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Posts posted by canuckly

  1. What sort of QoL change would fix this. The price is listed, people just aren't paying attention. The last thing we need is another confirm button that says "Hey, did you read the price? Is that REALLY what you want to pay? Are you sure? Did you double check the price?"


    exactly at some point the person buying these items needs to take some responsibility for their actions and realize it's their fault end of discussion on all these whiner threads

  2. boo freaking hoo


    look before you buy folks seriously time and time again people make this bs thread to whine about how they got scammed



    i'm not defending the people who put items up for this price but it takes a couple seconds to click sort by unit price it's not that hard bw gave us the options to find the cheapest item on the gtn and yet people still think more measures need to be taken with bw


    guess what anyone can put anything on the gtn for whatever price they want keep whining about how you got scammed because guess what



  3. Sage DPS here with Rank 50 Senya Qyzen and C2 N2 have soloed the heroic with 192 6 piece bonus some 198 a 220 implant a 208 mainhand and 220 offhand with a mix of alacrity and critical augments


    zero issue soloing this if you have heroic moment use it as often as you can especially on the final boss and the 2 knight of zakuul room use unity as well if your going for the achievement forget about the paladins


    after you get the achievement work on getting the 4 guys to rank 10 for the abilities makes it so much easier

  4. I don't think there is a happy medium. And I think they have burned too many bridges with too many players.


    I don't believe that the immense companion buff followed by the massive companion nerf is the whole reason players are leaving in droves. I think that many players were nursing many areas of discontent and the companion debacle was the last proof of just how out of control Bioware is and how much this game is on it's last legs.


    So people left. And I don't think making another "adjustment" is going to really change that.

    are people just ignoring the fact 2 major games were released


    use some common sense folks

  5. I mean if someone wants to talk about facts let's talk about facts.


    FACT: People have threatened to or have stopped their subscriptions.

    FACT: Those who have canceled their subscriptions means that Bioware has lost money because of the patch.

    FACT: Patch caused money loss.

    FACT: Some people are okay with the nerfing of companions some are not.


    Out of these four facts which of them sounds good to your ears if you ran a business or game that relies on money to help it run and keep going?

    how about some proof like how many actually cancelled subs because of this patch which guess what you got zero proof and you will never have that proof


    so all those facts aren't facts

  6. I get that! but add that to players that are leaving because they are mad. and now you have even fewer players playing. Not hard to understand, or maybe it is. I guess they need to make new supper servers and combine all to just 4 servers. Then we all can be like, "see how many people are playing yay!!!"


    games just released battlefront and fallout 4


    use common sense please


    people probably left because of the patch but i guarantee the majority of people not playing are playing those 2 games because just from my guild i know plenty of people with 1 or both games

  7. umm i guess people on here don't realize 2 major games have recently been released that would take away from this game temporarily



    Fallout 4


    use some common sense people aren't leaving the game because of this patch it's because of those 2 games the good thing they will come right back as console games only seem to hold people's interest for a couple weeks at best

  8. I do play, I know the rotation for my class, and am very skilled with it, even in pvp, but the H2 SF's are still a stopping point for me. It has to be the difference in armor types. I see ppl who say they have no trouble solo'ing H2 SF's, yet almost always those ppl wear heavy armor. Then there are those who state that they sometimes have trouble but can do it after a couple of deaths. Almost all those ppl are wearing Medium Armor. The ppl who say they can't solo it, even with high inf companions are almost always Light Armor classes. They really need to balance it so that any class can do H2 SF's solo, no matter what armor type they wear.


    sage with 192 6 piece set bonus and comms mod and enhancements i got the 4 buffs but prior to knowing about them i never used them and soloed star fortress just fine with heroic moment and the raid buff and unity Senya healed at Rank 50 and i got through without the alliance buffs and with 192/198 armorings 208 mh 220 offhand


    so again i will keep saying this people need to




    i know i know strange concept but people with light armor such as my sage can do this solo without the alliance buffs


    also these forums posted a day or so before the patch hit you all had ample amount of time to solo this with god mode companions before the patch hit

