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Posts posted by Delove

  1. LOL!

    Nothing like a team of premade 50s that are invulnerable, stunmasters with exceptional healing.

    And your team are in their 20s.

    I think this should of been implemented long ago, it's an exploit IMO.


    Even with a health boost, we are no match for the level 50s that get to participate in the same Warzone with the lower levels.


    It needs to be 50 on 50.


    Yeah im tired of these 50s thinking there the ******* killin my level 11 no skill having bungholes and these tracer missle spamming merc's worse then arcane mages no skill i quit playing my mid 40s merc was to boring switched to a sin have more fun so far

  2. Okay dokey Mr. Compare SWTOR to WoW guy, I see you're making your rounds here so let me point out to you that WoW released with 0 battlegrounds and 0 raids.


    Technically you could call Upper Blackrock and Stratholme raids I suppose, but at the time they only dropped blue gear. It was several months until battlegrounds were introduced, there was no pvp gear, and Molten Core didn't come in until later.


    Also the first level 50 in WoW was within a week. Plenty others who were into the hardcore grind did it in about two.


    Just sayin, you might need a history lesson.



    That's cause it took several months to get to max level not a week and there alot of 50s at the end of early game time cause of a exploit that BW did nothing about and nothing to those player's for exploiting:eek:

  3. I really don't see why people use this as some type of point. 350k concurrent players for the number of box sales they claimed is about right.


    It amazes me that people do not know what concurrent means.


    Hmm i thought Swtor sold over 1.5m pre order's and now they say only 350k concurrent subs was wondering why the server went from 25min q to nothing the past week guess the hype is over or Bw upped server caps

  4. Actually yes. In wow too when it didn't have cross-server pvp or anything cross-server really, the community on most servers was a lot better. You knew people. Your server had your own well known people, guilds, etc. Then cross-server came. And that all went to hell. And any real community was quickly lost on all servers.


    People want an LFG now. And when they get it? Then they want a teleport to the instance. And then? cross-server LFG because it takes too long on their server. And then? Easier flashpoints because lfg pugs suck at coordination and cooperation. And then? Faster instances because they think it takes too long to finish one.


    It's a never ending cycle of people wanting things easier and easier, and faster and faster. And I'm glad that Bioware already stopped that cycle dead in it's tracks right at the start by saying that there won't be any dungeon finder in their game.



    Where did they say this can u post a link or just u hear someone say this?Also it's about money and keeping paying subs active no company will lose millions of doller's to keep a few people wanting community happy if u want to team with people on your server all the time dont use a LFG tool if u dont and just wanna run the places before u go to work or sleep then do eet and i think cross realm saved Wow why cause people that wanted to do stuff without waiting hour's to find a group get to the place maybe wipe and then someone leaves have to run out find another person took forever lol time is money:D

  5. I coulda swore in a Dev interview they said u could lvl to 50 just doing class quests what a lie i think i rolled every Ac in game so far started a bounty hunter got to mid 40s and just became a drag i havnt even logged him in sept to leech his creds and going to the same places over and over on each Ac even for class quests is boring i think i laso ran like 4 fp's BT hammer station and athiss twice lol who wants to sit at fleet all day LFG. Also cancelled think ima take a break from mmo's cause there all getting rather lame only one that keeps me coming back is Wow at least u aint bored and can do raids and dungeons when ya want without having to spam chats loooking for people
  6. Ok, people afk grinding valor in hutball is getting totally out of control. Every game it seems we have someone who sits in the base all game with their bot running.


    On our server I can easily name a number of players are in every bg doing this.


    Bioware needs some sort of proper reporting system for this type of abuse. Yes I have submitted a report but they seem to have no communication with the player base on these exploit issues.


    Is anyone else noticing this getting out of control? It's very demoralizing to have 2 afk bots back in base while you are trying to win a bg.


    I dont even notice cause every game we play is huttball and if your paying attention to other players and not where the ball is going your doing it wrong 2 people can win a huttball game lol maybe even 1 and most the time u have 7 people cause soon as other team score them lvl 50s leave kek

  7. I guess I always lived in a self delusional place where the greater good of the community outweighed the selfish need.


    You gain absolutely nothing by having your opponents gain more comms+xp and causing your own side to lose them. What is the point of dragging your own faction down? I see that you had some fun with it, but to be successful you are supposed to put yourself in the best position to succeed. By not playing, obtaining medals, and winning you cost yourself xp, valor, etc.


    I guess I can not see the value in all that you lost out on for some selfish satisfaction of losing.


