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Posts posted by Severith

  1. It's not useless, even for new players. It's possible after playing for a while you find yourself not enjoying the combat style for whatever reason. Being able to switch means you can continue the same character but enjoy play with another style you do like. At least during the Class stories it's nice that you can play what you want normally but choose to switch to the style that gives you Stealth for when you want to get past the planet mobs to and from your quests then switch back to play what you want when doing the quests.


    In other words, now that gameplay is less fun due to class nerfs and abilities taken away, as well as 7.0 forcing you to do content you don't like, you can potentially skip content by having a stealth class as one of your combat styles.


    Yeah, you're done talking to me.

  2. Wrong. It's one of the very few 7.0 changes that people DID want.


    17 years ago, vanilla WoW came out, and had working animations for all the weapons a class could equip, as well as different racial and gendered animations for those same moves. In other words, Mortal Strike, an arms tree ability, had 16 animations that worked with every single melee weapon in the game.


    SWTOR players just wanted to equip weapons for their toons that fit how they saw their character. They wanted a juggernaut who dual wielded lightsabers, or a marauder with a double bladed light saber, or (GASP!) have their bounty hunter use a blaster rifle. Instead, we got an extremely half-assed class switching option.


    "Combat styles" are just trash versions of classes from 6.0, and except for new players, everyone had 10+ alts anyways. The ability to switch to another class was pointless, given how making tons of alts in SWTOR was mandatory for 10 years.

  3. Players dont have any ideas what they want, they just hate changes.

    Yes, 7.0 is not perfect, it is rushed and unfinished, but still good enough. I have no doubt they will sort the problems soon.


    I'm in no way saying that devs need to listen to players, and then exactly follow their ideas. They do however, need to get a general idea of what everyone is saying, and then, if they are capable of doing their job well, come up with solutions that not only solve problems, but are innovative enough to make the game more fun with dynamic, intrinsic features.


    That's called "Development". 7.0 is the literal opposite of development. It made problems that didn't need to be created, it made activities less intrinsic, but more clunky, it forces players into content they don't like.


    What exactly do you mean by 7.0 being "good enough" ? When I hit the play button, the game loads up, I can select a character and move around. Yep. 10/10, the game is "good enough". Meanwhile, less people play the game now than were playing towards the end of 6.0, before all these changes, according to Steam. I guess it wasn't good enough for all those people who left, now was it?

  4. I disagree.


    We got combat styles

    We're getting (eventually) weapons in the outfitter

    We got shared tagging


    So no, they didn't fail on everything.


    And yeah, the developer's job is to try and make things work with the resources they have. So that means smaller story update, and no "any weapon for every combat style." People just have really unrealistic expectations of what they can actually do.


    I agree that we got a lot of things we didn't want (half a new UI, ridiculous gearing system, and huge nerf to Conquest), but people need to stop lying - they didn't fail on "every single level."


    Combat styles are lesser versions of classes from 6.0, and anyone with alts doesn't really benefit from them. SWTOR spent 10 years implementing systems to encourage making alts.


    So we might get weapons in the outfitter in 7.1. The devs intentionally created a problem (via gearing), and that problem might eventually be fixed. That's not a good thing, that's a mistake. Think for one second about when a casual, non-whale is most likely to drop 50 bucks on a weapon skin. The answer? The start of an expansion. Instead, all those people who could of used skins are now wielding the default level 80 weapons, which intentionally look bad as to drive people to the cartel market. Absolute failure, every level.


    Shared tagging actually discourages player interactions, and gives motivation to toxic behavior, but with the benefit of less frustration for doing quests. Net loss. See the WoW forums if you disagree on the long term effects of shared tagging. Why make friends when you can parasite off of strangers?


    The levels (of failure), as I see them, are 1: what the games wanted and needed 2: the game as a "game", it's integrity on a technical level aimed at longevity (bugs and features), and 3: The game's ability to function as a business. If you have a "level" that doesn't fall into one of those descriptions, lets hear it.


