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Posts posted by Aaren

  1. Hey guys,

    by popular request I decided to put together another short video of hybrid sage healing on Tomb of Freedon Nadd Republic although I played only sporadically over the last couple of months and was hardly ever able to frapse due to performance issues. Since manual bubble stuns and fake jumping are old news by now I tried to focus more on the coop aspect of the game. I also kept the explanations to a mimimum. I will however provide explanations on my cd-bar (right on top of my character frame) for ppl less familiar with the sage class below, so you can check what I’m doing with my globals. My spec is still 22-19, feel free to ask me if you have any questions...

    Thanks to Ash for uploading.



    Frankbooth 2:


    Top bar from left to right:

    Force Potency (60 % more crit, 2 charges), Restoration (dispel force/negative physical effects + small instant heal), Rejuvenate (HoT+ small instant heal), Force Mend (instant self heal), Force of Will (cc break), Force Stun (4 sec stun)

    Bottom bar from left to right:

    Force Lift (8 sec cc), Force Wave (knockback + root), Rescue (grip), Force Speed (+150 % movement speed for 2 secs), Force Armor (Shield), Healing Trance (channeled heal, 4 ticks)

  2. Hey ToFN,

    by popular request I decided to put together another short video of hybrid sage healing although I played only sporadically over the last couple of months and was hardly ever able to frapse due to performance issues. Since manual bubble stuns and fake jumping are old news by now I tried to focus more on the coop aspect of the game. I also kept the explanations to a mimimum. I will however provide explanations on my cd-bar (right on top of my character frame) for ppl less familiar with the sage class below, so you can check what I’m doing with my globals. My spec is still 22-19, feel free to ask me if you have any questions...

    Thanks to Ash for uploading.



    Frankbooth 2:


    Top bar from left to right:

    Force Potency (60 % more crit, 2 charges), Restoration (dispel force/negative physical effects + small instant heal), Rejuvenate (HoT+ small instant heal), Force Mend (instant self heal), Force of Will (cc break), Force Stun (4 sec stun)

    Bottom bar from left to right:

    Force Lift (8 sec cc), Force Wave (knockback + root), Rescue (grip), Force Speed (+150 % movement speed for 2 secs), Force Armor (Shield), Healing Trance (channeled heal, 4 ticks)

  3. Just to clarify, my point is (as a lot of ppl already pointed out) that these are NOT imp problems but GENERAL problems which are exactly the same for both factions. We have the same share of clueless and/or undergeared people. If those people took the time to become familiar with some basic rules for organized PvP, it would attenuate frustration, theirs and yours. (Again, I'm not talking about the rather rare occasions of facing double-premades or being grped with 7 15k oneshots.)

    You want suggestions, some more off the top of my head:

    Augment your gear ffs, do some dailies if necessary (Even if you are going to swap stuff soon, it's common decency)

    Get used to keybinds as soon as possible, only a few at a time (can't stress this one enough)

    Your first bind will be: PASS THE HUTTBALL!

    Don't stay in packs against smash warriors

    Use your interrupts at all

    Then: use your interrupts on heals/cc (preferably not the last tick of healing trance etc...)

    Dont walk onto the fire pad (ballcarrier or not) without ccbreak/godmode cd up or full resolve (note to self)

    Do not fill the opposing carriers resolve bar with pointless cc (mezz while 4 ppl hit him etc.) thus preventing your mates from gripping him

    If you have one: USE YOUR DISPEL ON MATES/YOURSELF! (Unbelievable how few players actually do that...)

    Don't break 8 sec cc with pointless/random attacks

    Dont use your ccbreak on 2 sec stun/root etc. unless you'd die otherwise

    Don't waste your cds on targets with immunities up (Force Shroud etc.)

    Try and look up from your bars a s much as possible to see what's actually going on

    Use your environment, for example if you are getting trained as a healer, stick to pillars etc. to LOS range/kite melee

    Watch your healers!

    (1) Do not LOS them unnecessarily (walk around a corner 0.1 secs before a greater heal hits etc...)

    (2) Peel if they need help, cc attackers, guard them etc...

  4. Having had my fair share of WZs on tofn rep in general and during the last weeks I lean towards calling BS on this. I encounter imp premades (at least 3 from the same guild/ 5 from 2 different guilds) in 4/5 WZs.

    I prefer to q as 2, sometimes 3 simply because its nice to have some ppl in different places that you can rely on to do simple things. I'm not denying that gear plays a major role and that WZs can be incredibly frustrating if you are a new player/in a team with many new players or if you get really unlucky and face a double premade of decent players (which RARELY happens tbh).

    Nevertheless, a lot of the frustration could be attenuated if players took account of some very simple things.


    2. IN TIME



    5. you catch my drift...

  5. Great job mate! Your vids are among the very few SWTOR Movies I really enjoy, specifically because they show great situational awareness, anticipation and vision. Too bad you're US, I'd love to q up and school some drooling warriors with you... ;)
  6. Thx for the reply, I currently play on my laptop, i7 M640 @2,8GHz, 8 GB Ram, NVidia GeForce GT 445M, Win 7 64, Intel SSD 128 GB ATA. Read the initial post and pretty much the whole thread and couldn't really figure out what's behind my problem. The SWTOR performance issues are really weird to me in the first place, since I run for example WoW on ultra without any problems and yet in SWTOR WZ performance is horrible through the board and there's no noticable difference between high graphic settings (as my nvidia experience software suggests for optimization) and lowest possible.
  7. Awesome work, thanks for putting in all this effort and helping people out so much. Being not exactly tech-savvy my problem is the following: whatever I choose for the virtual ram (usually DiscCacheArena, Local App, FX) seems to just "disappear" from the game (for example no lightsaber blades, spell effects...), preventing me from using the program so far. Any help would be much appreciated...
  8. Why do the fire grates in huttball look so weird in your video?

    Started to look like that after some patch, no idea what that's about.

    Can't watch it, because I'm form Germany >:[ It'd be nice to see the vid uploaded on this tormovies site ^^"

    I tried to upload it to SWTORMovies, stuck in queue for ages, maybe something with the format, I don't know. Might consider trying a proxy...

  9. Hey guys,

    just sharing a short video of hybrid sage healing PvP gameplay (22-19-0 spec) on Tomb of Freedon Nadd EU Republic with footage gathered over the past 2 weeks. Added some highlighting and explanations for more convenient viewing.


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