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Posts posted by Eegorr

  1. I completely agree with this. I have a black toon as well, and he turned all Michael Jackson on me as he hit Dark II. I know I could turn the corruption off, but I like the premise..... I just think that we should retain a menacing look as we go down the corruption tree.


    Moreover, I don't think that non-force users should have a corruption at all. That's just silly. Life isn't fair.

  2. I completely agree with OP. Levelling is way too fast. I am, however, willing to concede that not everyone is like me. The best solution for me would be to just be able to switch of XP-gain. I don't really care about twinks, and I'll happy to the grinding if I shoot myself in the foot and actually have to catch up.


    As it is now, I can't enjoy the game because I out level everything. I want to explore the planets and see all of this lovely content that Bioware has created, do the flash points and all heroics at least once, without constantly skipping content just to keep the game even the least challenging. It is easy enough as it is.

  3. Since I own a ship, and it has a crew, it should be able to come pick me up in any outdoor area.


    That ability should be available outdoors only, have relatively small cooldown (15 mins) but should cost credits (fuel).


    If you want to be really fancy, make it available in nice even terrain area only.


    It's exactly this that I want to see more of.


    Quick travel should 'only' be available outdoors. Anything else is just silly. This isn't star trek. With that said, there needs to be a good balance between traveling time, and these quick travels (which really ruins the immersion of most games they're in).


    One thing that would work is that you from any place could call for a pickup. The ship would then pick you up at the closest area within X secs, depending on the distance to the hangar. If this is outside the complex you're in then you will have to actually walk to get there, but levels can be designed such that this is not too much of a problem. Once the ship picks you up, you should be able to fly to any point on the planet pretty much, at least the places you have discovered.


    No loading screens of course, and no walking around inside the ship if all you want to do is to get from point A to point B on a planet's surface.

  4. Re: emphasized part, are you kidding? Bioware have for years been all about stringently controlling every aspect of the gameplay experience and never letting the player get off the rails. Every single game they've released since the conclusion of the Baldur's Gate series has seen less freedom and increasingly more control exerted over the player. Bioware are all about micromanaging the player, since they see it as a means of delivering deeper and more complex story and characters. Which is sometimes true, and other times not.


    Ehhh..... nothing about the shooter has anything to do with story or immersion. It's about as interesting as the Pazaak games (spelling?) or the pod races of KOTOR. It's a cute little mini-game, but when it comes to something as important as space travel in the SW-universe, I really feel they have to do much better.


    As I said, it's fine that it's not there at launch. It's not fine if on-rails is the direction they intend to go in. And no, we don't have to have a complete flight-sim, but there is a good middle ground between a sim and a rails shooter where the only complicated thing you have to do is ponder whether or not to hold the left or the right mouse button.

  5. I agree that the shooter on rail is a sleeping pill at the moment, but it's probably just a matter of time and money. The only thing that scares me about the on-rails thing is that it hints at that BioWare actually believes in that style of play. But there are already plenty of threads on the subject.


    I'm fine with free-flight and interesting space missions not being in the game at launch -- I just hope it's coming.


    If LA is going to release a worthy sequel of X-Wing and Tie-Fighter, I'd be the first in line.

  6. I'A tank that refused to allow us to regen before the next pull or keep aggro on more than one mob.


    What level range were you at? You do know that tanks are not designed to keep aggro on large groups in the same way as other MMOs out there. He still may have sucked, and of course he should let you regen between pulls, but typically some CC or burn targets are required.

  7. This is a great idea, and one I strongly advocate they add. There are no downsides. I don't see twinkling as a problem, especially not the way the brackets are constructed now, and if I shoot myself in the foot by turning the xp-gain off for too long, I'll happily curse, blame myself, and grind the xp myself.


    Please add this feature. I want to level and have the game be moderately non-facerollable, and enjoy all the content, and maybe reach 50 some time before summer.... or after.


    Note, that I'm not saying that anyone else has to play this way. People who want to reach 50 quickly can do what they're doing now.

  8. What I don't get is how the light-side vendor can stand in the middle of the imperial fleet and not be tossed out the nearest air-lock by his fellow Sith. He even has a blueish decoration thing going on in his little shop.


    The light side points for Sith are typically of the type of being traitors to the empire -- let the jedi go, or let the spy go even though he has vital information that shouldn't fall into enemy hands -- the fact that the more sane option, like turning them over to IA, is hardly ever present makes this even worse.


    Anyway, since these are the type of people that this vendor is catering for, I don't see how he can still be around. He's probably as strong in the force as Palpatine and just tricking everyone into thinking that he's harmless.

