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Posts posted by Pashgan

  1. You can't have world PvP with graphic engine dropping to 0-10fps on lowest settings with barely 50 toons on screen of 1 year old computer. Not to mention moments when you are being harpooned into enemy group and game freeze for 2-10+ seconds.


    Other reasons aren't important.

  2. Imagine purchasing car with 3 wheels or without door(s). That is SWTOR "1.0" - without mercenary commendation rewards, engine output 0-5fps on ilum on 1 year old computer, RNG champion and battlemaster bags, buggy HM and operations, no legacy. No wonder people quit in mass because they expected different quality instead of *this*.


    If SWTOR were physical product its seller should offer some substantial repairs or compensation for early adopters. Something like +1 wheel, doors, child seat. Instead we got a sticker - "Founder" title.


    I believe bonus month for those who subscribed for 1+ months could be much more appropriate in this case.

  3. This is my last day of subscription and most likely I'll never come back because


    1) game doesn't have anything really interesting ("really interesting" = open world PvP and casual/solo PvE gameplay with gear progression) + my top5 EU server will be deserted in a couple of months and


    2) subscription system rejected my credit card and I do not want to pay for 60 days time cards because of 1)


    Suggestion: make 1 month time cards - as it's done for Rift for example. Also CCP offer discounted subscription for EVE Online 2-3 times per year - could be nice to see anything like that in SWTOR (and fixed subscription facility too - so it could accept my card which was perfectly fine to purchase the game from Origin).


    Thanks and bye!

  4. 60 BM bags, 16 tokens. Got 4 during last week.


    Promised myself to resubscribe if I'll get 17th token (to purchase off-hand, got 2 tokens waiting) but it didn't drop today/yesterday - so my subscription expires today.

  5. Knowing EA I'd say - no "free" (covered by subscription fee) stuff for you. Pay for subscription, pay for transfer, pay for legacy transfer, etc. etc.


    Meanwhile 0 days left on subscription - can't wait for promised / basic functionality implementation any more. My top5 EU server is going to die in a couple of months anyway.

  6. Probably there will be 400k subscribers in May and 300k in June (after 1.2 "re-subscribers" expire). Most people today don't want to pay for beta-testing.


    On my popular EU server game already lost 3/4 of population during just 2 months (350 ppl in fleet in mid-January => barely 100 ppl now).


    P.S. Subscription has 0 days left, won't resubscribe after 1.2 - no open world PvP, no "free" (paid from subscriptions) server transfers, no dual spec.

  7. Exactly.


    My subscription ends today and I'm leaving the game with bitter taste and feeling I paid $60 for beta-test. Even 1.2 doesn't look like full release to me: there is no open world PvP (half of StarWars universe), there are no merc commendation rewards, no server transfers, no double spec, etc. etc. Game still not comfortable enough to continue subscription.


    Release of half-finished game 3 months ago was a big mistake - on my server game already lost 3/4 of its population during just two months (from 350 ppl in fleet in January to barely 100 during peak hours now) and most of those who left obviously didn't like the game and will spread their bad attitude towards BW and the game for years - in blogs, on forums.


    Also it was huge mistake to delay all changes to one big 1.2 patch 4 months after release instead of smaller weekly / monthly patches: there is no feeling of evolution within the game - just nerfes, minor bugfixes which obviously too slow and doesn't make game any more interesting.

  8. Subscription expires tomorrow. I don't believe ops, flashpoint and single warzone can make this game less dull - especially with open world PvP removed (it was my only activity within the game for the last 1.5 months).


    This game still doesn't worth monthly fee because there is no interesting activity after few weeks of lvl50.

  9. Win 3 warzones takes up to 5 hours to finish, vanishing server population and no free transfers, daily quests bugged for months, RNG in champion and BM bags, no merc commendations for ilum, 0-10fps on ilum on 1 year old computer, developers busy making miracle 1.2 patch instead of improving game on weekly/monthly basis, weak interface + no macros = player has to have coordination like pro musician, etc. etc. etc. All my thoughts summarized in single sentence: game released in beta-test stage.


    BW should release game with 1.2 patch included + better testing. Meanwhile my subscription expire tomorrow and I'm leaving with bitter taste and most likely I'll never come back and never buy any MMOs labeled "Bioware" or "EA" (got similar experience with Warhammer).


    See you in F2P SWTOR!

  10. I enjoy pvp in SWTOR actually ....


    Yes, I enjoy ilum too - just it lasts only 20 minutes now + my 1 year old computer is trying to set itself on fire due to overheating. And ilum will be removed in 1.2 + those 20 minutes daily doesn't worth subscription fee.


    If only devs were smart enough to add 10 merc commendations per each ilum kill ...

  11. PvP sucks, PvE is boring, engine is weak and bugged, no new content => people leave. Also many doesn't believe 1.2 (aka +2 instances, +1 warzone) may save the game because our experience says it will be bugged, delayed, and exploited beyond any recognition.


    Wait for +5-7 days: there is subscription deadline in March, 18 and many will leave. Including my toons.

  12. This ***** company rejected my credit card (which was perfectly fine when I used it to purchase the game) for subscription and I was forced to activate subscription using 2 months time card. However I was bored to hell during first month of the game and now the only purpose of my expiring subscription is to crap all other the forums. For 2 months.


    So enjoy my (oh so unpleasant to fanbois) company for 6 more days =)

  13. Yup - came to SWTOr after Rift just to realize how great are Rift's engine and developers team. Guild levels, world events, achievements, festivals, etc. etc.


    Only two things aren't good about Rift: non-existent world PvP and non-StarWars universe.


    P.S. Quitting SWTOR in 6 days. Game became boring 2 weeks after lvl50 (i.e. 1.5 months ago). For sure 1.2 will be buggy as hell and I doubt Bioware is capable to create non-boring content lately.

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