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Posts posted by Xtrema

  1. I'm going to leave the last few sections for a little bit- wait for the new xpac that I know everyone's looking forward to before I decide if it's worth my time- of course, the earlier sections may change too, we'll have to see how abilities fare/change.


    I'm not exactly hopeful from what I've already seen on the PTS... doesn't look like they listened to a thing we said. Thank goodness smash got buffed though.




    Well, here's hoping it's not as bad as it looks.


    Still too early to call, theyre bound to make adjustments before it goes live. Anyways thanks for writing this, I just got my first alt to 50 and want to make sure I gear him well, would you mind finishing the gearing section or at least make some general notes? What are your thoughts on crit vs power and alacrity vs surge in pvp healing? Thanks!

  2. scold - we havent been able to get in touch with 'two dudes one railshot' or catch either of them online, I sent ingame mail to Rhaffus since the day before round 2 began but havent gotten anything back. Can't send mail to the other guy. I know the deadline was yesterday, so not sure what you want us to do from here :(


    Is Massive Biceps playing anyone for the 2nd round :confused:


    You play the winner of our match with two dudes one railshot, but...see above lol

  3. To 'Two Dudes One Railshot' (Rhaffus/Kreytor) pls respond to my ingame mail when you can (except Kreytor I can't send ingame mail to you, are u f2p?) or post here or send me a PM on this site so we can set a time. Haven't been able to catch either of you on. We're mainly on Hoken and Tahu'ktak. Thx!
  4. just a quick update from tahuken: Trying to hunt down our 2nd match of the first round, I sent an ingame mail to Rhaffus but didnt let me send to Kreytor (F2P?). Not sure if we have extra days as well or if we've been DQ'd, but will keep an eye out for them either way.
  5. You can prolly dc my team as I'm currently at the ER for my son so I def won't be able to come. And I know wolf was on a day or so ago but I who knows when we both can be on at same time as we both have lots of things going on in our lives that require our attention. So Good luck to the advancing team.


    Sorry to hear about your son, hope he gets better :(

  6. Team Deft's sister is hawt will prolly have to forfeit as my partner wolfslashfox has been MIA for awhile now. I have no idea where he is prolly uit game i think.


    I saw him on over the weekend. Asked if he was okay with coming on tonight for the match but haven't seen him :(


    Let us know if you're gonna find a replacement, my partner is going on vacation wednesday so we would have to try and squeeze it in Tuesday (2/5) night.

  7. It seems odd but it speaks for itself. THe much better question is why aren't tanking on one of the lower platforms where saberward will make you dodge 85% of the atacks entirely? Phasic Spittle (ranged attack) is a tech/foce attack which cannot be shielded or dodged; Monsterous Swipe (lowest platforms) is a melee attack that can be dodged/shielded. You're taking more than twice the amount of damage necessary and probably 5 times the amount when you have saber ward up and are on the wrong platforms. I think in this case being execution > rotation.


    I didn't know any better then, but putting my positioning in that fight aside, any other tanks happen to see something similar? It'd be at least good to know so we dont waste an ability stacking the two together, especially since Saber Ward is on such a long CD.

  8. Was just digging thru my logs and noticed something strange…during tantrum phase of tfb sm I had activated Saber Ward, then Force Scream (proccing a Sonic Barrier), at this point it looks like the next attack is absorbed by Sonic Barrier (shown as 1001 absorbed) but even though Saber Ward is active, the 25% reduction (which seems to show up also as absorbed amount) has no effect. It's not until the second and third attack on me that I can see Saber Ward's effect (1686 absorbed). Log snippet here (non-related lines cut out):


    Hoken activates Saber Ward.

    Hoken gains Blade Turning.

    Hoken gains Saber Ward.

    Hoken activates Force Scream.

    Hoken gains Sonic Barrier.

    Hoken loses Sonic Barrier.