    They failed. On every level. If you still disagree, describe, in simple terms, "a level" and how they didn't fail on it.


    As far as resources are considered, follow along this metaphor. Bioware Bill has a month of vacation time, and wants to go to Italy. But, he doesn't have the money to stay in Italy for a month. He has a few options. He can go to Italy for a week, and then hang around at home afterward. He can go to Florida instead, and visit his family. He could also work for 2 weeks, and then spend two weeks in Italy. Lots of options. But what did Bioware Bill do? Bill went to Italy for a month anyways, got stranded due to lack of funds, ended up homeless, then beaten and robbed before eventually (hopefully, maybe) finding his way back home in time to enjoy 7.1. Bioware "Bill" Austin made bad choices with the resources they had. Having limited resources doesn't change that fact.


    You accuse people of lying on these forums, and tell them they need to stop. Who is lying, and what are they lying about? In concrete terms, show us. If you can't, then I humbly submit to you, that we already know who the liar is.

  5. Who knows what people wanted exactly? Every single one of us wiould want something different, we are not Borg to want the same thing

    This is not crowdfunding game where we have a vote, they do it according to their vision, we are free to like it or leave it.


    About existing characters, they said they had technical limitations, so they couldnt do it or it takes too much resources to do it.


    Game developers need to listen to feedback, and get a nuanced idea of what different player communities want.


    Then, the Devs actually need to know enough about their game to see what it actually needs, in terms of longevity and growth, and profit.


    Brainstorming time: It's literally the job of the Devs, to come up with solutions, preferably good ones, that blend together to satisfy the needs of the players, the game itself, and the game as a business.


    For 7.0, the devs failed. On. Every. Single. Level. The "why" doesn't even matter at this point. The players got systems and changes we didn't want, the game got modifications it couldn't handle and that don't fundementaly make the game better, and, if Steam charts are any indication, Bioware and EA have a damaged product which will be pulling in less and less money than they would of had if they had just not released an "expansion" at all.


    I went one day and was on the losing side for 27 matches so no rewards. I believe it should be modeled on GSF. 1 for loss, 2 for win.


    "No matter where you go...there you are."

  6. All the vets have the trainer toys, so removing training all together really just benefits newer players, which is fine, but there is something that's being lost here.


    It's like in classic wow, getting high enough level to get that one ability you've been waiting for, and then sc****** the coin together and rushing to the city to pay for it. Sometimes, abilities required you to go on a quest and actually obtain it that way. There's a sort of appreciation there that's long gone.


    The way SWTOR just tosses abilities at you now feels like a bad mobile game, kinda like the new UI.


    Maybe someday, a genius somewhere might figure out that all three methods are not mutually exclusive, and could make an mmo that gave players the choice. Pay for it, quest for it, or wait for it. It's not Bioware that's going to think of that though, they're just gonna toss abilities in your face, and with all the other problems and issues in 7.0, it makes it hard to care.


    Really? The present participle of scrape is censored? Trash forum. Unpostable.

  7. Nickleback has some great songs though, so if you chose Feed the Machine it would backfire. Would need to pick out only the bad ones.


    The value of any art, or artist, is subjective, and that's what's so truly beautiful about it.










    Except Nickleback. If you ratio talent by exposure, they'd have the lowest score humanly possible. F those guys.

  8. I consider old style monetization that you buy a game for 50-70 bucks, or whatever inflation says that price should be today, and then you've got it and you play it. You may get patches and updates and expansions, but you don't have to be connected to a server, you don't have to make microtransactions, and you don't have to have a subscription all just to play. More KOTOR and less GTA Online. That's a business model that I liked.


