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Posts posted by Pryan_Shimrod

  1. I hold aggro better on my dps commando than on my guardian.

    It's not as much a threat issue than it is a combination of problems with the way encounters are set up most of the time, the way Focus works, and the serious lack of AoE skills.


    Take Kaon for instance, you spend your time CC'd (either stunned or kicked away), mobs reset their aggro, they pop right on top of your head meaning no focus generation through Leap and Saber Throw. Most groups are just very difficult to tank all at once (aznd you don't always have the luxury of CCing yourself).

    Or you have the famous groups with 4 or more ranged mobs, that stun, kick back, mez, etc.. meaning there's little way your healer or dps will not draw aggro after AoE taunt has worn off, because you just can't build threat at all for lack of simply hitting the mobs.


    Too many things hamper Guardians (and probably Shadows as well) tanking. Low threat gen is just an aggravating factor.

    Granted, though, that these encounters are at least interesting to play against, it's probably better to up threat gen, along with at least one ranged aoe skill that has a small threat component built in (don't care if it does little damage), simply so we can at least draw initial aggro without having to systematically rely on AoE taunt.

  2. Just to add one more thing, at the very least Doc is not half as bad as Tharan for Consulars, who heavily flirts with her, makes her believe he's definitely interested, sleeps with her, then dumps her for a freaking holo-chick.


    Character's aside, Doc's lines are some of the best ones among all companions I tried out, I really command whoever wrote his part.

  3. I'm sorry if it's been posted already, but I find it rather sad that you're all shutting down Doc like this.

    I'm male, play male JK, and all I can see about Doc is a very lonely fellow who's trying to make some friends without really knowing how, he's obviously rather socially inept.

    I'm saddened that everyone just stops at what he shows and doesn't try to get in deeper with the dude.


    When Kaliyo gets on the ship and starts badmouthing Doc, it really irked me, and I wish I could've kicked her out of my ship. (out of character, this was some really well written part I thought) He's the clumsy show off who's very lonely, and I do not like people to judge him without even trying to pry under his shallow guise.

  4. I agree that the aggro generation is seriously lacking. Did Directive 7 with a Vigilance specced 47 Guardian, who kept pulling aggro off of me, *with guard up on him*.

    That just should not happen, unless that guy was taunting, which he wasn't.


    Also there're just too many packs that are not suitable for JK (or Shadow, for that matter) tanking. "commando" type mobs that bump, mez, stun you means there's no way to tank the pack (there're a few of these packs in H2s in Corellia's quests), 5 commando type mobs is just not tankable. Any mob that stuns you for up to 5 seconds at the start of the fight means your tanking is completely screwed, that just doesn't happen with a Vanguard. Or very spread out sets of ranged mobs with no way to LoS pull..


    I'm all up for working a bit to keep the mobs on you, but this is a bit too frustrating.

  5. I don't feel terribly squishy as a Guardian, but I do think something is broken when a Trooper can push one button and mortar away a group of five weak MOBs in 1 second while I have to leap in there and fight them for a few minutes before they die. Trooper = take no damage, me = take some damage and might need to heal after said fight.


    Mortar shot is one minute CD. So all in all, it means you clear packs at the same rate ;)


    Except trooper's gameplay is a lot more boring than JK's.


    I still don't understand though why so many people have problems with the class in PvE, I go into the last class quest fight thinking it'll be really hard (got spoiled coming in here :( ), killed him on the first attempt, absolutely no problem, no LoS trick, no stim (I was going in for a try at first, didn't expect to kill him so easily), ate a medpack just to be cautious, but I could have done without, my T7 was barely geared (I didn't even try the puzzle as it completely glitched out on me), but he actually helped a lot with the clones with his aoe taunt... I don't even have that great of a gear (mostly pre-49 stuff), and I didn't struggle one bit.


    I'm starting to wonder if there isn't some bug that affect only some people that would severely hurt their dps or something, given how many players struggle against the last boss and during levelling, while I had absolutely zero problem. Maybe that'd explain the difference between people's experience ?

  6. Can't see how you could think Vanguard and Guardians were similar... No real CC except short durations stuns, only 2 ranged skills, no aoe...


    They're like night and day :)


    Currently Guardian is considered weak for PvP (or rather at a bigger disadvantage than most classes), although a tank spec is pretty decent in organized group fights. PUGs is probably not a satisfying option as a Guardian.

