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Posts posted by sixthousand

  1. Fanbois have to realize that criticism is valid. This game heavily lacks endgame content, and pvp is lackluster at best. Bugs are a whole other issue. The game has promise but I doubt through lots of mmo experience it will get fixed in time. There are just too many issues.


    Should have waited another year before release.


    And please....no "But WoW was terrible when it first came out!" Yes I know this...and I also know how patetically low gamer expectations are when we base out expectations off of a gmae that came out almost 10 years ago. This is not the first mmo flop. The industry in and of itself cannot produce good games anymore.



    loads of MMO experience eh? you played wow for a couple months?

  2. Why do we even need PvP gear?

    Why not make more creative rewards than a "win stat", Like I hinted at the bottom of my OP people only want it because they have decided all MMO's need to have the stuff WoW had or they are fail.


    Incentives can be bragging rights, exclusive titles and mounts, vanity armour/weapons. And people could have the incentive to PvP because it is fun maybe....

    Everything should be rewarded but once these rewards start to take away from other players they are more like punishments to the rest of the players. Anyway I am a PvP'er I have more skill than most PvE'ers I don't want to have a stat to beat them for me, offer me a vanity item that let's people know I am ****** and I will be happy.





    oh man this was a good one

  3. LFG is not broken, if you cant find healers or tanks that is not the fault of the LFG system. Rather it is your fault for not playing a tank or healer, and all the others on your server for wanting to play the LEET DPS. Lack of a type of class has nothing to do with the LFG system.


    Also, this is a working LFG system, it works, its not easy mode click a button and a group will be formed for you. It requires a little work and patience, something gamers today dont want to do. They want everything handed to them on a platter, they dont want to work for it, just give it to em, instant satisfaction, and most of them have the balls to think they are entitled to it. Get a clue, good thing require a littel effort, try playing a needed class and making your group, you might actually succede.



    So everyone should play tanks and healers? that's gonna be a long boss fight

  4. They're just trying to cover their butts. The fact is people have always been able to go inside the bases, why else would the super turrets be inside??? We've always been able to walk in the enemy base, knowing the super turrets could mow us down but with a big enough group we can push in.


    If they really didn't intend for stuff like yesterday to happen, they would have had it so that you die instantly upon entering like in WZ's at release. They think people are stupid, I guess. The fact is they're amateurs and have no clue what they're doing when it comes to pvp, and they should at least save face and admit this. Being silent and ignoring people is not the way BW should be going, but they've been doing that since general beta so....


    another armchair dev HAH


    you guys should apply to BW and fix everything for them /cheer

  5. We got options. We are their bosses. We pay their bills. They need to listen to us and take action. This has gone of far enough with maintanence in mid game time for europeans and never for americans.


    they claim its the time when least players play. they are of course now showing any kind of statistics proving this is the case. They just want you to take their word for it.


    same as they claim they "spoken with players and listen to their ideas" and yet when asked they dont produce any player or any names.


    Its all smoke an mirror and they are not caring about the customers at all.


    It is time we in europe send the company a signal that either you sit up and pay attention or we will go to another game.


    Bugs needs ficing, game needs maintaining, we all agree on that. But what we do NOT agree on is that the schedualled time for doing this is during daytime and now evening time for europeans.


    In the name of fairness we in europe should demand (not request, not just "its a good idea" or even suggest) that the maintanence times vary, let the americans as well taste it when their game time is interrupted for maintanence in their prime time.


    Thats what fair play means, to be equal to everyone, let everyone feel the sting of not being able to play.


    Now the americans are going to go "quit whining etc" cause its not hitting them and their attitude is always "better you get hit than we do and we are the rulers of the world" but in reality there is more subscribers that gets hit by this than there is americans.


    so how do one send the company a signal? for one every EU subscriber that has had enough of this can cancel their subscription. after the company notices a drop in revenue or subscribers they will take action.


    dont believe it happens? check out blizzard. they make an entire expansion to flirt with the asian subscribers to get the millions of them on the blizzard side. thats while they lose subscribers in the million...


    so BW I challenge you as a company to listen to the EU subscribers and be fair. either split up the maintanence in 2 and do it night time for both sides of the world or start shelling out free time to comepnsate for the lack of play that europeans have.