    The Terror From Beyond's Phasic Spittle hits Hoken for 6747 kinetic damage, causing 6747 threat. (1001 absorbed)

    Hoken loses Blade Turning.

    The Terror From Beyond's Phasic Spittle hits Hoken for 6747 kinetic damage, causing 6747 threat. (1686 absorbed)

    The Terror From Beyond's Phasic Spittle hits Hoken for 6747 kinetic damage, causing 6747 threat. (1686 absorbed)


    From this it seems that if both Sonic Barrier and Saber Ward are present, the 25% from Saber Ward is sidelined and only the absorption amount from Sonic Barrier takes effect? Is this intended? Or am I missing something? This would be huge in terms of how I manage rotation during burn phases. Although admittedly this log is from almost a month ago so if it's a bug that was fixed, just go ahead and ignore this :p

  9. Parse or it never happened. People need to seriously stop exaggerating the DPS they can do on this class or it will never get buffed.


    While I don't disagree our ceiling is apparently lower than other classes (see Mauull's parse vs someone like Vexo), we shouldn't use that as an excuse to stop trying (see Mauull). You really have to like the class and put effort into it, case in point I've been spending a lot of time bashing my head on torparse, I'm still only in about half 27s but I went from barely hitting 1700 to consistently 1800+ parses. Here's one example.


    Still need to figure out what to tweak next (actually if you see this Mauull and feeling generous could use a few pointers!) but I love the class, is my only 50, and I'll continue pushing out the dps that nobody thinks juggs can do (and listening to their stunned silence after they see mox is always nice :) ).



    okuy is mauull, and thats the exact parse we are talking about; if he got that 1940 with NIM pilgrim buff


    fyi - he has posted several others parses over 1900+ that don't happen after NiM Pilgrim

  10. He's the best at what? Parsing on the dummy? Check torparse, he's not top Juggernaut DPS for like, 90% of the content.


    Not sure which torparse you're lookin at, but he's pretty much the only jugg if not 1 of 2 only juggs in most parses. By most parses I mean EC and TFB HM/NiM, don't rly care about the rest and I doubt he does either lol.

  11. There is a screenshot of him killing off TFB, almost positive he is not wearing PVP/BM armor.


    The one thing I read which I found interesting (and take it with a grain of salt because I'm really new to Jugg/Guardians) is that force scream was his third highest damaging ability. I think he is prioritizing scream over impale.


    It's almost a priority like this:



    I created a spreadsheet of his parse and looked at the time delta since the previous use of the last ability. Shatter clips its dot quite a bit, I believe it is used on CD to proc ravage and when ravage is procced it is used right after. Impale is used off CD except delayed when Ravage proces. Scream used on CD except also to prioritize Ravage.


    At least that's what I think is happening. I'm not sure if the math works out, seems like prioritizing Impale would be better (maybe its because of the rate limit on the rampage proc). But Shatter + DOT, Ravage, and Impale + DOT are all roughly equivalent in DPS. Anyway hoping that analysis helps, PM me if you want to take a look at the cleaned up spreadsheet. Also no idea when he uses smash vs sunder, so would love help there.


    thanks a lot for sharing that! Awesome discussions here guys keep it up :)


    I noticed the scream on CD from his parse as well, and it makes a lot of sense. When used correctly force scream is virtually an auto-crit so its one of our most consistent dmging attacks (as opposed to many others that seem pretty crit reliant). Scream is also a rage generator too after leap (if spec'd) so that's a nice bonus too :)


    I'm also interested in his rotation when ravage doesn't proc, it seems like that's when he uses Force Charge the most since we do eventually run out of force. Still trying to figure out how he got away with only 10 smashes in a 7min parse, I find myself using it quite a bit, not sure if that's good or not. But at least I'm making improvements, at first I was pulling higher using Rage with little effort, last week I was finally consistently pulling higher as Veng. I'm able to break 1800 at least half of the time now on the dummy which is awesome, gonna keep tweaking my rotation and bashing my head on torparse until I figure out how to push every ounce of dps out of veng because its way more fun than Rage :p

  12. Im not starting an argument here, I am simply saying that everyone has their own playstyle. If a spec works, it works. But each spec will have a strong point and a weak point, you cant deny that. :D


    1 point of damage gives 1 point of threat. That is correct.


