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Posts posted by bobberson

  1. I have a problem with this because my server Space Slug isn't on this list. I get that you're just basing this off math but much like the fat man we've been considered more in the "standard" since the start of the game and not even being in the top 25 makes me feel like this list isn't near valid. Either way, they need to merge servers.
  2. I've been qued for any warzone as a single for the last 6 hours on space slug and have only played one game. Is this normal? Can you guys please fix this? I just tried to get one more win for 6 hours and the game won't even let me play. Please fix this broken part of your game, if you put in a quest to win 3 times at a game I expect to be able to play like around one game an hour or so minimum. Not playing at all for over 5 hours is unacceptable and I expect this problem to be addressed before there are more nights like this.
  3. So I have this problem where I join up a warzone and in the first few moments we lose a point, we tried but you can't always win them all, let's pick ourselves up and try again right? Wrong. What happens, at least while I'm playing on my server Space Slug, is that a few empire will leave. This normally wouldn't be a big deal, 6v8 for a few moments, we hold them off hoping for more people. 5 minutes go by and no replacements. We eventually can't hold it anymore and the 8 of them destroy the 6 of us. The game considers this fair.


    If this just happened once whatever, people are going to rage quit any and all times of the day, but what really gets me is that this is constantly happening. Out of all the warzones I attempted to play in the last 24 hours every single one of them had rage quitters, I felt like I played at least a couple dozen times, probably a bit less, we did win once.


    I guess what I'm trying to get at is, does the game have a mechanism that tries to make the teams even? Or at a certain point does the game think we're OP and you need to nerf us permanently from the game? It doesn't feel like a feature when 90% of my warzone games end in a loss with about 5 people until the few last seconds of the game when the 8th person shows up just in time to lose. You made the Ilum pvp game infinitely harder, and now it seems to be rewarding rage quitters. Rewarding as in, not punishing them enough for deciding to not play a game that starts out a little loss. I'm just agro, I kept going up against the same uber geared people. How is that even a game anymore? A game for who?

  4. You should cancel your sub then.


    Actually Penny Arcade had nearly the EXACT same criticism of the game, and I would agree that it LOOKS fairly dead. On each planet there doesn't seem to be anymore than 50-100 people on at a time and I almost never run into them, but maybe I'm looking wrong. Everyone's out doing quests, leveling, there's no need to just sit around and join a crowd, yet. Telling people who are offering constructive criticisms to just leave is useless trolling, go whine about politics somewhere else please.

  5. That's not what he said.


    He said it will cost them subscriptions. Community keeps people playing who would otherwise quit. Server forums build community. Therefore, no server forums will cost retained subscriptions in the long run.


    It doesn't require someone actively quitting in response to something for that thing to have an effect.


    I totally second this. While sometimes annoying, server forums were some of my favorite. It's not that right now I'm going to be missing it, but several months down the road when I want to find a new guild or hang out with people from the server I'm going to have fewer options to do it. From there if I don't make a connection with other like minded players I'm way less likely to keep playing even if I'm very fond of this game. Not everyone can or will be online at the same time. I'm sure whatever Bioware does in game they will keep us close in contact with each other but I, like many, have my doubts. Maybe we'll be able to move between servers or something, so that servers don't really become a central focus as to where you end up, the maybe's could go on forever. I'm here to see what happens but I wouldn't make this out to be some kind of death kneel just yet.

  6. If you genuinely feel the game has been ruined for you please explain your point of view, I seriously want to try and see where you're coming from.[/color][/font][/size]


    Well for starters this makes server first useless if everyone doesn't start on the same day. Also, many people are unable to play with the people they had planned to play with because of whatever prebuy code stuff and if I got the e-mail and my best friend couldn't play I'd just laugh at him. I say this only because I'm not playing right now.


    Of course, I don't think the entire game has been ruined, I just think they should work harder to get everyone in, and I would say that even if they let in 99% of the people tomorrow. It's really rude to do this to paying customers even if it's their right and they've been *pretty* honest with us about the process. I'm left to watching online video of other people playing the game I paid just as much money to play on real live servers. How many people are going to have mounts before I get to roll my first toon? I didn't sign up to play a game that had already been played by people, I signed up and paid for an entirely new game where we can all start a new. It's frustrating, because they should have more than enough to let way more people in but they want to be cautious. I'm serious about cancelling my account if someone hits 50 before bioware lets me play that's just mean. I doubt it'll come to that, I have a feeling like by the time the weekend comes along it won't matter but right now, I'd say/do anything just to get to level 10, level 5 even. The only thing keeping my going is that it gets lonely at the higher levels if no one's around. Seeing all these people playing with their friends and leveling just makes me jealous on a level I've never felt before, AND I CONSIDER MYSELF POLYAMOUROUS.




    No one cares

  7. I was unaware the game existed and was still having the feeling about star wars games like that one that got all screwed up a long time ago. When I heard from a friend who was playing the beta how much awesome it was I signed up for the beta and waited till after to buy the game when I knew I'd like it. Had I known that $5 several months ago could have got me 7 days of extra play time I totally would have done it. I however have a life and don't follow these things closely enough I guess.
  8. I see this giant wall of text complaining about people complaining about complainers and I thought to myself.


    Wouldn't it be awesome to have an off topic area where posts like that could be allowed and discussed until their eyes bleed out in an off topic area where they were sectioned away from people who want to chat about the game community we're trying to build? I remember seeing a dev post about not having an off topic area and it would seem there's a surplus of people on this board, by your own design, have nothing better to do with their lives than make posts complaining about something, when the real problem is they can't play the game right now.


    Do yourself a favor and create an Off Topic area for people to waste time in. Give them a silly flash game and tell them if they get a high enough score in it that you'll consider sending the next wave early *but don't tell them that's already the policy*.


    From the looks of it there's still a few rather large issues going on in the game anyway. Whatever happens you're getting a better game because of these people who are playing a slightly lesser version of the same game you're going to play.

  9. I can tell you with great confidence Bioware will have someone on staff 24/7 pretty much for the entire game. You probably won't ever be able to or need to contact them, but if the occasion comes up you might see them move/do things at night. There are more people working graveyard than you think and for companies much, much, much smaller than bioware. Just because they won't interact with you, doesn't mean they don't exist. I doubt the kind of manager/PR person you're looking for works that kind of shift, those are the 9-5 let's put in my 8 hours and go home to my family/right hand. Though like most game companies on launch week I'm sure there are plenty of people sleeping in this office this week. I think it's rather sad they don't add night time players, if they really wanna test the servers let them be stressed all night. I'm sure enough people called into work sick or something but, I get the frustration. I paid my 5 bucks just like them and I have to wait like 72 hours to get in and by then someones going to have a speeder. Hopefully that person won't be a rude face and will help me get one too. *shrug*
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