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Posts posted by Lividcalm

  1. It's funny that only a couple of posters here believe that BH is a hard class. But I suppose that while for most players it is an easy class to play, maybe for others, like the OP, it is a hard class to play.


    We should be giving them kudos for challenging themselves! :D

  2. Bioware scaled the classes so that you have a curve frome easiest to hardest.


    In essence you rolled one of the easiest classes to play, one that requires the least amount of player interaction.


    In short, you get to spam 1-3 skills all day every day. You play a severely dumbed down class for the lesser skilled MMO player.


    You aren't owning anyone.


    And I do have BH Merc. I respecced because I simply couldn't play Arsenal and spam one skill incessantly. So I went Pyro.

  3. I have a 50 Marauder as well, be prepared to have little to no utility, regardless of gear.


    No knockback, no viable stun, no way to prevent yourself from being chain stunned... those are the main issues.


    While Marauder is an amazing class, due to having only 3 warzones that are setup the way they are, a Marauders usefulness is really limited.


    Good luck.

  4. I appreciate that other players have other concerns. Combat logs do nothing for me, and I giggled at a post that said that end game raids were a.) way too easy but b.) impossible without combat logs. But I grok that this is a big deal to you.


    Might you show similiar consideration to others, especially sing SGRs or their absence are in fact deal-breakers for others?


    Combat Logs are far more important then same-gender relationships. I seriously hope BW recognizes this, bu tthey probably wont. I mean why put a useful tool in the game when you can just add more useless flirt options. :rolleyes:

  5. TL;DR below.


    So after doing a little research it seems that, as the game stands now, in order to be more effective in PvP I will need a mix of PvE and PvP gear to get the stats I need to be competitive. I’ve spent the last 5 or so days doing my PvP dailies and Ilum camping to get centurion gear with a few pieces of champion gear mixed in, but feel I am not as effective as others of my class who have a mix of PvE and PvP gear.


    I am an Anni Marauder, and this is not a case of L2P or not understanding my class. I am by no means an expert at my class, but I understand how it works and what roles I play in PvP. I do not expect to “faceroll” every class, nor do I expect to win every fight. But for a full set of PvP gear to actually make me less effective then I was in full PvE leveling gear?


    I do realize the centurion set is the entry level Tier 1 PvP set, so I was not expecting miracles. However, before I completed the centurion set I was at 98% accuracy, 28% crit, 68% surge, but 0 Expertise. Upon completing the centurion set (and a respec) I am now at 100% accuracy, 21% crit and 61% surge. So even though I am at 499 Expertise, it does not make up what I lost in crit and surge on old gear. Basically my damage has gone down, and my survivability has only slightly increased (mostly due to improved endurance, not expertise).


    So, in order for me to bolster up my stats, I am under the impression that I need to run PvE dailies to get some Columi/Rakata gear to fix my now skewed stats. Meaning that I need to invest hours of time in a part of the game I find completely uninteresting; PvE. I need to start raiding PvE instances and running the same dailies over and over to collect the Daily Comms. I am not sure how this makes sense; PvE to be more effective at PvP?


    Now, I have read/heard that they are making it so you can completely re-mod your gear in 1.2. Does that mean that I can buy PvP pieces that have mods I prefer with my WZ/Merc Comms so that I can tweak my stats? Or will this need to grind PvE gear so that I can balance out my stats still be necessary by getting the mods that the dailies give?


    TL;DR: Will 1.2 allow us to pilfer mods from PvP gear to customize our stats, or will PvE dailies/Daily Comms still be only way to customize stats?

  6. The engine is horribly coded. I have an i7 at 4.1 ghz, SLI 580 gtx, and an SSD, but I still get 3-4 minute load times.


    SLI won't help load times. In fact I am not even sure it works in this game yet, haven't seen any final release drivers that support SLI in TOR. There are beta drivers that require work arounds and still may not work. I for one do not use beta drivers since often times they cause more issues then they solve.


    My load time are very quick, I am almost always the first one zoned into a WZ/FP/OP and I am using 2x 1TB HDD in Raid 0. You don't really need SSD to improve load times in TOR, so if that's all you bought your SSD for, I would say waste of money. Sorry.

  7. Play a Marauder.


    No knockback. Limited CC and stuns.


    I agree some classes depend far too heavily on CC and KB's, but they also cater to the less skilled player base, which ultimately are easy to kill.