  7. Commando full Artillery specced and... damn i'm powerful, being able to solo green H4s with only Elara is just completely insane.

    I like the gameplay mostly, I like the resource system, I like that you're able to control a bunch of the battelfield at once with all your KB/stuns and aoe, I love the stroy line.

    And everytime I'm playing him I wonder why I picked a Jedi Knight as my main.


    But then I go back to the JK, and realize his gameplay is just a hundred times more dynamic than the trooper and I'm pretty happy I chose him as my main instead ^^

  8. So patch is out, and I still have the really annoying "skill won't fire as I use it" thing going on with Bladestorm and Sweep.

    It's really mostly noticeable whenever I tank more than 2 mobs, it seems every single "parry" resets the animation for either skill, meaning it won't fire until after the game is done showing every parry animation, which can take a little while if you get lucky.

    I've had the same issue with Force Stasis as well, although it happens a lot less often.


    And this is damn annoying.


    Anyone else still noticing this ?

  9. C'est sûr on peut jouer sans focus et sans macro -> la bonne excuse pour le healer, plus besoin de kick on avait pas le monstre en target

    C'est sûr on peut jouer sans combatlog -> la bonne excuse pour le joueur qui fait wiper le groupe à répétition car il ne passe pas de dps check. A ce moment là, faut enlever tous les enrage & co



    N'importe quoi :) A croire que les gens ne raidaient pas avant les combat logs, faut se réveiller hein ! Quand on passait plus de 8h en raid à 60 sur DAoC, on avait pas de combat log, on s'amusait vraiment beaucoup (quand plus de 3h de raid de suite sur WoW = mal à la tête) et surtout personne ne venait nous faire chier parce que notre rotation était pas optimale (forcer tout le monde à jouer pareil dans un *RPG*, faut quand même l'inventer).


    Les gear check, c'est juste complètement inintéressant, autant aller taper du mannequin.


    (et en passant, c'est pas le combat log qui fait le bon joueur, c'est un peu dommage de voir encore des joueurs qui pensent comme ça.)

  10. Et ben...

    Franchement, le but de ce post est d'améliorer le gameplay pour avoir du plaisir à jouer non ?


    Sauf qu'un combat log, c'est pas prendre plaisir à jouer :) A moins que regarder des lignes de chiffres fasse partie de ton choix de divertissement ludique, mais je pense que c'est pas très répandu.


    "osef du combat log, c'est pour les noobz, faut regarder l'écran c'est ce que font les VRAIS joueurs" Cas typique du dps nobrain qui s'extasie sur ses mouvements de sabre laser sur la tête du boss et se disant qu'il a trop la classe. Ah, merde ! Une aoe au sol ! RIP. Tout le monde n'a pas ce gameplay, notamment les heals et tanks qui ont d'autres priorités.


    C'est aussi complètement oublier l'effet pervers du combat log qui est de tout optimiser au maximum et de standardiser UNE SEULE façon de jouer. Et de pénaliser les gens qui ne s'en servent pas (peu importe pourquoi), ou en tous cas ne veulent pas se plier au diktat de la performance à tout prix, puisque du coup ils sont moins "efficaces" et donc pas pris en raid.

    C'est exactement ce qu'ont créé les combat logs et les dps/threat/heal meters dans WoW, le culte de la première place, je suis pas spécialement compétitif, mais je me suis retrouvé embrigadé dedans aussi quand je dépassais les rogues au dps sur mon feral woohoo. Ce n'est pas favoriser un environnement de jeu sain et basé sur le plaisir de jeu communautaire que de créer artificiellement des échelles hiérarchique entre les gens, et les combat logs (et donc les meters qui en découlent logiquement, dès que les données de combat sont disponibles en claires, les joueurs s'en servent) sont clairement un symptôme important de cette dégradation du plaisir de jeu, du clivage Casu/PGM dont tu parles et généralement de la mauvaise ambiance qui a finit par s'installer sur WoW au fur et à mesure que le jeu était transformé en un truc auto-piloté pour le joueur feignant (à différencier du casual).

    Bref, WoW Vanilla roulaize.


    Cible de cible : indispensable pour un tank !


    Absolument pas. A la limite pour un healer qui doit regarder les barres de vie plus que les mobs, admettons, mais pour tank il suffit de regarder sa cible et voir où elle se tourne. La cible de la cible n'est apparue dans WoW qu'à BC il me semble, on s'en sortait sans problèmes avant, c'est un luxe qui n'est pas nécessaire du tout, et qui demande vraiment rien niveau attention pour pouvoir s'en passer.

