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Posts posted by JohnAnconia

  1. Pay to win laziness you are skipping the game itself, 80% if not more of the entire point of the game, why? There are almost 60% bonuses you can get to speed up level gaining. passive and buff items. is that seriously not good enough? I leveled two characters to 50 long before those existed. its how you LEARN your class, how you LEARN how to play a rotation, how you LEARN to respect the game in its story and mechanics to prepare you for the endgame content.


    free levels just shows no respect for the game.


    No, it's not good enough if I just want to play through the class story. And most AC's rotation before level 40 (soon to be 45 with the expansion) is much different from its rotation after that, so your second point is invalid.

  2. Fully support this idea, would resub if this happens (improved legacy experience boosts work for me too - like 100% for legacy 20, 150% for legacy 30, 200% for legacy 40, etc.?)


    And before anyone start accusing me of laziness, my legacy level is 43 and I have three level 50s(JC/JK/IA). Leveling the other characters for their storylines alone has become too much of a grind - especially once you reach chapter 3 - so I unsubscribed recently.



    If we are concidered teh Squishy DPS class - Like Mage in Warcraft.




    We are so gosh darn squishy a Muarder jumps us and has us to 30% HP in nothing flat and all we can do is stun him for a couple of secs before we die.


    Our DPS should be in line with our squishy ness, look at Shadow they can DISH out massive DPS and live most 1vs1, hence why they are concidered the NUMBER 1 Node defender beacuse they can stun and if need be kill 1vs1, they are concidered Squishy but yet they can kill almsot anyone 1vs1, why can't Sages & Sorcs.


    I love my Sage, but being so squishy with 1300 Expertise is pathetic.


    It's so easy to top the damage chart as a sage.... as long as you don't play like a stationary turret. You have plenty of ccs to keep maras off you.

  4. Disagree with OP, I like the event, some cool rewards etc, but why is it a forced ffa PvP zone? I mean i simply want to do my dailies, and get my tokens that's it. Now luckily I have 3 50 toons so I don't have a problem getting tokens with them as well and possibly skipping the PvP missions, but i'm a whore and want them all =) Yet nearly every time I go to the PvP zone some idiot attacks me. People say oh go QQ elsewhere this is a PvP zone, put your money where your mouth is, face my main 1v1, not gang rape my alt who has 14k health with your group of 3 AFTER he's at 50% health due to taking down a group of droids, like seriously, does that give you some sense of accomplishment or something? Because you're imagining it.


    Anyways, that's my take on it, I mean Ilum already has a PvP zone, go there, this is an event, and this event only lasts two weeks, not all people have 47 alts they can get more tokens on, some people need these PvP missions so dont just arrogantly say "well why dont you just not do them them can get tokens elsewhere".


    /rant over


    You really don't need to enter the pvp zone at all (it's only 900 extra rep per day and you don't need that for champion rank). How about farming WBs for rep tokens (much quicker than pvp if you have an organized group)?

  5. Sage/Sorcs have burst. You just need to set it up. Our Burst is back ended. Our DPS is fine as is. Only thing bioware messed up on was limiting the root/snare immunity of force speed to healers. And about eating 7k smashes. I run with 1111 Expertise and have never been hit with a 7k Smash. I think people over exaggerate about how often they see a 7k smash in full warhero gear.




    Actually smash can still hit for 7K+ on 1300 expertise sages if he happens to have bloodthirst + wz buff up (but then if my sage has that buff then his FIB could easily crit for 5K+...)

  6. you only need 95% accuracy. The only thing 100% will help with is tanks, in which case you need to use illegal mods to help anyways, and unless you are lethality, you should be leaving tanks alone. Freeing up that 5% of accuracy will net you a lot more power/surge from the enhancements you can change.


    inquisitors/consulars have 10% base range defense though and I've been seeing many assassins/shadows in wzs lately.

  7. I am not sure if that much accuracy is needed. As the base melee/range defense chance is 10% for consulars/inquisitors and 5% for others, it seems very wasteful to stack more than 10% extra accuracy -- it's overkill for most of the ACs. In fact, if you only have +5% accuracy, the only opponents a sniper will have trouble with are shadows/assassins, tanks, and other snipers (sages/sorcs are squishy anyway...) and TA will help in those cases.


    Also, my understanding is that the extra damage (yellow/tech) from Cull will be triggered even if the weapon component misses.

  8. How is any of that "1 GCD"? The problem isn't hitting one person for 8k (that's just crazy, but it isn't insane). The problem is when you have the potential to do it on 3-4 people on a very short cooldown.


    In the sniper's case, the three attacks will hit simultaneously. (of course it requires 2-2.5 GCD (mm) to set up but again smash requires set up as well...) In the assassin's case the two abilities will hit with a 1.5s delay (hence why I said it's 1 GCD).


    I'm not trying to argue whether argue smash is OP or not - this is an old topic. Just saying that the OP and many other whiners need to L2P.