    Pray tell, which AAA corporations do you think DO cut it? Because from my perspective customer service and customer satisfaction with product is something that corporations feel is incredibly outdated. Courting investment, cashing in executive officer paychecks, and then running off to the next big opportunity to leave the lower level grunts to clean up the mess is how they're ALL run regardless of industry. I mean, are we suggested that ... who, Rockstar is better? I played a lot of Red Dead Online before coming back to SWTOR. It's not. It's got the exact same complaints for the exact same kind of behavior. Naughty Dog? If you want a good laugh of schadenfreude, look up all of the stories about Last of Us 2.


    Someone upthread suggested that F2P players were parasites. From my perspective, it's the management caste that are like locusts, devouring and destroying one corporation after another, getting big paychecks and pats on the back and offers to come to the same thing to other corporations. It's the customers who are always holding the bag, as well as the honest, regular day-to-day workers.


    I said to pick companies that were worth your time, not AAA companies that were worth your time. Off the top of my head, I'd say Square Enix and Nintendo still take responsibility for their products, but that's a different culture. To find that from a western developer, you have to look at smaller studios or indie developers. To change anything, you'd need a AAA developer that isn't publicly traded, and without that as a foundation games will always be at the mercy of quarterly profits instead of long term profits.


    I don't think of F2P players as parasites. They're flotsam. Incidental passengers inevitably scooped up during whaling expeditions. Background marionettes, giving the illusion of vitality. Low hanging fruit for the ego of paying players to compare themselves to. Not harmful, just a symptom of harm being done.


    Cyberpunk just got a pretty huge update, it's probably a day late and a dollar short for most people, but it does more or less follow that old style-single player, single pay situation you're looking for. In 2 or 3 years it might actually be a pretty sweet game.

  9. I'd love a return to form for the video game industry, even with inflation and old style monetization.


    As a functional adult, who happens to not live paycheck to paycheck, I wouldn't mind spending 100 bucks on a video game, and 50 dollars for an expansion every few years, on top of a sub fee. What I do mind is wasting my time playing games that I want to be good, but don't meet the bar for quality or fun.


    If I was a still a kid, my opinion would be different, and if I was struggling to pay bills I probably wouldn't play video games nearly as much. But as an adult, with a decently healthy checking account, I want to buy an MMO worth sinking my teeth into. Money isn't nearly as big as an issue as TIME is. I can make money. I can't make time.


    I remember spending 45 bucks for NES games back in the 80's. For 1988 to today, inflation alone calculates that at over 100 dollars in 2022. And those were games made by much smaller teams than AAA games today.


    So what's the new modus operandi for the video game market? Death by a thousand cuts via predatory cash shops, and sub par products that don't provide lasting entertainment, only the flash and promise of being the next big thing. So who is to blame for that, exactly?


    Marketing. Marketing, and upper management, following the Pied Piper of whaling to the destruction of your favorite genres and intellectual properties.


    The best thing you can do, the only thing really, is that to continue to support the video game industry pick companies that are worth your time. And current Bioware/EA doesn't cut it.

  10. ...because we knew exactly how it was going to be.


    "Maybe Blizzard fires people without looking them in the face, but I ain't a fink, dig?


    You've made your last "expansion" kid. Sorry you got twisted up in this scene. From where you're kneeling, must seem like a decade long run of bad luck. Truth is....the game was f$%@#d from the start."


    -Andrew "Benny" Wilson

  11. the stuff on the PTS was WIP so we really didnt see the final work on it


    Do we really trust Bioware to have the player's interest at heart, and to be honest and forthright about changes?




    Do we really trust Bioware to iron out the major, game breaking bugs of an expansion, without extensive PTS participation?




    It's going to be a bumpy couple of weeks, and chances are 7.0, even without those bumps, would let down the players on multiple levels regardless.

  12. My god, you people need to listen to yourselves lol. QAnon swtor posters.


    It's always amusing checking in to these forums every 6 months or so and seeing the 10 same people still posting doom and gloom while still playing the game.


    It says more about the state of the video game industry on the whole than anything else, when players stick around hoping that "this time" it's going to be better, but seeing the signs and knowing it isn't going to be.