  9. sorry folks i don't believe for a second any of you wanted just a little nerf you wanted god mode companions and to hit 1 button so you have an easy time doing heroics and star fortress by yourself because you can't get anyone to group with you because you're a terrible player


    oh and guess what the majority of people on the game you know the thing you play not the forums the thing you go to whine about whatever the flavor of the month is not many are actually complaining about the companions it's all here just like every other hot topic


    oh but the games population is down that must mean people are unsubbing at leaving the game well that is well crafted theory another could be that Battlefront and Fallout 4 are recent releases and i know many in my guild that are busy playing both or 1 of those games

  10. I think there are 2 other threads that were moved to "Off Topic" folder that I replied just about the same outcome. I've been subbed since launch, legacy level 50, the whole thing, tried with my Sorcerer and Lana, then tried with my Sage and Lana, both after 3 deaths on Champion Zakuul Paladins, gave up. My off-heals on both Sorcerer and Sage dps were better then what Lana Influence 20+ was doing.


    It's not the player, I've been playing video games since the 70's, I'm not elitist by any means, but I'm pretty good if I must say so, hasn't been much if anything I haven't figured out at some point, but this, this is ridiculous.


    I'm on your side, the trolls are out tonight, be prepared.


    i'm telling you right now it is the player


    i have a sage in balance spec in the old 6 piece 192 set comms gear implant 224 ops implant 220 ops earpiece 208 mainhand 220 offhand Senya rank 50 i parsed it today and she does between 1700-2300 hps


    i can solo star fortress heroic no problem paladins i use raid buff and unity and heroic moment i also have the luxury of having all 4 guys at rank 10 for those buffs which i do use but before i never used them could solo it just fine


    i also have a guardian with T7-01 only at rank 20 and can solo them just fine without the 4 guys at rank 10 for the buffs


    if people have that much trouble soloing it and you don't have the companion gear up and learn your class and rank up a companion to 50 if your going for the achievement if you wanna just run it look for 1 person it's not hard plenty of people lfg


    i'm honestly sick of seeing these post i can't solo this when it's been proven you can solo it so seriously all you complainers



  11. Both my Juggernaut and my Sentinel are in 220 optimized raid gear with rank 50 companions. Can't solo it no matter which stand my companions use.


    Healer? Don't put out enough numbers to keep me alive.

    DPS? They and I don't put out enough numbers to kill things before they, then I, die. And I'm doing 6500+ DPS on both characters.

    Tank? They just *********** die. Seriously. Two hits and a rank 50 companion bites it.


    If they were going to so comprehensively and massively nerf companions... maybe they should have fixed the bug where companions have no defensive stats because they have no equipped armor first.

    i can tell you that you have no idea how to play there's no other way to put it sorry if i sound like a jerk but seriously


    i have a guardian vigilance stance and a t7-01 companion healer influence 20 my gear is currently 4 piece 220 and i have 1 comms gear enhancement and 3 comms gear mods and 2 comms gear implants i have a 220 mainhand and 220 offhand


    i use heroic moment for the paladins and final boss but not the 1st boss i never have issues other than knockback deaths


    if i die it's usually my own fault like not jumping to the 4 person mob in the 3 terminal area where you have to take the exarch shield away


    i have cleared about 5 heroic mode star fortresses on this toon since the nerf and died probably 2-3 times so again you're clearly doing something wrong when i can do this with a weaker companion


    fyi i can also do this on a sage with the old 6 piece bonus 192 a 208 mainhand a 220 offhand and i am not optimized

  12. And people are doing them. You can argue that you want them to be easier, that's certainly your right to have an opinion. But you can't argue that players are not beating them with their companion today because they are.


    exactly all that happened is it's more difficult you have to pay attention to your surrounding it's not like before when you could stand in one spot and hit one button and fly through this heroic mode

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