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Posts posted by Atomitor

  1. War hero is not useless at all, I didn't compare it closely to pve stuff, but it's just insignificantly worse then partisan gear.


    PS: useless gear is all obsolete pvp-gear below war hero, such as battlemaster, recruit, centurion, etc.


    cheers for that i'll swap out any battlemaster stuff i have left and keep warhero then, hopefully by the time i get from 50-55 i'll have loads of stuff to spend

  2. as some one who has just come back to this game after a long break this is brilliant. something you could do with putting in there for idiots like me is that your old level 50 warhero stuff you spent so long grinding is worse than useless and should be taken off immediately, personally i had no clue till i saw a post in the forums yesterday
  3. Only the war hero and campaign sets have been their set bonuses on the armoring instead of the shell. This will be the new system going forward but is not backwards compatible with previous sets.


    it would be nice to see this made backwards compatible, pre 50 my assassin looked great, mixture of imperial pilot gear and balmorra social gear, now that i'm working from recruit to battlemaster i look a.) just like every one else 2.) not a thing like my character concept. I am a sneaky Sneaky bringer of death and not some over dressed ejit with a skirt, glowing rocks all over and feathers coming out of my head. really helps with the whole infiltrate and strike suspected.

  4. this queuing is unacceptable, and as far as i can see in the dev tracker not one dev has responded regarding this. not being able to get in is very bad, no response from the developers is just down right rude and unacceptable and i echo the guy who said we are paying for a service that we are not receiving.
  5. Lucasarts owns all of the content. EA just has distribution rights. But licensing agreements are still complicated business.


    agreed, best thing to do is get a bunch of figures with similar parts to your character and start the cut and glue fun times

  6. Would be nice with some kind of communication. The time here in EU is 11PM, do you guys expect us to sit up here for long or can you with respect to your players tell us if ANY more update will come tonight.


    I find it worth to wait if you actually have a EU batch.


    This, you've gone on record saying that you're reading all of this so prove that statement and let us know if were going to be getting a look in.

  7. How about you update the thread a bit more and let ppl know more information about there servers, ppl wouldn't be so upset if you keep them happy and give them more information, you just cant grasp this BW can you? simple customer relations, i think you need to go college and learn this.


    Jesus, you would think Bioware are MI5 with all the Secrecy


    this, can customer service please provide some customer service

  8. People don't seem to understand they did a lot of heavy loading yday, now as they said, they're fine tuning. They're making sure the servers are stable with such heavy loads (something which cant be checked earlier since...needed to move people there first). Now they'll see how many more they can put on them, and for those that are full - which servers will be chosen as second desitnations. Following that, a plan as to how to populate the second destination in the healthiest way possible.



    personally i would be a lot happier accepting this if some one from bioware actually came and told us this, I've worked for years in a customer service environment and its amazing how much happier a customer getting the same lack of service is if you constantly update them and tell them what the delay is.


    saying that got any CS jobs going?

  9. very disappointed to find that the free for all area wont allow you to scrap with your guild mates. With the lack of warzones my guild thought we'd head there for a bit of a smack around and found that you can't fight guild mates. Bioware can we get this sorted please? and till this gets sorted is there anywhere we can go for a bit of a scrap?
  10. Since the higher-level sets have the bonus attached to the armor, you'll be able to transfer the bonus (you can currently do this on live).


    almost, as I found out the hard way, with the new stuff like war hero you can do this but with the older stuff like battlemaster you cannot. I'm really hoping they changed this as I spent ages getting the respective social levels and fleet comms to get the look i wanted only to find out I'd wasted a lot of credits stripping all the mods out

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