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Posts posted by Darthflowmotion

  1. May seem like an old thread is being reawakened here but the criticisms of this thread very much apply to the most recent in-game content. Played through all expansions up until the latest chapter of KotFE which hasn't been released yet. Unfortunately, none of the class quests have evolved past the original 3 chapters. Your class characters all become the outlander and all get exactly the same dialogue options minus 1. Recognition of your character as a member of his class and 2. When you rekindle a relationship with an old companion from chapters 1-3, as opposed to meet a new companion which originally belonged to another class from chapters 1-3; slightly different dialogue occurs in your "meet again" conversation as a result. That, and continued combat abilities are about all the chosen class has to do with anything in the post-original class story chapters.


    Bioware is awesome due to storytelling. That's your claim to fame. So if you want it so bad that subscribers continue to pay to play; vary the content between each class, b/c otherwise fans will subscribe once to play through new content, and kill their subscriptions the moment they're done. Vary that content per each class, and you'll multiple your revenue because players will want to play through each class story before they unsubscribe. Granted it takes longer to introduce new content if you change to this route, but who cares? People will continue to play your game rather than switch to competitors which will pay attention to very common complaints such as those made in this thread.


    good idea that's surely going to be profitable!


    you need to be hired asap!

  2. I respectfully disagree. It is a stupid system to have to go some where else to get help with this game. They should look at all there forums for problems. I know your trying to help, but it is infuriating to have constant lag spikes only with this game when you play many online games. Then be told it's you or your internet and not them.


    please dont be a bully he was just trying to help

  3. there got to be a way to hide our online status to stop these mail from gold spammer


    i get the mail on toons that i dont even use often..


    for example, the mail will be 3 days old when i havent even been on that toon in 7 days


    being online probably makes a difference, but it isn't the only factor

  4. What were you saying though? Were you in general chat? Were you spamming guild recruitment messages? What were you doing when you got squelched exactly?


    i was just afk in the fleet cantina. came back, went to reply to a friend's whisper, then i saw that i was squelched. :(

  5. This is easily abusable and it is not so hard to get a bunch of friends to report someone, especially if you're popular in your guild. I've seen this hapenning more than once. Automated squelch has to go, it doesn't work against credit spam like it was intended to.



    this is what i would have said in the OP if i wasn't an autist

  6. Never underestimate the power of *****. He could very easily be telling the simple truth. You'd be amazed how many people on the internet will readily team up to be an *** to someone, with little provocation.


    I imagine your best bet, OP, is to put in a report to CS about the people who you suspect are abusing the system. Give CS as much of the straight up facts you know as possible and then let them handle the rest. If people really are abusing the system against you, you can probably get them in big trouble for it and make the problem go away.


    Making a thread... I doubt is gonna do you much good.


    thank you.


    i only made the thread because i was really angry last night..normally i'd just whisper a friend in game and talk to them about something like this but nope, i cant even do that! :mad:


    also, am i wrong for thinking that squelching only exists to stop spammers? or is it meant to be used on normal players just because you dont like them?

  7. So let's be honest here.... clearly you pissed someone off in game for this go be ongoing for months. To go on for that period of time and with the number of different players that would have to report you..... you do the math.


    Does not excuse them abusing the /report to squelch you.... but think about it. You have to attract attention in an MMO... given how self involved so many MMO players are these days.


    So, who did you piss off? And what can you do to reach out and make peace? It is in your best interests, IMO, to do so.


    i was referring to the squelch system being abused months ago. this is the first time i have been squelched

  8. Don't 10 people have to report you in a short amount of time for that to happen? I can't imagine someone could find 9 other people to report someone just to annoy them.


    10? that sounds correct but wow that is just absolutely....i cant even describe it.


    if there's a way to show my chat logs, i will post them here, so you cans see that i was not spamming. i was talking to a few different people through whispers, though.


    i am very upset..this was an issue MONTHS ago, and they havent done a single thing to prevent it, all they've done is said "if it happens we'll punish the other people"


    "oh yeah but youll still be squelched"


    how am i suppose to play pvp? i cant guard nodes efficiently when i cant call for help!!!!

  9. is ANYTHING being done about this old issue?


    i just got squelched on the fleet for no reason. i had alt tabbed out of the game to do some internet browsing, then i went back in the game to reply to a whisper from a friend. but i couldnt, because i was squelched. i have never spammed in this game, not even for guild recruitment. i know that there was a group of players that wanted to greif me, and now they've done it. i cant enjoy the game until i am unsquelched.


    days of my sub will now be wasted.


    what the hell.

  10. last night there was some guy following me around in stealth. he was following me for around 10 minutes before i decided to switch instances to get away from him...but he just followed me to the other instance.


    after that, i quick traveled to one of the flagships (the ops missions ships) but he still followed me.


    eventually i stopped noticing him, but i cant help but feel he's still in stealth following me all over the place. i keep getting buffed too, even when no one's around, so obviously he is still following me....


    he hasnt said anything in chat yet.. i reported him for harassment..i hope he gets banned. but i feel like my report wont do anything since he hasnt said anything aggressive to me in the chat.


    will the report work? sorry if this is the wrong place to ask.

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