    Because 50s drag everyone down thinking there the ******* and that low lvl guy is a POS and shouldnt be in here it was fun i play for fun could care less about winning or losing a warzone but to make them level 50s mad cause they wasted there time getting them comms was my joy in getting emote spit on for being low lvl :D

  8. Other way around...


    Why is this noob level 13 in my pvp warzone? Thanks for not leveling up jerk, you cost us the game...


    Same point, just a different point of view...


    I go in at lvl 10 with No Ac and lol at u 50s thanks for the free xp and credits haha not really but to say why is that lvl 13 in my warzone and hate on them is stupid like take this i went in on my freshly made lvl 11 jugg and some lvl 50s start emote spitting on me lol.


    I then to procceded to let the other team cap a point i stood at just to piss um off and we lost but i dont care i had fun losing and making those 50s get less comms kek at them. Also have fun in your 50s bracket where your big ol ego of killing lower lvls will be crushed and waiting longer to pvp rofl

  9. And also to prevent competitive pvpers from being forced to raid.


    Seriously, no one seems to remember the old days when the raiders would dominate PvP based on gear advantages and everyone would whine about that.


    The game is built around gear progression. Having two different paths for PvE and PvP is a good thing because it allows people to focus on what they like to do without feeling like they have to do everything if they don't want to. If you want a completely level playing field from the get go, there are many other different types of PvP games out there.


    Yeah i remeber pwning people in wow battlegrounds in full raid gear now it's a joke to go in with raid gear lol

  10. I am a level 42 Darkness Assassin and I can usually kill most classes in a 1 on 1 fight. That being said, I am usually at a disadvantage against a Healer/DPS hybrid Operative Spec. Not only can they heal themselves faster then I can damage them, they have 2 amazing stun attacks and have several attacks that deal a high amounts of damage. You may want to choose Operative for that reason only. I am almost tempted to start my IA class over(level 13) just to pick the Operative class.


    And your gonna be dissapointed when they catch a nerf that damage they do is gonna be lowerd u think there gonna keep it that way nope stick with Sin or any underpowerd clas we will get boosted i have fun playing my sin even 1v1 if u play smart u can beat any class

  11. Concealment Operative can do everything better AND can take all the PvP talents without gimping burst.


    As an Assassin you have no chance if:


    -Target is a equally geared/skilled Warrior

    -Your cleanse is on CD and Sorcerer puts Crushing Darkness on you

    -Opponent has Tracer Missiles

    -Opponent Snipes/Ambush tanks you

    -Opponent is a Concealment Operative who has better stealth detection and jumps you


    If that was not enough you can forget being effective against +500 Valor players unless you have a PvE pure DPS spec which means you can not take any PvP talents which leads me to:


    If you're PvP Trinket is on CD YOU LOSE!


    PS Maul is a joke, I will take 5k crit Backstabs any day.


    See but what's gonna happen is that Ops is gonna be nerfed and we aint prob get buffed alittle

  12. I play an assassin and I love my class, I have the ability to defend and do good sustained damage - nothing too bursty except for when they get low and I can execute. I have full Champion gear and over 480 expertise and am always playing in tank stance with a hybrid shock build. So I'm normally pretty hard to take down...


    But whenever an Operative or Scoundrel jumps me, and I don't have my trinket, they ALWAYS drop my health down below 40% in 2-3 seconds, and after that I can survive for 3-4 seconds more before they tear me apart - is this normal? I would understand if I was under-geared or a lowbie but I'm not - I have almost 6000+ armor over 15'000 hps - how is it that any class can drop over half my hps in just a few seconds?


    Am I the one doing something wrong here? Even if I do pop my trinket they just vanish and open up on me again doing insane amounts of damage.


    Any tips would be helpful, or should I just bend over and take it? ( vs equally or greater geared operatives/scoundrels ) I can take on anything else except for certain tank classes and op/smugg. :(



    you know what i do on my Sin is i wait til that Op is facerolling someone then i go faceroll them hehe

  13. I dont see a problem on my server sure u can lose a game who care's tho not like there's w/l ratio's lol i hear so many kid's crying o we lost a game of huttball you're all bad's grow up it's a game WoW had this issue and they add'd a afk thing wait for it and deal with it
  14. I mean what else is the acid good for. Other than injuring or killing people. So if people are taking advantage of it to give themselves more heal points. The acid should be more lethal.


    And that would make huttball even lamer then it is bad enough every PT and tank sin pull u in it and everyone with a knockback even more deadly

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