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Posts posted by Aerynia

  1. In this game it seems that an interrupt is necessary. Some mobs either have massive healing abilities or massive damage abilities that if not interrupted will either make the fight last forever or kill you very quickly. With my other toons i find that i use my interrupt on CD for more difficult fights, it doesn't matter what ability you are using with a bounty hunter you are not going to be able to interrupt enough to make the fight possible with certain mobs. Even with an interrupt on different toons i use other abilities to interrupt because the mob spams faster than my interrupt CD.


    This game unlike others seems to require the use of interrupts to get by, either you learn to use your interrupt or you are going to die (a lot). It is not like wow where at 85 most people still can't figure how to accomplish it. Which is why i was so surprised to see that the BH does not receive one (as every other class does). I hope that this problem will be somehow remedied. :)

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