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Posts posted by Usunar

  1. Hello, now the only proper way to raise valor rank after 50-55 is to go on the Ilum, but if you just dont want to go on the laggy-Ilum or on your realm there's just not enough action there or just because of the faction disbalance on realm you dont have any other choise, you have to go on the wz and farm for a years because for example at 55 you need 30K valor, at 60+ this numbers are even more astronomic.Per warzone you have in average about 1K with 5-6 medals(assuming you're winning and losing, thats why 1K) which is too low.I'm not asking to lower the valor needed, i'm just suggesting to increase the valor gain from warzones, and add a valor as a reward for the pvp daily quests.
  2. This 1.1.2 version is even worse than previous, now its completely unreal to "read" the bars and effectively manage abilities.Please, just return the very first version, that was from the launch(or at least the 2nd/previous version) or make an option to change them.You are triying to invent the bicycle, but it is getting only worse, for the 2nd time allready, there's allready the fine solution, the very first version(that was from the launch) was nearly perfect and intuitive compairing to this two, just needed some polishing, and thats all.
  3. With the new ability backlight system it is very hard and uncomfortable to accurate manage abilities, especially when a few seconds of a cooldown left, or wneh cd is long.The old system lights the ability only when it is off a cd and you have a resources, now its lightened just if you have resources for it, another words allways, the only way to see that its ready is to see is ability affected by gcd or not, or to bind your eyes and all of your focus to the bars, not to the combat.With the old system you can clearly see that ability is ready, it was very intuitive, like in any othe game.With the new 1.1 system its like a learning to play again, so please, return the old one or make an option between new and old systems
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