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Posts posted by Danzar

  1. First i want to say that im really enjoying this long awaited game. i have a serious problem with a lack of fixes on the maintenence. as we all know games are always buggy upon release. however instead of releasing new content fix whats broken first unless you are fixing it all with the new content.


    First the Tooltip is bugged from links. if you click on a link out of chat your tooltip window is bugged.

    Second Why can i not right click invite to group or whisper on the guild tab but can on all the other tabs in social (MAJOR OVERSIGHT)? The thing that really is aggrivating as a guild leader is i can not see who is on half the time because the guild tab is bugged! i cant filter the guild tab by rank either, setting them alts listed together, recruits, members, etc. no matter how i click it, the list is always in disarray.

    there is still a bug with the crew skills window. when you log off one character ( and was sending your crew on a mission) then log onto another character your crew skill window is bugged. sometimes your characters do not display the proper lvl of missions you have available, and have to click on another companion to get it to right itself.


    im sure there is more than what i have listed, but seriously very disappointing you guys are releasing new content and havent fixed some of the major ui bugs. what happened to the major ui fix patch?


    Here are some changes i believe many would like to see besides myself:

    1) some type of dual spec option for the advanced class.. not all specs are good for pvp.

    2) Customizable UI. it is very aggrivating that i cant move the windows of the UI and place them where i want. Why do some things on my quick bars keep disappearing ? i.e. my relics, the icon for my crafting, and the icon for my medpac

    3) Being able to Link your Recipe book in chat. This needs to happen.

    4) i know i heard something about macros comming somewhere, but i would like to reiterate the implementation of them.

    5)Some sort of guild bank or flagship with a nice size cargo hold, with the ability to donate credits to the guild.

    5)Combat Text. some of us use that log to check dps and hps. not just what the character sheet shows. those are numbers, i like to see actual damage done and recieved damage and by who. Healing done and recieved options.

    6) being able to delete a channel you created that isnt being used anymore.


    Space Combat: space combat is fun for a rail system. However, the repitisiousness of the missions makes it dry after you have done them for a couple of weeks. make it open space around the planets almost like a "zone" allow pvp etc. dont get rid of the mission however. they ARE fun. you could even do space operations etc. if you had the space around a planet"open" or zoned. there is all kinds of opportunity there.


    A bit about the PVP. I love PvP. but it is unbalanced here. it truely needs to be bracketed. lvl 17 against 30s just isnt right. the buff doesnt help, they retain many more abilities at 30 than the 17 and even more at 49 and 50. if the pop isnt there then cross servers as all the mmos do, but it needs to have some type of brackets in place to lvl the playing field, otherwise it is useless to run the warfronts until you are 50.


    hope to see arena in the future.


    An Idea for huttball. make it so players and guilds can set up hutball teams to play against other teams. durring times you would like to run a game event, have a contest using this set-up with a reward. Use a rankings system that could be displayed on the website so you can see your standings. Allow the team to have a couple of reserve players. I think that would make it more awsome than it already is.


    I am in no way flameing this game. I will continue to play until such a time the game goes stale(if that ever comes, hopefully not). These are some things that im sure you are aware of but needs immediate or at least elevated priority as far as the bugs go. the rest would be nice to see in the upcoming future. there are many great things about this game.

    i look forward to many years of gametime. thanks for listening.


    May the Force be with you.

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