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Posts posted by chaosdefined

  1. Also, it is possible to tell a story without resorting to long bouts of dialogue. Having to stop every ten minutes or so (or even less at the beginning and end) of a FP to go through speeches and dialogue options really breaks the pacing of a FP.

    I'm not saying remove all the dialogue scenes, I do like some of them, but it'd be nicer if there wasn't so many of them in FP's that were already quite lengthy.

  2. This. Especially step 2. In all of the flashpoints, there is a lot of trash that can be skipped. In some flashpoints, even bosses can be skipped if you know how to do it right.


    This does help, but communication is the key and unfortunately with pugs that's something that can often be forgotten or ignored.

  3. You really dont want to listen to constructive criticism do you?

    Every time someone says something that is remotely against you, you get all up and jumpy about it.


    And he has a point. Esseles takes literally 25 minutes with a decent group.

    The only FP i have found that takes ages is D7 and even that was an hour and a half, maybe.


    Hell, i did my first LI run the other day, never done it before, we wiped 3 times on the robot boss, that still only took less than an hour. And i was running through with not the best of tank gear.


    Like i said, which wasnt an "Immature post"

    Find a group of friends, join a FP/Ops guild that does fast run throughs, or ask in the fleet chat about quick runs.

    Use your initiative.


    If all else fails, maybe just stick to WoW and their 15 minute crap.


    That's really rich coming from you, the person whose first post was a tantrum as if my suggestion was a personal attack against you and then suggested I just leave the game. No I'm afraid that does not remotely qualify as a mature response.


    And I call you a liar at doing Esseles in 25 minutes. But please, prove me wrong but providing video evidence of you completing it in that time, at the required level for it.

  4. This a problem of pugging and the lfg tool.


    The problem is that there isn't a flashpoint that takes more than 45 mins if you are with a decent group. I have had some experience with people who decided to take a shower in the middle of an fp and who then stop towards the end because they have to go....anyways I digress.


    The flash points are really not too long. The problem isn't there, it's in the people playing. No flash point takes an hour and a half unless people are the cause of the problem. It's not the game. So trying to fix things in the game when the problem isn't the game doesn't seem like a solution to me.


    I'd love to know which Flashpoints take less than 45 minutes...unless of course it's because you seriously outlevel or outgear it.


    Even with a decent group space-barring our way through it without wiping once, most Flashpoints still take around one hour + due to the amount of trash mobs and running around through different loading screens going from maps the size of some worlds.

  5. Here's my two cents---No. I only just recently ran Esseles for the first time ever since beta, and I absolutely loved the dialogue, the story, the action, and everything about it except for a strange bug where I fell through the floor after force leaping. If you don't like dialogue and flashpoints that are too long because of it, you should have everyone agree to spacebar.

    On the other hand, yes, I agree that doing Esseles for the 12th time is rather redundant when it comes to listening to the story. That is why THERE IS a spacebar option. Let those enjoy the dialogue and expect what they came for, but your suggestion pretty much goes against Bioware's goal to create an immersive, story-driven game.


    There is a spacebar, but that has no effect when like I said someone in the party doesn't use it. And it's very difficult to get a group who all agree to spacebar through the dialogue.


    My suggestion doesn't go against BW's choice of a story driven game, I didn't say remove all the dialogue I just asked that perhaps in future there wasn't so much of it.

  6. exept bt/esseles those conversations last less than a minute and are for me a chance to drink something or eat something. make it clear at start you want to skip dialogue and if you are in the minority then go with the majority or fing another group


    I usually ask at the beginning if everyone would be ok with skipping through the excessive amounts of conversations, however if it's someone's first time there and they want to know the story then I won't complain to them about it. My first time running the FP's I wanted to hear all the stories, it's just once it gets to your third and fourth time you get a little bored of the amount of dialogue.

  7. Why dont you find a guild/some friends and just do quick run throughs.

    Its people like you that i hate in FPs.


    "Just SPACEBAR. Come on. Quick. Spacebar!!"


    How about **** and go back to another MMO without any storyline whatsoever.

    Im a tank so fortunately, i can sit there and watch every single cutscene because no one is gonna kick the tank. It takes hours to get a new one.


    Even though ive seen the cutscene 6/7 times its still enjoyable to watch.


