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Posts posted by Teuras

  1. So at the first weeks of January Ilum started to fill up with lvl 15-20 players who stand next to the chest spawns (that have no aggressive monsters near them) and loot them the very second they spawn. They don't respond to tells and they are there looting the chests 24/7. It seemed that most were professional gold farmers as at the time the first in-game advertisements for credits started to pop up.


    Now Ilum is filled with regular players who park their character next to the chest and do the same. I see people from casual, PvP and raiding guilds doing the same. It's free credits. Why log out when you can leave your character in Ilum to loot the chests? Spawn timer is around 5 minutes and the chest contains on average 3200 credits. Do that 20 hours a day and in a week your character will have 5.3M credits.


    Now guess why prices are doubling in the galactic market every couple of weeks? This is obviously not the only reason, people get cash in many other ways, but its mainly those with "free credits" that push up the prices. Gear, crafting materials for power-leveling etc.


    They are getting reported, talked about pissed off people in Ilum general is not that uncommon, yet the same names stand there. On my server a person, whose name I cannot tell because apparently it is against the terms of service, has stood on the Imperial patrolled chest spawn, looting it from the the second servers go up, all the way until the maintenance since 5. January. He is still lvl 15.


    Pardon my French but what the ****? It has to be one of the easiest thing to fix.

    a) mob span next to the chest

    b) chest location randomly changes within 30m area (that way the simple repeating button click macro/auto-fire would not work)


    About a month ago there was a post that these were dealt with and that its no longer possible to do this. Guess what, you forgot to tell it to the macro looters.

  2. Since the slightly more provocative thread got deleted, I'll try a more subtle approach.


    Please add mob spawns next to the loot boxes in Ilum, it hurts the game a lot if lvl 15 players can easily loot them without actually being at the keyboard.


    Oh and if the same person that got upset by the last thread wanders in here, please take a second to properly understand what I am trying to say here before going completely ******* again.

  3. I very much enjoying playing this game: being both a huge star wars fan and an avid MMO gamer, thank you. But, I prefer playing solo and as I now have high level characters, I can reflect back and express my personal opinion- that there are way too many Flashpoints and Heroic Missions that require a group, which interrups my personal style of gameplay.


    So let me get this right, you are upset that the Massive Multiplayer Online RPG you are playing has way too much multiplayer content, because even though you like playing MMO's, you prefer to do it solo? And your not trolling? :D

  4. Sorry I had to make this, I'm just getting tired of seeing thread about people bragging about being 50 first... So what? really I mean, you probably skipped the whole story line, so I can't really see the achievement? maybe its just me, but I would hate myself for being 50 and didn't do the story to the fullest but Gzz to all of you I guess ;)


    Why the hate? I don't see power levelers laughing at the teen power-fantasy storyline or mediocre at best sci-fi sidelines, nor are they making fun of the role-players or casuals who will never see the insides of the top level PvE content. Listened to the story up to around lvl 8, after that it was 3, space, 3, space, 3, space, 3, space through all the conversations.

  5. So again, whats the point playing in a PvP server if all of the PvP is done in Warzones that work the same exact way in PvE servers?

    You get to gank noobs, yes, but apart from that? Do the outworld PvP kills net your character anything besides bragging rights?

  6. Yeah, aside from all the small nagging things, I think the fact that it's way too easy is my single big grief with the game.


    Dark Age of Camelot's main aspect was PvP, thats the thing it did well and what it was build around.


    World of Warcraft, despite it's eSport PvP in later releases, was clearly build around raid PvE


    SWTOR has advertised it's compelling storyline....

    To this date, nobody has pointed out whats left of it if you just skip the teenage power fantasy and go straight to max level.

  7. I was trying to find out how PvP is implemented in this game and this thread looks like its covering that very topic. I didn't play Beta and haven't gotten in the game yet and I'm trying to decide whether to go PvE or PvP.


    I love PvP but the new eGames style, battleground based PvP really is not for me. I "grew" up with PvP games like UO and DAOC where open world combat was all there was. The rewards you got from a kill were worth it, unlike in games like WoW where open world PvP is mainly about pissing off the opponent.


    So not counting the battlegrounds or what ever they are called in SWTOR, what are the rewards you get from killing an opposite faction player outside of PvP specific areas? Do you get experience? Loot? Anything? Also how is SWTOR geared towards end game PvP? From all I have seen so far its high level PvE raids?


    Personally I'm a min/max type of player and I fully expect to skim through the below 50 level content within the free month of play. Since I don't care a bit about running static battlegrounds, should I still roll PvP or just go to PvE?


    Oh and *** you really respawn AT THE SPOT you died without any death penalty besides what ever time it takes for you to respawn (and possibly wait for the corpse campers to leave)?

  8. It did not cause it, no, but wasn't one the point of it that there would be less queues and stress on servers?

    With little or no info on the access to the game, people could not even plan ahead on how they would handle the server selection.


    Also with Rift, people had a choice to relocate as they all started at the same time. In SWTOR relocating after launch would mean that some folks would have to abandon a character, quite possibly in 20-30 level range.

  9. So lets assume a quarter, or even 1/5 of the player base knows someone they want to play with. Be it just a one friend or a whole guild. Now part of the guild or some of the friends get in the game in early Early Access, settle in a server and rest are going to follow. This is pretty much what will and has happened, there is no two ways about it, unless the early Early Access players actually want to create another character or just wait before they start playing (probably not going to happen).


    Now while the anchor-head of the guild or friend base have settled into a server, so have a bunch of random other players and thus they fill up the server. No problem for those without a guild or friends who are already playing, since EA/BW will just fire up new servers where they can go...


    But for those who are following a guild or friends this means that the servers that are experiencing 3 hour queues as of now, will be looking at 5-6 hour queues come the actual launch day. Popular servers NOW will be massively overpopulated by 20th.


    This was my first though when I heard about the staggering launch and I'm a bit confused how it didn't cross the minds of the developers :confused:

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