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Posts posted by Dwighty

  1. These are going to kill SWTOR after the ooohhh and aaaahhhh's have died down. Eye candy only goes so far. Even as a theme park many of the 17 worlds/moons/whatever could have been left open world so people could explore, grind, hunt, gather resources. Having everyone in the same areas just sucks. This is STAR WARS it needs to be epic. These maps so far that i have seen are not epic.


    This game is so restrictive its not funny. This will be a game killer for me if its not expanded upon.


    Other issues like non-tiered pvp is a major problem. Level 35+ fighting with lvl 10-15 is just insane. Yeah we get bolstered, but we dont have the skills higher leveled players do. We should be excluded from pvp warzones. RIFT has tiered pvp and it works great. Yeah i can kill a higher leveled player 1v1, but i take such a beating most times fighting someone 20 levels above my character. Need to keeo levels close 10-19,20-29, 30-39, etc.....


    For a game "polished" so long, many features, explorable area, and so much is missing. I do not with TOR to fail, but i see great issues for content later on having everything confined and no room to explore.


    Hope things change, to many these issues are not good.


    agree, also agree with OP. I'm just hoping, SWtoR will goes to the right direction with updates, not like SWG anno with CU and NGE, when SOE just lied us, made more and more crap things, and when mayor community left the game, they said, everything is fine, players likes what we are doing...

  2. for me personally Star Wars is 3000 years before Darth Vader is not a Star Wars. But i like the game anyway. Hope we get a real patch soon, because many things not works as they should be and I don't know what BW does do atm, but I cant see any update, except some crash fix
  3. Normal mounts in wow only gave you 60% movement speed increase too... derp derp derp.


    You get sprint for free in this game.


    don't start to compare SWtoR to WoW again. Also those are Mounts, animals, in a fantasy, and this are vehicles with engines in a high-tech sci-fi world, but really theyre almost on same speed ^^




    ur basic run speed is ~ 20km/h

    with sprint is ~ 27km/h

    with fastest vehicle is ~ 44km/h^^


    my granny is faster with her cane

  4. My opinion an LVG tool would be such a queue tool for Warzones. Why is warzone queue tool familiar for everyone since years, and why not same about LFG tool? One for PvP group activities, one for PvE group activities. Thats all. PvP-ers doesnt need to shouting in chats, looking for teamies to joining warzones. Why do you want to discriminate PvE-ers?
  5. A LFD is inevitable. It will be in eventually. And sooner than some may think. 4 days after launch and people are already struggling to find groups, even with the so called holy ultra social method consisting in spamming the channels every 30 sec.




    Stephen Reid:


    We're aware of this desire, but we actually believe that finding others on the same planet as you encourages social interaction a bit more than a general 'group finder'. We're not saying it'll never, ever happen but again, not high priority right now.


    social interactions, like:






    in every 20 seconds


    But people, who really wants socializing on general, they can't about LFG spam. Otherwise people, who want to find group, they want it asap, because everyone has a real life (maybe except those, who dismisses an LFG tool) and everyone would like to do effective things in their playtime. Just standing in place and shouting in chat is not so effective I think...

  6. It is assumed that this post is in fact referring to players of roughly equal levels... You're just stating the obvious. I'm in my 40's as are most of the people I'm in PvP groups with, and when facing those of equal level, everything in the OP applies...


    It's $15/month to play this game, but grammar and punctuation are free...


    Yeah, thanks for the "fee lesson" but but a language class is not free, dont forget, not english the only language in the World. Maybe i dont speak it very well, but as I've seen you mostly understood, what I've talking about.A full language course in my country is around 800$, my salary is around 400$/month, so if you want me to speak and write better, any amount is appreciated;)

  7. The 50s being with the lowbies is a temporary situation. Once we get more 50s it'll separate.


    hopefully. but you know, we pay for the game from first day, and we want to enjoy it from first day. Also what an advantage for the most nerds to farm their high-end PvP gears, while half of the players in warzones around lvl10-30. They can gets more rewards easily, without really hard work, by just using 3-4 of their skills, while most of players are 20+ lowers around them

  8. It's quite simple...


    This pvp system is based around teamwork. I've seen the following type posts, and I'd like to respond how I did after I got over the rage...