    In soresu form, Threat is increased by 100% (1.3 change, im assuming this is still relevant)

    1 point of damage gives 2 points of threat. Also correct.


    Abilities that have "Generate a high amount of threat" give 50% extra threat (im assuming this hasn't changed) and stacks with Soresu form.

    1 point of damage gives 3 points of threat.


    So ultimately, Crushing blow gives 3 points of threat for each point of damage it deals, every time its used.


    Okay, that's all known facts already, and I never denied any of it. You should stop focusing on these modifiers and see some real time parses. Because you seem to have ignored the sample parse I showed before I'll paste it again:


    Crushing Blow hits The Writhing Horror for 1000 energy damage, causing 2601 threat.

    Crushing Blow critically hits The Writhing Horror for 1475* energy damage, causing 3837 threat!


    Impale hits The Writhing Horror for 1391 energy damage, causing 2782 threat.

    Impale critically hits Jealous Male for 1976* energy damage, causing 3953 threat!


    When it comes down to it, the base damage of impale is higher so the final threat turns out very close. Plus Impale is on a shorter CD. Even if CB comes out slightly on top, it is absolutely not enough to give up 4% flat reduction at all times + a higher frequency of sonic barrier + 20% DR after jumps (yes even for 4 seconds - a perfect example is dreads on tfb, after lightning storm everybody's low on hp, you leap and scream for 20% DR and a 1k+ sonic barrier. Even if the DR is for 4 seconds that is huge for the healers at such a point.).


    In actual gameplay, as far as operation bosses go, the threat difference between the two moves is moot anyways, since if you proactively taunt you would never lose aggro after a minute (assuming no threat dumps) so really the only things that matter are all the extra mitigation you get from hybrid. Am I saying Immortal is not viable? Absolutely not, all I'm saying is hybrid is better at mitigation, which is what tanks should be doing. It still sounds like you've never even given it a go, I still urge you to at least take it for a spin before you argue so strongly against it :)

  13. This is where i strongly disagree. You're missing out on Shield Specialization, which gives a continuous, passive 4% increase in shield chance as opposed to roughly 19% damage reduction every 35 seconds.


    Enraged Defense is not used on CD, so its not 19% DR every 35 seconds. We're talking 4% damage reduction to all damage which is also continuous/passive at all times. The extra 15% from enraged def is tricky to manage but if used properly is a huge DR bonus that also comes with innate healing.


    What you're ultimately trading is 4% reduction to elemental/internal which deafening defense more than covers, and a 4% shield vs 4% total mitigation. That's 4% flat reduction of any incoming damage that doesnt require a shield proc. Its just plain better than a 4% boost to shield that will only increase your chance to proc ur absorb %.



    That is a good talent, but its just a bonus, frequent use of force scream (by 3 seconds difference) does NOT make or break a tank.


    This is so not a bonus. It's IMO the biggest selling point of hybrid, 3 seconds might seem small but over the course of an operations boss fight which lasts several minutes, the increased uptime of sonic barrier is huge. Combine this with our set bonus of +20% absorb, then throw in a rakata adrenal with force scream you'll be absorbing a huge amount. There's plenty of parses/math supporting this, I'm not gonna misquote them by going off memory, but the additional amount you end up absorbing is way more than you think.


    No it does not. People confuse the relationship with damage and threat. They are not proportional to each other. Damage, does provide a small % of threat, but the tank's abilities have an added % threat on top of their damage, which allows them to hold aggro over heavy dps'ers. Impale is a damage dealing ability, it does not have a % threat aspect in its mechanic unlike Crushing Blow. Therefore Impale is uselss for tanks as it does not provide any additional threat. Crushing blow also has a nice effect of adding 3 stacks of sunder armor on and around the main target and a small AoE knockdown. Basically a tank's Cleave.