    I consider schadenfreude as one of the most compelling reasons to stay subbed, but I'd happily trade that for a quality Star Wars mmo, with constant good story content and balanced classes, and hopefully, fun.

  13. Um, yeah. That would be much more plausible than simply announcing that SWTOR was closing down. 🙄

    That's beyond silly.


    At this point, the only way some people will be happy is if 7.0 fails. 😂


    You'd be surprised on what companies to do maintain an IP, or in other words, keep their foot in the door for future projects or simply a sale down the line.


    Just google "Fantastic 4 movie 1994" for a prime example. (Better yet, watch Red Letter Media's review of it)


    7.0 is probably going to fail the long term players looking to sink their teeth into something, but it won't fail in terms of drawing in a few new players to the cartel market, and keeping EA/Bioware "in the game" for the Star Wars IP. Bioware isn't even involved in the KOTOR remake.


    At this point, it's EA keeping the idea of that "Bioware magic" alive, even though the "real" Bioware died over 10 years ago. The name Bioware itself is still valuable, in conjunction with Star Wars, despite the current realities of the studio.


    Maybe EA will get them to make a quality game again someday, but "Bioware" is probably just going to be milking the fans down the line with some Star Wars trash game with predatory monetization.

  14. Two weeks exactly would suck mightily, because it would coincide with the release of End of Dragons for GW2.


    April 4th, 2014. Mysteriously, rapid fire rotations of flash sales on the cartel market occurred, and that early in the cartel market's lifecycle it was a pretty big deal.


    April 4th, 2014 also happened to be the day ESO launched. Not a coincidence, and says a lot about how Bioware Austin views it's own product against other companies releases.


    Go play other games, and be happy, and when you're really bored, swing on by to check out 7.0. Regardless of when it launches, no one is going to be missing much if they play better supported games for a few weeks. Might even be preferable, if 7.0's launch is as buggy as it's probably going to be.

  15. /\


    This. SO.MUCH.THIS


    How can they keep borrowing the wrong ideas from WoW, and not instituting the ones that make sense?


    Wow is a literal roadmap to ruin, and Biowware Austin keeps copying them in exactly the worst ways.


    Shared tagging doesn't promote shared gameplay, it removes a reason to communicate with each other. They need to borrow from games that have open world timed events, where challenges and rewards are scaled to the amount of participants, and give people a reason to group up, and use teamwork and communication to progress their characters.

  16. Feb 13th they'll announce that 7.0 "Isn't up to SWTOR's usual great standards" and delay for another 2 weeks +.


    March rolls around, and 7.0 finally launches, but there's a new memory leak which after playing for 1/2 an hour to starts lagging out your computer. People slog through 1 hour's worth of content in about 3 hours, get to 80, and quit.


    April rolls around, and the leak is like 80% fixed, so now you only have to reboot like once every 3 hours or so while playing. A few people come back to raid or pvp.


    The IP still catches whales from time to time, who blow a load of cash on the Cartel Market before quitting a few weeks later. SWTOR continues in it's "Maintenance Mode Plus" business model.


    Those are my unfounded predictions anyways, but I'm an optimist.

  17. Maybe you don't understand the very simplistic math at issue here. Yes, there is a powerful correlation between being in combat and doing more than 0 DPS. In case you forgot, DPS means Damage Per Second. Not being in combat is a very significant DPS loss, by definition. This should not be a controversial revelation. lmao


    You want Concealment nerfed because you want to be a duelist hero and because you don't know how to play WZ maps. The answer to your problem is more practice, not nerfs. Tactical Overdrive is not an excuse. It is, in fact, part of the game, and it is working exactly as designed. It is a burst ability that provides burst output. Burst being high spike damage that occurs only a fraction of the time.


    I asked for arguments based on facts and not emotions. What I got here was an overdose of emotions from you. That little roll you are complaining about has a cooldown. Good players understand this, wait for the roll immunity to end, and then pull operatives into Huttball traps. Good players do well-timed Electro Nets. Good players do well-timed roots and stuns. The issue here is that people refuse to get better because they can't accept that they need to keep practicing.


