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Posts posted by MoveTheRanks

  1. You are literally the worst troll ever. Its not even good. And no seriously, I said hi to you, called you a ****** then muted myself to go into mvp mumble, came back in time to hear you blathering on about how you're da bomb, then you got muted and moved to another channel.

    I actually came into the channel you were in inside breakfast mumble the other day only to find out you were afk. I was so disappoint. Why are you so desperate to prove how l33t you are?


    Yep, that is exactly how it played out....


    You believe your own lies. You need counselling stalker.


    Come into PAC TS I'm in here now

  2. dude what is breakfast??? they are talking smack to the CREATOR OF GOOD TALK


    this is just... wow. Everyone's on your side P2, use currency display, it's super effective on poor people like that guy from the brunch club over there


    I'm sure you know all about that with your "liquid assets"....

  3. You mean when acid muted you and you kept talking then thought I was ignoring you because I couldn't hear you?

    That was pretty sweet imo.


    Nah bro, you were throwing a fit. me and broxx talked about it the next day.


    you were like a wounded kitty kat... in the corner.. waiting for help


    im sure you got a huge sigh of relief as acid moved me.


    "Thats just waht I do... I'm a dick" - OPFOTM


    Prob because no one IRL *********** likes you. but as Isaid earlier.. i have no more IRL tips to give you.


    you're not worthy stalker

  4. I've started one thread about you, it being this one, and its literally "why you heff to be mad".


    Pls answer, why you heff to be mad.


    Can I call you eliteduelist btw?


    You seem very upset, gonna start a witch hunt now?


    1 thread to many american psycho


    I fear for my life *********** stalker.

  5. Anyways though, y u heff to be mad. Still no response.

    I am looking to write new book on ez mode trolling, need this answer for topic discussion of how to bait.


    Yup, because spending 20 minutes of your time spamming whispers to me is productive amirite?

    Meanwhile I enjoyed my warzones with friends while we all got a good laugh out of how desperate you are to prove that you are financially superior to everyone. I had a pretty entertaining night.


    Last time I engaged you in a talk you ran out like a little ***** cause you couldn't handle the heat.


    I'll continue to "think" you're obsessed as you create threads about me, stalk me in game, etc. Sounds like you're totally doing it for the laughs. I get I'm a good looking guy and all.. but homie don't play dat. You need to step off my dick, just for a little bit.

  6. its about heff to be mad.


    Edit: also defined as "weirdo thinks everyone's obsessed about him because its really easy to troll him into spamming your char with whispers for 20 minutes while you just watch and occasionally respond with y u heff to be mad."


    Sounds like you lead a productive life.

  7. what is this thread even about!?!


    The circle jerk to the thought of me. they treat my name like a D I C K can't keep it out they moufff


    It's not easy in the life of p2, ma truckas beee hatttttinnnnnnn


    Aren't you tired of having my **** in your mouth?


    I mean bro I get you're obsessed with me.... but give it a rest... I gave you as many IRL tips as I could give..


    I have no more for you.


    YOUR obsession game is too stronk.

  9. CliffsNotes:


    Playertwo is mad

    Playertwo makes mad loot

    All these kids who are awesome at da staw worz are poor so they mad

    Liz isnt talking to Acid so he is suicidal and has gone mad

    All deez kidz iz mad


    +1 rep for the lolz.

  10. si'racha come duel me right now you stupid assassin scrub, i wanna feel the joy of smashing you for 8k as soon as your stupid little shield drops and you totally lose control over me. Stun me while i use vicious slash you fr00b


    edit: Liz says his to you malla, get on teamspeak later shes with me now but i'm done work innnn 3 hours 40 minutes :)


    oooo no he didnt


    dem fighting words


    throw dem hands titayyyy boiiiiyyyzyzyzyzyzy

  11. While we're calling people out,


    "Si'racha" and his noob guildie the sniper, forgot your username, both refused to duel me and put me on ignore citing me as "too bad" to duel


    Um, I'm a marauder, you're an assassin. Grow some balls and come lose a duel to me and feel like a ****** assassin si'racha, every time I joined an arena and see you I tell people to focus you once your noob shields are down because you suck and can't avoid my predictable smash marauder moves. I literally lower my skill level to defeat you because you're not worth any fancy moves.


    I don't have you or your terrible sniper friend who can't use a defensive cool down, gets 9k dps per round and blames his team mates on ignore, so you can whisper me anytime when you're ready to lose a duel to me. Noob.


    ACID #1 dueler all time. MAN up or shut up in the presence of greatness.



  12. I switched league to 10 man teams, have 2 spots. add me on skype




    standard scoring, and league draft is at 11pm EST


    So hurry and get in touch with me.


    Yes it's family style league, but not allowing anyone to choose draft players or guarantee players

  13. Currently have 3 team spots open in a 12 man fantasy NFL league. Just for fun no buy ins.


    If you're a fantasy football player and want to participate you're more then welcome. Add me on skype @ playertwotwitch and I can get you locked in.


    Draft is tonight @ 11:00 pm EST


    Hit me up

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