  11. elle s'auto-congédie. Sauf erreur de ma part, une fois qu'un partenaire t'a rejoint, il ne te quitte plus.


    Sinon hors sujet, mais je suis vachement déçu par le Doc, ma copine joue un Erudit consulaire avec Tharan, qui heal vachement mieux que Doc, j'ai beau me démener pour lui trouver du matos de pointe, il peine à me tenir par momant, alors que Tharan me soigne sans problèmes (ou presque) quand on fait des H4 à deux :(

  12. Sinon, je suis à 44% de réduction de dégats, ça montera certainement au dessus quand on aura le matos haut level, mais vu que c'est proportionnel aux dégats, et que tes HPs montent quand même pas mal, 40% ça suffit pour quasiment toute la phase de levelling (je parle pas des 5 derniers niveaux, je les ai pas encore faits ^^ )
  13. Pense à être toujours en forme Soresu aussi, toutes tes attaques génèrent plus d'agressivité avec.

    Ceci dit, au 44, je me fais reprendre l'aggro en cible unique par des malfrats dps à stuff équivalent (et même un gardien dps lvl 41 dans l'instance des Colicoides), on est vraiment un peu justes niveau génération de menace dans l'ensemble, et peu efficaces dans l'aggro multi-cibles, sans parler d'être assez inadaptés pour tanker des packs à distance (le premier groupe de 4 droïdes élites de l'instance Colicoide, c'est à vous que je pense)


    Mais je m'en fais pas, ce sera certainement retouché un peu dans les mois à venir, on est pas complètement à la ramasse non plus, et ça s'améliore vraiment après le 30. Mais ça reste un peu frustrant :)

  14. J'ai le même bug avec la garde du Gardien Jedi, ça m'empêche de re-garder la même personne que je gardais avant la mort (par contre je peux garder quelqu'un d'autre). C'est assez pénible, bien que ça se remette tout seul par moment (en tous cas je n'ai pas trouvé ce qui déclenche la remise à zéro)
  15. So I made a large Jedi knight. The tall He-Man like dude. Entering Castle Panteer on Alderaan, I can't go through the crack to take the great stairs. Girlfriend plays a slender sage, she can go through no problem. And I just can't, because apparently I'm too damn large for the freaking crack (yeah, I know, taken out of context this sentence is incredibly funny).


    How long did beta last again ? Can't these kinds of things be FREAKING tested before launching ? This is completely retarded. Along with the Aim datacron bugged, and bonus quests that you can't finish because the stupid disappeared entirely, i'm starting to think they didn't really test past Nar Shaddaa, cause that's where the game started being buggy as hell.

    But this bug takes the whole freaking cake, I've never seen anything like this since Trolls could get stuck in EQ's houses, and that was 15 god forsaken years ago.


    I'm so damn disappointed right now.


    /end rant

  16. Also is anyonelse having an issue of being underleveled? I started tatooine at 22 which is pretty painfull...:S Before you say-Go and do the side quests...i have. So anyone else having this issue?


    I really don't know.. Did you do Taris' bonus ? Are you doing all the new Space fights missions ? Have you done every single instance so far at least once ? Are you logging off in a Cantina every time for rested experience ?

    I mean the only thing I can see that made me so much higher level is I did all of Nar Shaddaa's bonus before heading to Tatooine, but I was already 29 at that time, so 22 at the start of Tatooine is baffling :o

  17. How are people only lvl 25-28 when facing him ? I was like 31 or 32 when I reached that part, and I simply did all the quests on the way, as well as each instance once (and the space fights quests when I get new ones) and I'm vastly overleveled compared to the zones I'm in (90% of Tatooine quests gave me 5xp as a reward...). Are you all just skipping quests altogether to be that much lower level ?


    (needless to say with such a huge level difference, the whole class quest line is ridiculously easy)

  18. Don't know if it's been mentionned yet or not (120+ pages threads are too much for me, even from work), but I finished the "brother" quest a couple days ago, and chose to report Kira to the council before I headed to Tatooine/Alderaan, and all her quests triggered after we got back from it. But since you can head to Tatooine or Alderaan without stopping by the council (or so I believe) I wonder if that is not the trigger Kira needs to start talking to you.
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