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Posts posted by sharpshootor

  1. Hey Guy

    I have just returned to the game after some time off and found all skill points reset so thought i would take this chance to ask a couple of question before i throw all my point down the wrong tree. So im just wonder what currently is the best or prefered tree for some solo but more group PvE. I used to be MM but hearing alot of good things about Lethality so not sure which is best. I more then happy to find out my own build and do some trial and error but any help on which skill tree are better if any would save alot of time.

    Thanks for any replies

  2. Hey guys

    I have decided to go as a sith inquisitor and am needing some help.

    I have only played as a dps pve player and want to try out a new role but am unsure which to go for tank or Healer.

    So my question is in your opinion what is easier tanking or healing just for pve at the moment and if you had any advice for a first time healer or tank.

    Thanks in advance

  3. Ok thanks for all the post I think it might be the skill trainner that my creds are going to that's kinda fits I'm level 41 atm but I was like lvl 35 before double xp weekend so ill just have to keep a better eye on it and make sure
  4. No I haven't spent it on anything apart from travel and repairs I just find it strange that in a short amount of time when I'm running around a planet I seem to lose about 30k+ I know planet travel and taxis and repairs have a cost but when I'm not using any cause I'm running around lvling and using quick travel seems strange to me.

    And I would understand that if it was 1 or 2k missing that I might have spent it on something I forgot but not 30k.

    Also would it be possible for someone to be taking my creds even though it happens 90% of the time when I'm logged on and I also use a security key but it does seem like a problem

  5. Hey just had a quick question I keep loseing a small portion of my credits.

    For example on Sunday I bought 5500cp and used them to buy some pack I opened a couple and I got some creds in them putting my total to 180k creds so I go off to lvl and when I look back at the total about 30mins later its 130k I hadn't bought anything and didn't do any crafting it was just gone so I logged off for the night at 130k and when I logged in the next day it was 90k there been at least six more times I have noticed that happening before this.

    What I want to know is this normal like it going to a fund for when I'm lvl 55 or do I have a problem

  6. Hey all I'm looking to join a friendly social guild to join

    The type of guild I'm looking for if it exsists would most likely not care if they failed at content as long as they had fun

    I'm quite a shy person so that is why I'm looking for that friendly guild one that takes the time to help improve there members skills.

    I'm quite a causal play maybe only on 2 to 3 days of the week for a few hours at a time my main char is a lvl 40 sniper and as I'm approaching lvl 50 would like to get a guild I could socially raid with doing all the content and have some laugh and maybe a bit of p**s taking along the way and also try my hand at PvP

    If there is any guild out there that fits this please let me know cause is love to join


  7. Hey all

    Sorry for the noob question but I have a lvl 23 sniper and was just looking for some advice on gear.

    I have been equiping my character with the gear that has more cunning then endurance but now that I'm lvl 23 I start getting an extra stat which is crit rating or power.

    What I want to know which is better for a sniper or does it not really matter


  8. Hey im looking for some advice on PvP i have never really Pvped on any MMO before but want to try it but am not really sure where to start.

    im a lvl 18 Guardian which i know may or may not be the best class to PvP with but im really enjoying it so far so want to stick with it and go for PvP i really have three main questions.

    1. i havent PvPed before should i wait till lvl 50 then get gear and try it

    2. how do i PvP (enter warzones and just play so i dont utterly suck )

    3. is it only LvL 50 you can get PvP gear


    sorry for the noob questions but any answers on those questions and genral PvP help and advice would be much appriecatied i just dont want to go into a warzone utterly sucking and have people hate me and say i suck.

    thanks in advance

  9. Hey I'm pretty new to MMOs and only really played a DPS class I haven't really done PvP but really want to try it. I really love PVE from the little I have played. I'm not to bother which faction I go with but what I would like to know is what DPS class would your recommend be good for a new play and some one wanting to do but has never done PvP before.

    Also I do fancy trying my hand at a healer or tank but never done these roles before is there a tank or healer that would be good for a first timer

    Thank for any and all help

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