    Instead of whining about how some people try to actually play the game, just LFG in general chat on fleet for a fast run.

    There is always people in the same boat as you. Using your initiative will take you far.


    Kindly put your toys back in your pram and act like a mature adult please.

  8. Perhaps this is just me, but as much as I enjoy Flashpoints (despite being incredibly repetitive, honestly no more space stations for a while...) I do feel they are a bit too long.

    I sit and think "I've got just over an hour to waste, maybe I could do a Flashpoint?" but half the time that statement ends up false. Putting aside however long it takes to get a group we usually have someone who doesn't spacebar through the dialogue and that combined with the sheer length of the FP usually means it'll be over an hour and a half before we actually get finished. That's if the FP isn't bugged as well.

    Take for example the Esseles. That is stupidly long. After spending about half an hour or so dealing with all the invaders on your own ship and running around that, you then spend about another half hour or so on the enemy ship running around and dealing with enemies there before finally coming back and spending another ten/fifteen minutes waiting on the dialogue finishing.


    Perhaps in future, cut down on the amount of dialogue and have Flashpoints be a little quicker. I'm not saying I want to finish one in under half an hour, but I don't want to be spending between an hour and two hours doing one.

  9. Ya, you'll be saying the same thing on GW2, then your next MMO, then your next MMO, then your next.....


    You can predict the future?! With such superpowers, why are you wasting your time on here acting like an ***** because someone dares have an opinion?

  10. a nice big message on the homepage would be nice instead of scouring the forum for answers


    BW has not yet shown any effort in putting news on their home page, I don't think they ever will. Instead customers are expected to hunt the forums or twitter for information.

  11. I prefer longer queue times to ninja looters and other peoples misbehavior and getting away with it because you'll never see them again cos they came from another server. had it too often in the past.


    Aw you haven't been playing this long have you?


    Welcome to the internet, where people are already anonymous and do what they want.

  12. 1. It was a bad analogy man, sorry



    In a world of digital televisions that have so many different features, BW releases a product that only has a handful. Then some time down the line releases an addon to their product that all other companies stopped using years ago.


    Seemed like a decent analogy to me.

  13. Lmao. I see that 2 months away and blocking non-subs from posting has not decreased the trolls nor improved the quality of these forums.


    I don't think you know what a troll is....I'll give you a hint, it's not someone who has a different opinion to you or a complaint.

  14. Actually, I prefer the same server model. With the server transfers going on, it works well to keep a decent community on your server. You like someone you played with? You can friend them and join their guid. Someone you played with was a complete jerk and needed every drop? You can place him on ignore, tell your guild and friends to do the same, and eventually he will face the consequence of having no one to play with, thus improving the social atmosphere on your server.


    +1 to same server lfg.


    Ah yes, "Community"...I hear that word often but rarely see the reality of it. On General Chat last night there was a bunch of people discussing WoW and making jokes that were far too rude to repeat here...if that's Community I'll pass.

  15. So how is that BW's fault?


    BW took nearly 7 months after launch to implement a same-server tool which is a fairly outdated thing by MMO standards.


    It'd be like a new TV company releasing their brand new VHS player alongside their analogue tv nowadays.

  16. You do have a point. They should let us transfer toons between servers which we already have characters above lvl 40 or something. Some of us had a choice, quit or reroll on another server ... we chose to keep supporting the game while other 400k were leaving.


    How about a thank you? ;)


    I agree. I have a level 33 on one server and a level 50 on another because I re-rolled to join a more populated server, and sadly the server my 33 is on just opened up for Free Transfer but not to the server my 50 is on. Even though the server my 50 is on is a target server for other transfers! Bah.

  17. Thank you so much for your wonderfully constructive post that really presents an excellent solution to the problem of anti-social "I want to play the game I payed for, everyone else can go hang" players. Now, just share with us what server and name(s) you play on so we can "praise" your insight appropriately...? :p


    My post was rather constructive, it instructed people crying about community to wake up to the fact that in 6 months nobody has bothered to build one here, and so Cross-Server instances aren't going to change what doesn't exist.


    And I say pot kettle black sir, you say those who are saying "I want to play the game I pay for" are anti-social, but then so are those saying "I care about this mythical community, so everyone on dead servers will have to deal with it!".

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