    1 - I'm a tank spec tank class that can't kill anyone 1 on 1:


    No, you can't, because it's not your job... Team based PvP means, given the tools you have, that it's your job to roll around with the light armor dps and healers. Have you ever noticed that they are the ones targeted first? Guardians/Juggernauts, you get your force charge not so much to go after the enemy, but rather to get back to the guy beating on your healer, he's stunned now, reapply guard, taunt him, and keep him controlled til your dps can get on him. Same thing goes for you Powertechs that have a pull, but in reverse, so you can peel the threats off of your "clothies."


    2 - I'm a healer and I can't out heal a dps 1 on 1:


    No, you can't, because it's not your job... You have, as a healer, a great many tools at your disposal (stun breaks, knockbacks, instant cast stuns, sprints and slows) to allow you to control the target that jumped you and kite him back towards the tanks/dps. If the tank is doing his job, you can stand there all day and spam heals on yourself, but if you're all by your lonesome, don't expect for a minute that it will work... Constant movement and fluid adaptations to situations are what win in team based pvp...


    3 - I'm a melee dps and I can't kill the ranged players 1 on 1:


    Nope, no you can't, not if you keep running right at him while he kites you... Have the tank that should be running around with you pull him in, or stun him and sprint up. Perhaps look into using the enviornment to break LoS and let the fool run up looking for you. This is just unexcuseable for everyone, even the WoW junkies... Would you let a frost mage or hunter kite you til you're dead? Really? cause 2+2=dumb... don't pick ranged targets halfway across the field, and expect to own them...


    4 - I'm a PvPer and Huttball is the worst game ever cause I never win...


    Right... Ok... Play the game of Huttball, not the game of Mr. Stabby McStabberson... Kill the ball carrier when he picks it up in the middle, pass it to a teammate on the upper tier, as the dps jumps him, he'll stun break and pass the ball further down the field. Score, win, get stuff... The only thing in Huttball needing fixed is the ability to queue as an Ops group, (As I am sick of us queueing 2 groups seperately and winding up on different sides...) and those damn jets need to put you onto a random catwalk every time... I don't care which one, just make sure it doesn't waste 4-5 tries only to be thrown back into the middle...


    If I'm wrong, I'm wrong, but I know I'm not...


    Would be nice, but u forget one thing. The level differencies and with that, the skill differencies. I mean skills, what u get from your trainer. On higher lvls u have more ways to keep ur allies alive, or hold/kill ur enemies. I think the classes are well balanced around same lvls, so I dont agree people who crying for nerfs. But fight against lvl 30+ 40+ 50 players around lvl10-20 is totally a joke. U just get ganked most times. Some said, fight against higher lvls is fine, because lower lvl players can learn from highers some technics. Really? What? All they can learn is how they keep their energy on 100% by just using basic hits against newbies. Good lesson, thank you. So not the classes are unbalanced, but Warzones themselves without brackets. I could talking about some skills, like knockbacks, force leap, force run in Huttball for example, and some others, but until lvl10-50 players are fighting in same Warzones together, those unbalanced skills really does'nt matters too much.

  9. I run into so few level 50s that it is rarely a problem. Most of the pvpers on my server are between level 10 and 30 tops


    Yet. But it will be more common problem day by day. Soon PvP will be only enjoyable for lvl40+. After that only for 50s. Otherwise its not fully true, because if i will be 40+ or 50 I dont like to see lvl10-20 on my side, also dont want to fight against lvl10-20 also. Wheres the High-end WZ in SWtoR???????? WE NEED BRACKETS

  10. Gear isnt a factor. A level 14 in purples will have better stats than a level 45 in greens when bolstered. I have a ton of purples from just crafting and RE.






    not only the gear, but talent differencies, skills as well, i have 3 talent points, they has 31, i have 7-8 skills, they has 18-20 maybe. And crafting purples is every low lvls to get a bit better stats is not, how pvp-gearing should works. Also there are low-lvl PvP gears for lvl20 and 40. Thats a joke.

  11. Some thing what I don't like in SWtoR (above UI, Character Customization)


    Playable Species. There are lot of nice npc species in the game (like Togruta, Nautolan, Mon Calamari, Rodian, Trandoshan, etc) but we can play only the most similar and humanistic races. And really, Cyborg? They just put some bump mapped crap 2D metal pieces on a human's head, and they made a new species?


