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Posts posted by matsstenhaug

  1. Just a little heads up though:

    If you're going to get a lot more RAM, remember to make sure that your Motherboard can handle it :)

    I upgraded my 8GB RAM to 32GB RAM, and I had to upgrade my motherboard aswell, because it only supported a total of 16GB RAM :)


    Just thought you should know ;)

  2. Hello there!

    Some fellow students of mine, and I, are currently doing a research regarding the correlation between gaming and education, and so we were hoping you could take a minute of your time to help us out by completing a quick survey.

    The survey contains no more than six questions, and is completely anonymous.

    If you could help us out, we would really appreciate it :)


    The link to the survey is here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1-8QZUuIGtorL-4thXgL8bgsZvJFOPrIpXllLQrlvDsU/viewform


    Thanks in advance for your help, and I hope this thread isn't too much of a bother to everyone out there!

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