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Posts posted by sunkiller

  1. the guy who said it is fail, is just a troll pay no attention to trolls, that is the worst thing you can do to them, there just like bully's, if you can ignore them you should, and it will just anger them, and they will loose there fuel, as for this game, sad state that it is in, the ea louse said it correctly, I played warhammer online, and I have collector's edition of this game, it was said for instance they would be adding more to the collector's edition vendors, they haven't added anything at all....but let's go back to warhammer online, or even further, daoc had awesome pvp, hundreds of people, I have memories from that , which WoW can never match, but, warhammer online, had some awesome pvp, in the opening months, then as if they didn't care they began sabotage against the game, they changed the game so that certain addons would not work, this has been done elsewhere, but many of the things they did, made no sense at all, and when lich king came out, as if that wasn't enough they just made bad decision after bad decision, look at the game now, this was run by mythic, 3 servers last I checked, maybe less now....all you have to do is go in game and see that they are loosing people left and right, I blame greatly EA, just look at what EA, and Activision have done to there subsidiaries, before EA took control of bioware and mythic, things ran a lot smoother, but it is quite clear that with DICE, bioware, mythic, they now run the show, and the show is about bringing in profits , and nothing else, look at VALVE, they are lik e the hippy in the room, of course they want and need to make money, but there philosophy is drasticly different, they obviously feel that if you treat your customer with respect, and care, they will come back, so even though yes they want to make money, and they need too, they believe correctly so that you will have more customers, and more loyal customers in the long run, if you treat them fairly and rightly. Also in the long run you make more money. Call of duty, has been turned into a yearly franchise, and few would argue that is with the same game, just new content, they do this so they do not have to spend more money to develope a new game engine, and so they can get a new one out every year. Now ea wants a piece of that pie, so they have DICE, making a new battlefield every other year, and medal of honor will take the place of black ops, so that one year you have battlefield, and the next medal of honor, anyone who has played online on pc will note that with all of these games cheating is rampant. if you bought the premium package you are paying over 100 dollars for battlefield, and the same for call of duty, if you look back, you will see that you used to pay one price, lower of course for all the same amount of content not to mention, you have player made content which extended the life of your game, ea and activision these big corps have taken the stand that player made content cuts into there profit margin, why pay for dlc, when you can get free player made content, well you would pay for it if it was quality, valve has shown that player made content can live alongside dlc, look at skyrim....DAYZ.....now mythic bioware ea, has taken a barbaric stand against addons, it is clear that this has hurt the game, I have several friends that note the best thing about wow is the fact of addons, they make the game easier, WoW even steals ideas and incorporates them into the actual game, which is fair, except the right thing to do would be to hire these individuals and give them credit. My friend and I just started playing again, he has cancelled his sub, he has a peffectly fine system, runs everything else great, skyrim bf3, ect, ....bout destroyed his comp, and if you look several others are having this problem, what is the official response to him, use the repair tool , if you are not a tool yourself you already know they use this standard response to nearly everyone problem, this in and of itself is a insult, I don't blame the csr's what have they got to work with, these are people who make what 9 10 dollars a hour, ....but suffice to say, his game was crashing lik ecrazy since the last two patchs, just be in game, card over heating, all kinds of problems, once again, not the card, runs fine on all kinds of other games, it is this game, I also started to have issues, sadly after my game time is up, school will be starting again, and I will not nearly be as bored as I am, trolls will be trolls, but I am sure everyone likes to vent every once in a while, star wars, how long has it been since we had a good star wars game, how long has it been since we had a working good game, long time, hope 1313 doesnt suck....this game is going to need a lot more than hk, and if it goes free to play, which if you listen to them sing the praises of free to play it is going free to play, rest assured they are working up everything to make that happen, it may take 6 months, it may take a year, it may take a year and a half, they can not just flip a switch, they have already made the decision I am sure, and are working hard to make the transition, that will not save this game, it will merely keep it on life support....GW2 is really close, that will be even more people leaving, let us talk about the 800 lb gorilla in the room, MoP, I am not interested in pandas but a great many will leave for that game as well, then we are into next year, next year has a lot of stuff headed our way, this game is dead....and ea, bioware, mythich, all three, and the guys at the top are to blame, not you, not me, not the developers, but the brass, .......The Force will live on, it may be several years, but there will be another Star Wars game, let us pray that it isn't with EA, Lucas Arts needs to sever ties with that company.....



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