  8. Not that I endorse Kill Trading, or take part in it, because I do not. However, if Bioware is allowing it, then who are you to grief players doing it? Let them play how they want, it's their perogative and their 15$. If they want to kill trade and get gear the easy way, then let them. It's not hurting you, you already admit you are full BM and have no need to go to Ilum, so why are you being a jerk and griefing people? Because they don't play like you? Get over it.


    It's Biowares job to police their own game, not yours. Griefers are griefers, so stop trying to justify it.

  9. Let me get this straight:


    1) You had previously bought Rift with your buddy

    2) You bought swtor

    3) Got bored of swtor, unsubbed

    4) Spend $100 on a year of RIFT

    5) Got bored of Ridt

    6) Back to swtor


    That seems to be a pretty typical cycle for mmo's - ie. get bored with one after a month or two, play a different game, go back to that mmo etc...


    This is why I sub monthly, I may pay a little more, but if I want to quit playing a game I don't feel forced to stay or end up wasting money.


    Welcome back though!

  10. I didn't like Jaesa, too squishy. Vette is great, but you will be healing up between every fight.


    I used Quinn from 20-50. You will have less downtime with his healing, so leveling goes a bit quicker with him.

  11. What is with this "WE" demand crap? I don't want cross-server PvP nor does this game need it. Do not presume that you can speak for me.


    Queue times are fine on my server. Really not our problem your server is low pop. Maybe re-roll or hope for server transfers?


    Cross Server PvP is terrible and will further segregate the community, such as it is.

  12. Nerf surge? All I see is another move by bioware to protect the casuals.


    First it was the 50s bracket to keep all the slow lvlers from complaining about getting blown up by 50s.


    Now it's a nerf to surge to keep all the new 50s from complaining about getting blown up by 50s in full champ or full BM gear.


    God I wish companies like Blizzard and Bioware would stop coddling these casuals.


    "Casuals" as you refer to them make up the MAJORITY of the population. Why wouldn't they strive to make the bulk of the player base happy?


    Hate to break it to you, but if you consider yourself "hardcore", then you are in the minority. Sorry, but them's are the breaks, kiddo. Majority rules.


    And keep calling them "nerfs" when it's obvious surge was fixed due to being totally imbalanced.

  13. Yes, last night every Republic group we faced in Zergstar and Alderaan had 10-12 Repubs in them. Seems on my server Repubs have embraced this exploit.


    Yet every Huttball match was fine. So it seems the Repubs on Port Nowhere are cheating bastiges.


    This needs to be fixed, like yesterday.

  14. This solves NOTHING because the dragonslayers will be able to get the gear twice as fast which will be NOT popular in the PvP community.


    MMO's are about gear and stats. There is no other way to do it then the current system (I'm not saying it's a good system but the gear progression needs to stay in place)


    In this frame of mind there should be no gear progression in PvE either and all PvPers should be able to jump in with their gear and potentially have the best performance?


    Nothing is popular in the PvP community, biggest bunch of whiny babies in all of gaming, so that's a moot point.


    MMO's are not about gear and stats, they are what the developers make them. Unfortunately the current trend is gear and stats, but before WoW it used to be about community and fun. You can have gear progression without Expertise.


    If you have the skill set, sure, why not? Is Tiger Woods good because of his clubs? Is Jordan good because of his sneakers?


    No, they are good from practicing and perfecting their art, not because they have leet gear. :D


    Gear does not = skill, regardless of argument.

  15. Replace marauder with any class in the game....and walla....you're still correct.


    Anybody with a pocket healer wins fights. It's not a new concept.


    That aside. Marauders are not difficult to master, they are not more rewarding than other classes, and they are not more powerful for their given role than anyone else who is playing their class competently.


    From my perspective maras are right where they should be, underfoot.


    And what class do you play? Spam lightning, or Spam Tracer? ;)


    But seriously, IMO Marauder is infinitely more rewarding then MANY classes because of the SKILL it takes to master. Not parking myself in one spot and spamming 1 or 2 skills from ranged which I find the NORM in WZ's. Just because a class can get kills "easier" does not make it better.


    But these forums are like talking with a 13 year old know it all. Frustrating and pointless.

  16. Replace Marauder with ANY OTHER CLASS and you can say the exact same thing.


    Yes genius, point is people saying that Maras don't help you win cause all they do well is kill people.


    Don't know what WZ's you play, but in the ones I play killing people is necessary to win. Nobody lets me walk up and take a turret, or plant an explosive, or just have the ball.