  9. Wont be doing ranked just regular WZs solo queuing.


    Then a shadow in the hands of a good player is much better than a focus guardian/sentinel... it has similar amount of burst and much better team utility (winning 1v2s and stealing nodes/pylons etc)

  10. If you can hit anyone for a third of their health at any time there's a problem with burst. But don't worry they run metrics to look at this stuff. I have no doubt it will be nerfed. I just left a WZ with 7 JK's and 1 Sage. Talk about FOTM.


    Adapting is rolling the fotm class...

    It hasn't been the same frequency and dmg was increased

    Like I said in another thread awhile back I dare u to roll a sorc full lightning spec for yourself before u starting making opinions based on ignorance. I know jug,Mara,sniper,and assassin very well I know where the imbalances are.


    You really don't know other classes well and should start learning about them. It's VERY VERY easy to hit 8K+ damage in 1 GCD on multiple classes, including the ones that you claim you know so well.


    Try EP+AB+FT/TD on a sniper, or (Buffed Maul) + Assassinate on an assassin (might not be the strongest combo on sin/shadows since I have't had much experience with my shadow yet...).


    EDIT: I should have known better than to reply to this post. Ah well.

  11. As seen here. Yes, it's datamined. No, it isn't completely concrete. But it's a good indication of the direction of the game. And it is being indicated that class stories are done for - there will be continuation, but nothing more in-depth than the generalized story you can find in WoW or any other MMO out there.


    I wouldn't be surprised if this is the item that unlocks Makeb.


    And yes, this is speculation. But given answers like this... ...it isn't baseless.


    Now they are punishing people for playing alts. Oh the irony.

  12. I agree that, since they say they want to continue to reward subscribers, they should have picked out at least one cool item and gave it out as a free gift (fireworks don't count, that's for the 1 year celebration). Other than that I don't really care, if people REALLY want some cheesy holiday fluff, knock yourself out.


    I think what's upsetting people the most is that because of the item leaks earlier people just assumed there would be an event tied to Life Day, but there isn't, nor was it ever announced that there would be.


    BW: But selling items on the cartel market is way easier than setting up a world event! You just need to recolor existing armor sets and put them on the market! No more need to design maps, quests, or fight mechanisms! We can release new content - oh wait, p2w gear - every week instead of every three months!


    /sarcasm ends

  13. If I can earn the items in game solo with reasonable effort, it's not pay2win, its pay4convenience.


    Move along, nothing to see here.


    Meh. I can level an alt to level 50 solo with reasonable effort too. When can I buy something from the cartel market that will make my alt a level 50 instantly?

  14. This actually couldn't be more true... trust me, I HATE the bubble spec on my deception assassin, I have left games that had two of these healers on the other side, it's just not fun.


    But the issue is the overwhelming benefits melee have in the game, making ranged dps rare to come by. Lack of ranged dps unfortunately makes melee dps lives less fun. If there were a sniper and a dps sorc/merc in every warzone (ranked included), bubble stun would be less of an issue.


    I do think bubble stun should be changed a but, mostly to handle resolve differently, but that is an issue with the resolve system at the core. Smash is a much bigger issue, hope it gets a BIG reworking. As said, the game's hardest hitting ability also autocrits, has ways to increase damage greatly and easily, has easy force management and can be cooldown reduced... and if that isn't enough it's a 5 person AoE! Effing retarded and anyone who says this is cool is a bit slow or a troll. BW taking so long to gather their metrics before they change this just shows poor judgment and a lack of caring for the customer base. :(


    Agree. IMO bubble stuns are balanced in the sense that there are too many FOTM melee rerollers.


    I predict BW will nerf bubble stuns once more people start rolling ranged alts...

  15. Smash spec warrior/knights can get through trash fast.

    my sorc as hybrid dps can get through most packs of mobs mobs really fast as well (lightning storm for cl proc > wrath> cl> death field> dead trash)

    Though i play combat/carnage on my sent/mara and find that these are better for taking down elites etc faster but for packs of mobs the sorc is much faster with all the aoe abilitys you can spec into.


    Smash warrior is better than hybrid sorc in this regard... combat focus (35s cd with PVE bonus) - charge - sweep => all normal trash dead in 3 GCDs


    Engineering snipers also clear trash pretty fast too, with plasma probe + spammable grenades

  16. Yes the casual pvpers! Soon, you'll have people calling incoming when a node is under attack! :rak_04:


    Actually that is the problem. If only some players would learn to call out incs in pugs.... :S

  17. The odds of fixing sorcerers to a point in which their dps & burst dps is relevant without making the class entirely overpowered is improbable. Roll something else.


    I don't see why minor buffs are impossible - like making Sever Force/Mind Crush faster dots with more frontload damage (while keeping the CDs the same). This way we have more burst but deliver the same amount of damage over time.

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