    The Epic has the side rests that's inner changeable, just like the SWTOR version. Just black, and can have more colors.


    I've had this mouse since fall/winter of 2009. And it's been perfect since then. A few minor bumps thats been fixed. But slowly its losing wiring contact or something. And it sounds a good time to get a new one.


    Which should I get?


    If you have nothing good to say, don't bother.

  4. For me the game doesn't feel alive. It feels like a bunch of back drops with nothing going on.


    Things flying over you in the air doesn't make a game sorry and things are on the ground seem like the are out of place.


    Go into a cantina and you pretty much have seen one you have seen them all. I think just about everyone has that holo of a dancing Twi'lek. I get sick of seeing it.

  5. I probably would walk away if I knew than what I know now.


    I purchased the CE box and regret my purchase because unless things change the game is going to be collecting dust.


    Right now it is in a pretty rough state and I have played every MMORPG out there, and this is the only game I have regretted the purchase.

  6. Agreed, it's very obvious now that most of their budget went into VO and not the parts of an MMO that actually matter.


    I don't undertand this because the people they got to do voice overs are like no bodies. Unless they have some throwed in there we don't know about. I mean come on we all better get in that business if they are making this kind of money.


    I say BS the money was dwindled away.

  7. I found that when I was finding questing to be boring, I stopped doing side quests and focused only on my class line and the main quest chain in the area, as they're generally a lot more interesting.


    Also, grouping for the heroics helps alleviate the feeling that questing inevitably will always give.




    How can you tell the main story line from the side quests in the area? I can see the class but not sure how your seeing the other, maybe that will help.

  8. Same here I have a Sent I just don't even want to log onto anymore. And at higher lvls the pvp exp is terrible anyway.


    Not sure what it is but I find myself on the forums more than in the game.


    I think I am trying to justify why I spent $150 on the CE edition. Bad move for me.

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