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Posts posted by LethalContempt

  1. I have many positive replies that this fixed their 308 error issue




    If after doing these steps and your launcher says 'log in services is currently unavailable'. do these next steps please




    1. Go to swtor web download the game downloader http://www.swtor.com/download

    2. Run it and install it to your SWTOR Folder e.g (C:\Program Files\Star Wars - The Old Republic\Star Wars - The Old Republic)

    3. Run launcher as administrator




    Basicly this will use BitRaider if you hate it too bad... And talked to bioware and many users on skype helping them fix this and it work for them but ask said you will use bit raider.


    I'm glad it worked for some people. But I didn't say that it didn't work for anybody. I said that it didn't work for many. I was JUST on the phone with their customer support and they said they're working on the issue and there was little any player can do to fix the issue themselves. They said many people called in and that using bitraider over not using bitraider made little difference.


    I tried your method and it didn't work. I am glad that it does for some.

  2. Lucky you. I keep getting an error in the patch, and when it goes to a repair scan, it keeps erroring out. I reopen the launcher and it goes to the patcher and errors out again...rinse and repeat. How incompetent are these guys?
  3. Yes i have decent gear my lightsaber also does some decent damage.My point is he fires off his killer blow so i interupt it so he fires it off again so i interupt it again he then fires it off again so once again i interupt it he then fires it off again and all my interupt moves are still on cooldown and pow! i'm dead.also you can no longer remove nameplates from his ads :(

    oh and i'm lev 50.


    Any luck yet? You should be able to use you interrupts, and if he casts again while your interrupts are on cooldown, have you tried force push (assuming he's not immune), also you can pop your defenses. If you have Light 5 alignment, you have an amazing new "oh crap" button. If not, perhaps some temporary buffs that are different than what you use? Some cantina vendors sell ones that add to presence that stack with stims for other stats, for instance.

  4. I didn't realize T7 would be forced on me for the conflict until I got there, and said, hey, it can't be -that- hard, so tried. T7 had level 15 gear still... haha. After dying twice, I fleet passed and geared him up with level 50 gear and came back..and lost again...until...



    When I succeeded, I ignored the adds after having T7 attack the Emperor first, like the others stated. I didn't think to turn off the names above their heads, though. That's slick. As long as you interrupt him when he's preparing the KO's, it's not that hard of a fight with that strategy.


  5. After dealing with blizzard for about 7years in wow I can tell you being 97% sure that server transfers will be mid May for The general population and they will NOT be free. I am 99% sure on that part. Right before Summer your average player tend to have more funds. Summer and Xmas are an MMOs best time to market new items. They know if they go with mid may they will make the most profit. As with any business decision it's all about the marketing. So mid may. Maybe just a tad sooner.


    Not to mention they'll have the nice shiny legacy sytem to wave in your face, making you want to pay to transfer and consolidate your chars into a busy server all under the same legacy.

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