    There's no shame in being a new player who doesn't understand PVP. Keep working at it and don't let yourself get frustrated like this. I'm rooting for you. :)


    Right. The "overdose of emotions" is from me. Clearly. That's why you posted such a respectful, constructive, and articulate response to why concealment operative immunity rolls don't break the game, instead of a condescending rant that jumps from subject to subject. Attacking a stranger whom you know nothing about might have seemed a bit reactive and defensive, distracting from a real conversation. Thankfully, you took the high road and elevated the conversation, so now we all know why operative "immune to everything" rolls are in fact underpowered, and need to be buffed for future expansions.

  18. What is wrong with you folks? Everyone hating on this? In this package you get 1mo of game time and 2400 CC so the in game items you are basically getting for 5$ So how is this in anyway a bad deal?


    its 39.99.... You get 2400 CC and a month of game time ok?


    2400 CC- 20$

    1mo Game time- 15$

    in game extra Items 5$


    Sometimes I wonder where these irrational doom callers come from? Do they hear their own thoughts? Do their arguments actually make sense in their own head?


    Any of you ever feel like you are the only sane person in the Galaxy?


    They stick you for as much as they can, when they can. They want you to buy this BEFORE you play to much of 7.0, because after you play 7.0 for a few weeks, you're not going to want to spend extra money on SWTOR. Limited time! Better get it soon!


    Veteran players, for the most part, don't buy CC, because they've bought everything already, and have billions of credits and stockpiles of cartel items banked. In other words, to get these "collector edition items", people who don't want CC are forced to buy CC though this offer.


    Why is CC involved in this at all? The only answers are slimy ones.

  19. I don't want you to explain anything because the people who complain about Concealment don't know what they want.


    Concealment's maximum burst is tied to Tactical Overdrive which has a massive 3 minute cooldown. Yep, when you hit get hit by the full combo, it really hurts. Once that combo ends, the bottom immediately falls out of this spec's DPS. Laceration is a weak slap by itself. To be quite honest, the burst of Concealment is wet baby farts compared to eating the full burst from Advanced Prototype.


    I am still waiting for a compelling argument on how Concealment is breaking the game. Preferably an argument based on facts and not emotions.


    You don't want anything explained from your previous post, because, unless you're new to pvp, you know that warzone damage done is an indicator of how long you stayed in combat, and not dps, and using low warzone damage as an excuse as to why a self healing stealth class is not op is disingenuous at best.


    I know exactly what I want nerfed on concealment operatives. Change the 100% immunity to everything during/after a roll to a 100% dodge bonus against ranged/melee. There. Fixed.


    Your new excuse, Tactical Overdrive, only shows that the skill is based on outdated mmo design. Long cooldowns for op defensive abilities are one thing, and can be played around or countered, but overpowered abilities that augument dps, on long cooldowns, are based around burn phases in raid boss encounters not pvp. It's bad design to let that fly against other players.


    You want a compelling, logical argument on how concealment is breaking the game, "because you're tired of hearing it." Well buckle up buckaroo, and next time apply that standard to your own perspective.


    On the concealment operative, the passive buff "Shadow Elite Operative" changes the 30% roll dodge into 100% immunity to everything in the game. It creates a lot of balance issues, including the following:


    Invalidating pvp map mechanics.


    Invalidating pve boss mechanics.


    Intentional, repeatable, unstoppable use of the SWTOR engine fault wherein operatives "disappear and then teleport" due to server/client dispute of character location due to elevation changes.


    Literally immune (while rolling) to any counter play.


    Thanks to the change to the charge system, the roll dodge is now completely unpredictable, wherein earlier expansions a second roll meant you at least had a window of time where you'd be certain no dodges would occur.


    Completely factual, completely broken. There ya go.