    Loot/reward system. I know they implemented the most common system into their game. We doing missions and get some equipment as rewards, also take our fallen enemies stuff and use them. It is good for most of Fantasy MMOs, played in "Dark Age" like worlds, but when I think about, when a Jedi (for example) take his enemys pants and wear it as his own, just OMG... Same with rewards, as a smuggler I can tell the mission givers most times "I'll help, if I get paid well" or similar. But they dont tell me, before I get the mission, what will I get as reward. What bussiness is that? I dont need some stupid gloves, or pants, or any other stuff. I need credits. And here comes the craft. In my opinion, one of the biggest fail in most MMOs, high-end drops are always better, than the best crafted stuff. Why cant the NPCs, bosses, etc drops only materials for equipments, and then the best crafter can make the best stuff. We can spend our credits on them, what we got as mission rewards (like in SWG). Consider it, its a sci-fi. I don't know, what others thinks, but I don't like to wear my killed enemies clothes.


    Orange items. I think they made this mostly as "cosmetic stuff" so that way players can looks more different. But why didnt they change every equipments to orange, except enhancements. There are still a lot of nice looking stuff for lower lvls, what I would like to wear later, but cant, cuz its weak, so can only destroy or sell it to a vendor.


    Vehicles. In most MMOs mounts and vehicles requires a patricular level to use them. I dont know why. Many players reached lvl50 in 3-4 days. So if BW went to slow us down a bit in lvling, it didnt succed


    There are a lot of bugs in the game, im not wondering, there are bugs in every game, thats ok. But in SWtoR there are some bugs, which are really makes the game almost unplayable in some situations, but they still exsists. I know the game is just released few days ago, but before that, there was 2 beta weekend, and 7 days early access, and most of those bug still in the game. I hope BW will wake up soon, and lead their game to the right direction, because i want to like SWtoR, and dont want it to die after few monts, like AoC did, like STO did, like LotRO did (and like SWG died with that crap NGE)


    Space... space is a total joke



    sorry for bad english, i hope u understand it

  12. I doubt this will get through to most of the complainers here, but I've convinced a fair number of people from crying to BioWare about these ideas.


    Most, if not all, people demanding dual-spec are referencing the system WoW has wherein you have two separate specs that you can toggle back and forth between. This system was put into the game not because it makes the game better, but because Blizzard shot themselves in the foot with spec/game design.


    You see, if you wanted to level or PvP, it was a good amount more difficult to do so when specced as a dedicated tank or healer. This is on Blizzard for designing classes to be dependent on talent points to actually play certain aspects of the game. BioWare, on the other hand, has done a good job removing this inherent flaw. I'm leveling easily specced into Shield Tech, and enjoying PvP quite a bit. The same goes for my healer guildies.


    You just don't need dual spec.


    As far as Advance Class "respeccing", you may as well be asking to exchange all of your Paladin levels for Warrior. The AC's are completely different classes - not specs.


    Hope this helps out in some way. Thought I'd write this while I waited in the queue.


    I dont agree that. PvP and PvE needs different talents. Problem is, in most MMOs, like WoW or Rift, all u need to do to switch talent is being out of combat. More better way if you need to find an npc to switch spec, depend what do u want to do in the next few hours. That way it not kills the teamwork in operations and flashpoints (like it did in WoW, where if someone has left, he could replaced by some1 else just respecced to tank or healer or anything the group needed)

    Advanced Class respec is would be nice as well. I know they are barely different classes (as you said like Respeccing from Paladin to Warrior) but don't forget, their story line is same in SWtoR. Im a lvl26 Scoundrel and like my class, but if Ill get disappointed later and would like to try Gunslinger, I dont want to play smuggler's whole story again

  13. No, no I don't. Why? Because I know the difference between a Theme-park MMO and a Sandbox MMO.


    Sandbox = MMORPG

    Theme Park = Online RPG




    Can we make an MMORPG? No, but anyway make one, call it Theme Park MMO, and if some1 dont like our world, just tell them, because its not a Sandbox MMO just an MMO Light

  14. What are you talking about?! Stick to the facts. I don't care if I win or lose, but I do expect a fair fight. 10 vs. 50 is not fair or balanced.


    Every pvp game I've played lowbies vs. veterans has always been unbalanced. I will hope SWTOR has done something to fix it. Time will tell. Great game!


    Agree! Not so funny to fight against lvl20+ 30+ players. An what others says, "we can learn from them". Learn what? learn how to spam 1 skill to kill lower lvls? Otherwise i dont need to learn anything to beat them. What I need to beat them is same talent points spend, higher lvl skills, what they already has and similar gear. Everyone against brackets about longer queue. Make WZ queues across servers, then there will be enough players to join quickly

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