  9. You can't respec your warrior to a mage or a rogue in WoW either, which is roughly the same thing.


    One reason the system is the way it is now is to have four story-lines in stead of eight I suppose. It's also a risky design decision since the silver platter crew will immediately jump on the respec-issue as a failing that should be in the game. Had the choice been at level one in stead of level ten, but with the same story line, I don't think as many people would be complaining.


    What we are getting now is a service to try out our class for a bit before we commit to a certain AC. Working as intended, and I really hope they don't change that.

  10. Gaah. Another one of these threads.


    Ninjaing for companions is still ninjaing.


    Need > Need for companion > Greed.


    Simple and clean. Abide by this or be kicked from any group I'm in at least (well.... any where I have that power at least).


    The best thing is always to talk before the run. I will not suffer ninjas, so if the loot rules are clear before the run, no one needs to throw a fit. I'm sure those of you who think that this type of behavior is acceptable don't want me in your group any more than I want to be there anyway ;).


    I try to be a nice guy. But ninja looting is ninja looting.

  11. Need for companion clearly surpasses greed, but of course any real person who wants it should certainly get it.


    I am actually baffled that this is an issue. Anyone needing for their companion is a ninja in my book, but I would absolutely pass for a companion if I was just going to vendor the item.


    So. Need > Need for companion > Greed.


    Another need button is a great idea, but this has been proposed before. You can flame me if you like, but we're unlikely to change each others mind on this. I've had this debate in other threads, and I simply don't understand any other points of view than this one.


    Of course an easy solution is to just talk about the rules prior to a run to avoid ninja looting and insta-kicks from the group.

  12. Did they ever not confirm it as a real issue - FOR SOME PEOPLE?


    What's never been confirmed, and is in fact explicitly denied, is that it's a real issue for the vast majority of players.


    The funny thing is that it's an absolute impossibility for you to know this. What are your sources? What percentage do you claim 'vast majority' falls under, and what sources do you have to back up your claim?


    Just curious, since you state it as if it were fact.

  13. I only read the first page... lot's of people not agreeing with OP.


    I do agree. As the OP states, we don't want to change the gameplay for anyone. I for one would love the option of just turning off XP-gain so that this game can even be remotely challenging while still enjoying the content.


    Figure that. An MMO where we have absolutely no rush to reach 50, and want to enjoy all of the quests.


    For those of you who just want to zerg lots of toons to 50. Good idea. Keep doing that. We would just like an option not to have to do that. Enjoying content and providing a challenging game.

  14. Either you live in a Africa or you are full of crap, cards are safe up to a pretty high temperature and this game doesn't run the cards THAT hot.


    Sorry but amongst all the different claims for this game, this has got to be the most stupid one I have seen. Two high end cards failing at the same time? Nah brah.


    There are more than enough people who can advocate that this game does run hot. Should it fry the hardware? Of course not. There are always safeguards against that. But when games run Skyrim and the latest MW and BF-titles just fine, but not TOR, then something is slightly amiss.


    It's not stupid, it's fact, but of course you should always make sure that your computer is properly cooled when running anything on it.

  15. I'm running my game on a laptop (and no, I'm not going to stop doing that) and the game does run very hot. I've never had any problems with any other games. The computer has literally just died several times due to heating issues -- better that than fried hardware I suppose.


    As long as I keep my laptop... well.... not in my lap, things tend to work.

  16. I have never got my account hacked in any game, also my passwords are ... a hacker's nightmare, lengthy, full of caps and lower case, numbers, ... hard to force brute, but still i like the idea of a security key, but as i said ... every time i have to login i think "omg ... one day i will have no phone" it's a matter of possibilities, theres a 0.2%? possibilities of getting my account hacked, but theres a 99.99% chance i will be without phone in the next 3-4 months :D


    My passwords are the same. I'm a computer scientist after all ;). I still got hacked. I still don't know how. It bugs the hell out of me.


    So. I have been hacked. I have never lost my phone. I feel safer this way, but I agree that you should be able to remove or reset the key without calling customer support. Of course if you lose your key, then that's another issue.... how do you verify that you are who you say you are.

  17. Wheras I agree with everything you say OP (and your english is fine, but granted it's easier to compose a letter than to speak) you should consider having this security key.


    I had my WoW account hacked and it was absolutely no fun. The first thing I did was to install a security key, and I'm happy that I did. Of course if I lose my phone then I am in trouble.


    You are right, you should be able to remove your key, but consider keeping it. It really does help.

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