  20. Concealment very, very rarely outputs big numbers in regs. I'm on Star Forge, and I've regularly seen the best operatives on the server fail to break 3 mil damage in a full-length match. When you see operatives doing 8 mil damage, that's all Lethality, every time. It's all cheesy DOT spam creating an illusion of dominance.


    I'm pointing this out because Concealment isn't good at sustained PVP damage. The only thing it is good at is trolling in duels. The big brain response is always to just refuse to duel them. Fight with your team. PVP is a team sport. "I tried to be a duelist hero and died" isn't a valid complaint and never will be.


    Concealment is fine.


    Do we really have to explain the difference between dps and total damage done in a warzone, for a stealth class? For a spec that's literally called "concealment"?

  21. Why not put a fresh coat of paint on the Titanic. There's no room on the lifeboats anyways.


    I happen to know an indie comic creator, who's got a few titles he's created. He's got sales metrics of course, but the actual way he tracks how people love certain individual characters is by how much fan art is made about them.


    The character kit page Bioware has seems really, really forced. Cosplayers are very passionate people, and they don't need to be prodded with a pitchfork to get to sewing. Seems like it's just fishing for professional cosplayers to take a crack at characters in failing games for some free publicity and the illusion of passionate gamers.


    All the Mass Effect kits are from Andromeda. Huge failure of a game. 62 viewers on Twitch right now.


    Anthem? As I type this, there are 22 people watching Anthem on Twitch. Nobody cares.


    And as for SWTOR, you chose the two most bland looking characters in the Star Wars universe to kick this off with.


    The kits weren't a bad idea, but the way this has rolled out clearly has an agenda which is at odds with reality. They should of started with Dragon Age Origins, Mass Effect 1, KOTOR 1/2. If you really wanted SWTOR in the mix, throw in some alien characters or at least a visually interesting human like Malgus or Thana Vesh.


    Here's some PR advice Bioware. Remind us why we used to love you, and then trick us with the candy trail with the ugly witch at the end. Don't put the ugly witch at the beginning, cause no amount of candy makes me want to deal with her.

  22. The argument that the high skill ceiling, that most will not attain, is justification for the overpowered lunacy that operatives can do is analogous to ignoring legal loopholes because either few know they exist or only a select few can exploit them. This argument does not pass the smell test. It's refuse and everyone knows it.


    For my part, I do not comment on it often because A) I have not actively played for several weeks...got bored, and B) appealing to a reticent, diffident, out-of-touch development team will exhaust even very passionate players.


    Lets play a hypothetical.


    You've just been hired as the lead dev for class balance in an upcoming mmo, with 8 classes, and you've got 3 devs under you, all with different IQs. Their ideas for skill caps are as follows.


    Average Joe, IQ 100, wants all classes to have the same skill cap and same effectiveness for reaching those skill caps.


    Derpy Dan, IQ 80, wants most classes to have a low skill cap, but one or two classes to have a much higher skill cap, resulting in the potential effectiveness for those select classes to clearly outshine everyone else.


    Genius Jenny, IQ 200, wants almost every class to have a high skill cap, but diminishing returns for achieving those skill caps, so learning the class feels rewarding, but not completely overpowering. Jenny also wants one or two low skill cap classes, one melee, and one ranged, neither one of which is going to be complicated to play, are still somewhat effective, but not ever reaching the potential of the higher skill cap classes. This is to ensure everyone can enjoy the game and contribute, even with disabilities or simply for someone looking for a more casual gaming experience.


    I think most people would probably go with Jenny or Joe, but Bioware Austin decided Dan's method was what SWTOR needed, and the players have paid the price for that decision, and the Devs are doubling down on that with 7.0.


    Thing is though, Derpy Dan isn't wrong, if what you're trying to do is set up a revolving door where players have a really positive starting mmo experience in a franchise they love, drop some money in the Cartel Shop, and then move on when they realize that long term it's not worth it due to basic balance issues that never get addressed.

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