    Soon the newspapers and the public will notice how bad this is done and same thing that happend with Final Fantasy XIV is gonna happen with SWTOR. They either go FTP while fixing all issues or they drop subscribers until nothing is left and they have to start all over again.


    The board members of the company wont be very happy if expected earnings starts dropping... believe that.



    it's been a month ffs, i really can't wait till all you complaining *** ******* lose your forum access

  6. my understanding of code releases is far greater than you will ever know. but i can spot poor development when i see it. see poor code/planning happen for the sake of $ and deadlines all the time.


    doesnt make it ok.


    Daring Dev of mystery,

    writer of the code,

    sits in his lazy chair, making things all right,

    armchair thinks hes right.

    somewhere some bug needs cleaned,

    But his codes corrupt!


    (3-2-1) Armchair dev!

    Armchair Dev (Let's get dangerous)

    Armchair Dev (Armchair, Armchair Dev!)


    Cloud of Cheetoh dust and he appears,

    Master of surmise.

    Who's that cunning mind behind

    That virginity disguise?

    Nobody knows for sure,

    But bad bugs are out of luck.


    'Cause here comes (Armchair Dev)

    Look out!

    Armchair Dev!

  7. Ok let me ask you this.


    So far, the biggest issues in pve and pvp have not been resolved, instead only minor issues have.


    What makes you think that they will be?


    or better yet:


    Why pay, when you can just wait till they fix them?





    Sometimes a problem takes a little more time to fix then a minor bug fix patch, but im sure you armchair developers knew that /smirk

  8. How hard is it for a GM to come into the game and fix the guy named Cross for his pvp exploit he does every single huttball game? Filed 3 tickets today on this guy and nothing. I know this game has bugs and the devs are about worthless when it comes to know their own game but this is rediculous.



    they are bogged down from all the ******* that keep putting in tickets about exploits....oh wait

  9. Quote:

    Originally Posted by Aisar

    I need to see any and all misleading videos showing high res textures removed from the site and any advertisement spots. I need to see a public statement from someone at Bioware (I don't care who) admit that high res textures will never be in the game because their engine cannot support it.


    If not, seriously looking into this whole annoying thing about filing a complaint and letting the proper legal channels know what is going on. There are rules and laws for a reason people. (The only reason I have not done it is because I am lazy, which is not a good excuse to not fight for my rights)


    Same thing with voting, if you do not vote for the President you can't complain or make a change that you think will be better.



    Originally Posted by Forgon

    Tell me you are kidding.




    I am sorry did I stutter? No, of course I am not kidding.


    ahh so you're an arm chair lawyer and developer? good to know! ill inform CNN and update my twitter

  10. Agreed, WoW as far as I'm concerned was the epitome of unbalanced class design.


    Roll a Feral, Rogue if you want every advantage in most all pvp formats in the game and want to feel as if you are better then 90% of the players you meet, when in reality its because of the class.


    Roll a warrior if you are completely unable to play but still want to crit peoples face off and be an unstoppable killing machine that is the center of group pvp. Yeah.. this was bad.


    you know how i know you don't play wow heh

  11. Yep. Orange gear is sadly only viable up to the point where you stop levelling and start end game.


    4 piece sets + critted purple drop schematic craft for select pieces are the way to go for the rest.


    I've ranted enough about how both pvp and pve sets look like UTTER GARBAGE, but I suppose I'll say that once again.


    They look like utter garbage.


    And the only way to be effective endgame, one must disregard any sense of aethetics and subscribe to one designer's questionable artistic vision. =(.


    I realize that I will sound childish when I'll say this, but I will not be resuming my subscription if the situation is not remedied. I refuse to pay to play the game where my character is forced to be ugly in order to enjoy post story content.


    of all the inane drivel Ive read on this forum this has to be the winner

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