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Posts posted by Saix

  1. Mine are inborn. I'm a high-functioning autistic with high I.Q. I don't look at it as a disability, though. I've always told people, in my own words, that my condition to me is a liberation from the status quo, and I like to bask in it. I don't medicate either. As an aspiring journalist, I feel it would alter the chemicals in my brain a bit too much, and I would lose that creative "flow" in my own mind, and also with my partner.
  2. As someone with high functioning autism and social anxiety I agree, at least for myself. If I join a group and the other member(s) offer a greeting then I'll greet them as well. I'll communicate as needed or required in order to keep the group effective, or when etiquette and common courtesy dictate. I rarely initiate things when involving others I don't know such as creating a group and/or being group leader. (I do gradually "warm up" when it comes to conversation, but this typically takes longer than an average PUG lasts.)


    I usually decline blind invites unless I can see the player is nearby and appear to be working on the same mission. Even then there is normally a greeting and/or asking if I'm doing the same mission once I've joined. There have been times when I joined a group and no one said anything, we'd follow each other, complete our task(s) in the area and then disband.


    Plotenox - The placement of the vowels in "kirou-habbua" made me think it might not be gibberish. I did a search and it searched for "Kirou Habbo" listing sites that mostly seemed French, there was also a similar term "cria habbo" which appears to be related to some online social game in Portuguese. My guess is you probably encountered a player who is from Brazil.


    As someone with a high level of understanding for French, Kirou Habbo sounds like it is of Algerian or some sort of North African origin. The language culture in that area is a mixture of French and Arabic.

  3. I'm an INTJ personality. I scored 100% introvert. I honestly prefer in many ways to communicate with people in non-physical ways, as I do not enjoy many of the norms of face-to-face contact, such as eye contact, and especially touch. Using text and voice chat options allows me to be a bit more open with people than I usually am. I will honestly say that my aversion to social interactions is based more on annoyance with these "Type A personalities" than anxiety, though.
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