    No offense, but I think you're the one confused :p . Every point of damage is translated to a point of threat. WIth Soresu it translates into two. Much more than "a small % of threat". Impale may not have the % threat boost but it more than makes up for it with it's much higher damage. All you really need to do is check out a parse to see that they are in fact very even. Impale will also be on a shorter CD than CB. Here's an example, a crit and a non-crit from each one:


    Crushing Blow hits The Writhing Horror for 1000 energy damage, causing 2601 threat.

    Crushing Blow critically hits The Writhing Horror for 1475* energy damage, causing 3837 threat!


    Impale hits The Writhing Horror for 1391 energy damage, causing 2782 threat.

    Impale critically hits Jealous Male for 1976* energy damage, causing 3953 threat!


    Small sample size I know and admittedly I just pulled the first one I found but def not as far apart as you thought was it?


    Unstoppable is a strict pvp talent. The damage reduction for 4 seconds and immunity is absoutley not worth it in PvE. You will not be charging frequently enough to make use of the 20% damage reduction. The uptime for charge during a boss fight or AoE fights is the longest because you wont be using charge since all your targets will be around you. I just dont understand why people say unstoppable is good, its not, It has no place in PvE apart for SOME bosses, the only one i can think off, is Hk-57 in foundry. Since he stealths and appears anywhere in the area.


    Unstoppable is just a bonus we get on our way up to the real strengths of hybrid. It's a huge quality of life as almost everything has a knockback even in PvE. 20% addition to DR for 4 seconds is still 20% DR. But again, this is strictly a bonus.


    The Immortal tree is fine, it could use some adjustments to some threat generation. Hybrids at this scale are formed when people try to mix PvP with PvE. People that can't be bothered changing their talents when going from a warzone to a flashpoint or vice versa.


    This is not an issue anymore with subscribers getting free respecs, yet there's still a ton of tanks running hybrid (and yes, using it to clear the latest end game content)


    Personally it doesn't sound like you've ever even tried the hybrid spec, if you can get past the myth that most of these abilities are "PvP only" you'll see that they really aren't, and really do make a difference in PvE. It's not for everyone, and does have issues with rage, but at least give it a shot. I did and never looked back :)

  14. I get over 1900 8 times out of 10.


    damn, nice. I've been hovering at 1800 only, guess I still gotta tweak my rotation a bit. Do you keep shatter on CD to proc ravage or do you let the bleed run like some of the other threads here are discussing?

  15. HM EV/KP in 56 gear...the sniper in our guild in full campaign is about the only dps that got so problematic that I have started guarding him over the healers.


    Your guard should be on dps at all times to begin with. 25% threat reduction is always better than a 5% damage reduction on the healers. (unless ur on last phase of tfb hm, because ur dps doesn't generate threat on the big boss - and even then you're guarding the healers to reduce their threat, not for the dmg reduction)


    and after reading this comment i hope everyone moves on and uses there time more efficiently... i dont understand why a pve tank would use anything but a 31 point build. As other stated hybrids are pvp use only don't bring that garbage to my raids. Passing on 4% increase to internal and elemental dmg?!?!? giving up a passive ability that grants you rage?!?! Not taking crushing blow?!?! instant 3 stack of armor debuff and high threat which you juggys suck at, my guess would be that this guy also takes thrown gauntlets cause he like the animation


    Run it if you want, also enjoy your time in EV and KP cause that will be all your clearing


    edit: havnt touched my juggy since last Jan. but in about 30 seconds i came to the conclusion that there is no reason not to go with a 31 or even 32 point build in the tanking tree


    I think you're only reading what you want to read. 4% reduction to internal/elemental is swapped for 4% reduction to all damage, and if you can manage properly an additional 15% reduction to all damage popping enraged defense. You also get Force Scream more often which means more procs of Sonic Barrier, as in more mitigation. Impale replaces Crushing Blow perfectly fine. A free smash coupled with Quake is also a great way to help mitigation, and of course Unstoppable is just a nice bonus (+20% DR to all damage again after jumps, which btw happens more often than u think).