    The ignorance about the Mara class is astounding. But what can you expect when there are so many brainless, skilless classes RAMPANT in game because players in the new order of MMO's cant be bothered to actually learn how to play a class, but want to spam one button over and over and be called skilled. :rolleyes:

  17. That's actually an interesting point. Marauders seems to be very overpowered in doing things that don't win you WZs. A healer + Marauder is probably best at picking off stray characters who are nowhere near the objective compared to any other combo. You sure won't see those two defending anything of value (and it's actually a very weak combo for D since Marauder have no meaningful ability that can slow down someone attacking the healer first).


    But a lot of WZ apparently is about fighting at locations that have nothing to do with winning. People seem to care more about the fact that someone did 450K damage and killed them 15 times even though the fact that you died 15 times and not the ball carrier was why you managed to win the WZ.


    Marauders are probably the most extreme case of stat padding. They are insanely strong both on stats and in actual observeable result (killing people), and most people don't realize that they're fighting in locations that have nothing to do with winning.


    If they are focusing on the healer, then they are ignoring the Mara, healer heals themself, Mara takes enemy down.


    If they are focusing on Mara then healer can focus on Mara as well.


    I don't see how this is bad.


    There are no bad classes, only bad players, and bad strategies.

  18. Having gear matter in pvp is honestly the dumbest thing about MMO pvp.


    When you can win a fight before a shot is launched just because you outgear somone does not make a good game.


    The problem is, how do you get people to pvp if gear doesn't matter and they don't have that carrot on a stick?


    Simple: Remove Expertise as a stat. Keep the gear, get better stats and atts, gear set bonues, etc. Just get rid of a PvP only stat that circumvents skill.


    Real PvP'rs play for the fun of the fight and to grow in skills, everyone else is just a gear whore that hides behind Expertise.

  19. We're sorry that we keep using our sprints and friendly-pull to score points.


    We're sorry that we even often work with juggernauts and speed up that process.


    We're sorry for doing the objective, we just want to win, even if that team is your's. :(


    We're sorry for not letting the game drag on so you can farm some more kills and medals.


    We're sorry for actually playing the game while marauders and mercenaries like yourself camp the center in tunnel-vision-mode.


    We're sorry for finishing the game and walking away with sub-50K damage/healing, <3 medals, and zero objective points - while you farm to your heart's content in the middle.


    We're sorry for occasionally passing the ball to you when we are unable to hold it, and we're sorry for not being there to receive the ball when you immediately toss it back while we're dead.


    We're sorry for healing you, shielding you, CC'ing for you, and just helping you kill stuff in general.


    We're sorry.


    And we're sorry that when the nerf bat hits, and it will, that you will then be here QQ'ing about it. Then you will re-roll the new FOTM class so you can feel better about yourselves.


    Ya, we're sorry you fail. :D

  20. I play an Anni Marauder, and have been 50 for about 4 days now. I get my arse handed to me quite a bit due to lack of gear, but even still I can say that you, OP, are doing it wrong.


    We do have in-combat heals, our bleeds when used with Beserk will heal you and your party for 1% of your max health per tick. You can layer on 4 bleeds. This is a preventitive ability. Do not use it when you are almost dead, you need to pop early in combat when you are full (or close to full) as this will help mitigate damage you take. It is not designed to heal you back to full once you are alomst dead.


    You also have healing stims, which you should be using as well.


    We have a ton of defensive cooldowns, Saber Ward, Cloak of Pain, Predation, Blood Thirst, Obfuscate, Disruption, Undying Rage, and Force Camoflauge. All of these will mitigate damage, or increase healing, or bolster defenses, or get you out of a bad situation. If used properly you can keep yourself alive and help out your team as well.


    We have a few CC abilities as well, Force Choke, Crippling Slash, Force Charge, Ravage, Intimidating Roar. They are not the best CC, but when used intelligently they work rather well. The only thing we don't have is a knockback.


    And these are just your defensive abilities, not even taking into account all your attacks. Which if geared and played properly, you should hit like a truck on most classes.


    Basically as you can see you have a lot to manage as a Marauder, so it is one of the FEW classes that require a good amount of skill to play. Takes practice, learning to micro-manage your CD's and knowing what to use in what scenario. Also takes a good key bind setup. Clickers will fail at this class hands down.


    Unlike a Marauder, most classes have to worry about 3-6 skills at most and have an easy rotation and little to no micro-managing. Maybe try one of them if Marauder is to complex a class for you.

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