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Posts posted by Draequin

  1. Well I totally agree with the OP. PvP now sucks on C. Run. We were one of the better servers as far as pop and those who pvp'ed earned their badges as good/great pvp'ers due to the 6 month history of that server. We learned against some great imp. pvp'ers and we learned together, and geared up together.


    Now we have diluted that core grp with so many people that are way, way under geared, who dont have lvl 75 + valor (meaning little time in the 'ring') and who havent grasped the basic strategies that our original server pvp'ers learned way back when thru countless beatings.


    Yes, the server merges were necessary-and I also will say its not the fault of those transfers-I totally understand the lack of a pop. had most everything to do with the given situation but regardless of what caused it-it IS evident in a very obvious way. I dont really care about wins or losses, but seeing the absolute basic mistakes being made over and over blows. Yeah you can scream make a pre-made and you'd be right, it is now a must in order for me to continue pvp'ing but frankly pre-mades are practically a given to win and thats not a fair fight imo when one side can communicate 10x easier than the other which after a while grows extremely old knowing you can whipe the floor against 90% of the teams faced.


    Say what you want-but I know for a fact I am not alone in this train of thought on Corellian Run. Frankly, Im not in the mood to go thru what we went thru in the first months of the game and thats exactly what it is - 5 steps backwards.

  2. What kills me about ranked wz's: I've been in 3 guilds now that have all deteriorated into nothing'ness. I started with a guild from another game that came over-all left but me and one other. Joined another guild fairly large-1.2 comes out all gone but me. Now in my 3rd guild, I rarely see more than 2 others online. Theres know way I'm the only one in this pradicament either.


    Given this coupled with no solo ranked queing how fun will ranked wz's be? I can tell you right now. They will suck because it will be one guild dominating one side. The losing side will simply move to solo play where they dont have to put up with the BS. Mark my words-ranked wz's without solo rank wz's will fail.

  3. I understand you can move the mods, what i dont understand is the 4 slot that is appearing in orange armor. If I buy a purple war hero piece yes i can take out the mods and move into an orange piece, but that doesnt account for the 4th slot that I keep seeing (augment slot). May be I'm making this more difficult than it needs to be but i just dont understand where/how the 4th slot comes into play. Thanks for your reply though.
  4. So am going to go ahead and open myself up to flaming but am confused on pvp armor. I see folks with orange war hero armor that is augmented giving them higher stats than the war hero trade in /purple piece. How is it these orange pieces have a fourth slot for augmenting? Is there some step I'm missing to get the most out of my armor as I thought the purple would beat the orange all day over simply due to the requirements of the purple pieces...
  5. Best response is to just report them. I probably reported about 10-15 people yesterday from the fatman. I add these people to my friends list, and from what I can tell they get a 2-3 week ban most of the time.


    It's just so obvious, when you stun someone and they aren't using their immunity, and jerk all over the place... that's a hack. When they are warping all over you, blinking that's a hack. When you kill someone and they teleport back to their corpse 1 second later... that's a hack. When they go from attacking 1 node to the other side of the map instantly that's a hack. When they grab the ball and score .1 seconds later that's a hack. When they cap from inside the door in VS that's a hack. I'm almost valor 85 at this point and I have seen it all lol.


    CS does have the tools to detect it. Just put your tickets in.


    This is is exactly what I see from a number of guilds/players on Correlian Run. More so I see (and hear from other players) immunity to stuns & cc abilities with the player in question having no 'white bar' resolve built. The speed hack is absolutely terrible as it makes huttball and voidstar virtually unplayable for the 'playing fair' team. I almost told myself last night that I would drop any huttball match regardless simply because of the issue being so absolutely terrible. This should be a major concern for Bioware imo as I myself would not want someone manipulating a product I spent 150 + mil on building.

  6. I feel your pain. I'm a level 50 sage fully specc'ed to heal. Prior to 1.2 I had 50% champ/50% battlemaster gear and considered myself to be a good healer. Not the best-but far from the worst. Sage is the only class I've played even being a part of beta for 3 months so think I know the class pretty well as far as cc'ing, running when necessary and of course healing multiples without aoe heal bomb.


    After 1.2 there was definitely a reduction in everything for a sage meaning healing ability and survivability. Certain classes can chew me up in 3 to 4 hits while not one class am I a threat to 1 vs 1. However I do beleive this has actually made me a smarter player by forcing me to expand my style of play. I tend to make much better use of line of sight. I no longer run with the group-I run behind the group. Before a warzone starts I'll ask a tank where he's going and say im following him-this usually generates a guard bubble for me. All in all its just a matter of taking your talent to a higher level inorder to be that much more viable. Another thing I've noticed is there arent as many healers now in general (beleive this was stated above as well) so being one means your team appreciates your efforts that much more. Many matches now I find I am the sole healer where as before I could be one of four.


    In summary I'd say hang in there, continue to progress with armor (it really does make all the difference) and Bioware will eventually get caught up with the healer spec's. Good luck to ya.

  7. Seriously - If this armor (and by armor-I mean the majority of all the war hero armor...) came across my desk from a design team I'd friggin fire them all. Not only do the designs look crappy-the colors are horrid. You couldnt even get cool colors!!! A damn star wars cartoon has done better... Nice fail ontop of fail. Can't wait for ANYTHING mmo to come out as ANYTHING has to be better than the amount of crap handed to the player base with 1.2.
  8. I found it very dis-heartening to pvp last night with 1.2 for many of the same reasons listed in this thread. Even had one match where there was zero reward in comms, valor, xp, & credits because we got steam rolled so badly. Main reason we got steam rolled: once people saw a difficult oponent they simply dropped. Had 5 drops that match. For those of us that stayed we got crapped on by BW & their 1.2 changes.


    I solo pvp and rely on the other pugs to progress in armor & skill to further the chance of a win which on my particular server are far and few between. With these changes all I see is an already wide gap widening even further. One person asked the question 'how long do you think people will continue to get beat up for no reward?' I can answer that-they friggin wont. Thanks for crapping on pvp bioware...

  9. I don't get the pvp relics. After having received two champion relics I was pretty stoked to add these to my arsenal of defenses but found them grey'ed out as in not able to use. Thought no big deal as this was the case for other relics when rezoning and I'd simply re-assign the relics to hot bar and voila-problem solved.


    However this doesnt work for the pvp relics. They remain grey even after re-assigning to hotbar. Is it a bug? Didnt find anything stating there were others having this problem so am curious as to what is wrong, be it me or the game. Any insight would be great!

  10. I stick it out for every single WZ no matter what. There's always a chance of winning, even when you don't expect it, and you're rewarded with Valor even when you lose. Leaving and requeueing is just a waste of time when you could be grinding valor.


    Same, and kudoz to those who stick it out. I too use to mouse over op's groups to see levels til I made an off comment about being doomed due to lowbies and ended up having an awesome match with a win.


    I also know that true pvp'ers (which I am not-) enjoy the challenges not the face stomps.

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