    Full 31 juggs are viable, but the immortal tree is seriously lacking in many areas. That's why hybrids are formed, and the way to go nowadays. Plenty of discussion backing that on these forums.

  16. Mauull the merciless here, guy whos always on your mind. Please feel free to check my signature and rethink that statement.



    Just curious - how often do you hit that high on parses vs the dummy? It seems like an outlier parse due to all the crazy high crit percentages (ie. 61% on impale, 52% shatter etc).

  17. Aside from what many people say here - Rage is superior in raid. No one cal tell me otherwise unless they have been on NiM Tanks and can avoid a second DD (me and a marauder can). Thats a single target fight and we avoid every single 2nd DD.


    Also have Warstriker title - rage all the way.


    25% crit is all you need btw. Never give up a chance to stack power for crit.


    I've been using rage in pve a lot more recently too and am definitely parsing higher (maybe my veng rotation is off, i dont know). The myth of "rage is only good for aoe'ing trash" is totally out the window now, I'm able to out-dps our sniper+mara's on single-target boss fights with rage.


    Dire - if you dont mind, since you've cleared so much with rage - wanna pick your brain a little lol. Is the bug where datacores dont take aoe dmg in operator IX fixed yet? If not are you respec'ing for that fight at all? And are you sporting double EWH relics? Or u throwing DG's in there too?


    Lastly, from what I can tell, force crush actually ends up top3 if not 2nd in our overall dmg so in terms of shockwave generation I'm assuming that has highest priority. What about enrage vs choke?

  18. In terms of the skill tree, what do you think of this (both same but with mirror classes for ppl more familiar with certain faction)?


    Juggernaut: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/skills/juggernaut#22-8iddid82k3-1k

    Guardian: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/skills/guardian#22-8iddid82k3-1k


    I did this from a pure dps perspective and maximizing potential dps in an operations boss fight. Gather Strength/Pooled Hatred may not proc that much in PvE but it is a damage booster. I've never taken notice of how much it actually procs for boss fights, so if it really is super rare then pls let me know. I've omitted Commanding Awe/Deafening Defense because in terms of dps it does nothing, same with Unremitting/Unstoppable (I only put a point to advance the tree, it might be better to put some into Defiance/Unyielding to help with rage generation?), theyre both for survivability and when distributing points for this tree I'm assuming we have awesome healers and we can focus on best dps. I'd like to put another point into Swelling Winds/Decimate for the extra boost and CD on smash damage but I ran out of points, I think it would be worth it because crits on the smash for me can hit for close to 3k. Any thoughts?

  19. We are consistently hitting the enrage timer on HM .

    The WHOLE group has full BH augmented.

    Melee dps are backing out during Toth's frenzy, tanks are tank swapping, no one is getting hit in the red circle phase, cleanse is going off immediately, bosses are far enough apart, fearful debuff is under control.

    WHAT IS GOING ON!>!?!?!?!?!


    My reason is if we constantly get to 10% on both and hit the enrage every time we are missing some dps.




    Do you guys run any kind of parser? Full BH doesn't mean much these days, it's stupid easy to obtain. We had a former guildie sporting full 61s with several 63 mods and he was always last on dps, so yea rotation/skill >>>> gear.


    If everything else is spot on then my guess is at least a few of your dps are not pulling out the damage they should be doing.

  20. Thanks for this guide! Could you elaborate a little more on when you were experimenting with 40% crit all the way back down to 28%? There's a lot of different opinions out there and I'm really not sure which to follow. I've been sitting on my stabilizers not sure what to get crafted to min-max myself, what have you found to be optimal?
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