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Posts posted by Dnepr

  1. Glad I'm not on Bastion because I would quit the moment I saw your objective ignoring toons on my team. The only reason people are supporting this is because UGLYMRJ is the OP. If you're that bored with the game, move on.
  2. People complain about teammates not paying attention to objectives already. Make MVP automatic and make the reward something actually worth getting and the problem will multiply.


    The only change I would like to see to the current system are more metrics added to the score board at the end. e.g. scored in HB, planted a bomb, disabled a bomb, etc. The current Attacker/Defender is vague. That said, it still doesn't matter and rightfully so.


    Spec: You might need to tweak your spec. Hybrid is the only way to go, if you plan on taunting/peeling/guarding. This is the guide I started with for my alt.



    I tried your spec yesterday. First game was pretty crappy for me getting used to losing one of my stuns. I didn't like giving up my lower cool downs on force push either. Next two games were much better. <10m leap was very nice to have. Oh, and of course, SMASH! I'm going to screw around with it for a bit longer. Thanks for posting.

  4. I'm new to the mechanics of pvp so I am curious as to whether I should be guarding. For some reason I don't see alot of my allies or enemies using it, so I am wondering if I am doing something wrong. On the side note, I am a juggernaut and wondering if I should be dps/def spec. I am currently in a def spec and my total dmg /wz is around 33k and protection 20-50k - I have lag so I am wondering if these are adequate numbers or if my lag is killing my dmg. Ty to all for your help.


    Yes, Guard is important especially for your healers. It can be difficult to use effectively sometimes, especially in pugs, because you have to stay within range of that guarded person for it to have an effect. With those protection numbers you are obviously taking advantage of taunts, which is perfect. Your protection numbers will get better the more you play.


    You will probably get more people saying to go DPS over Defense. I say try them both and see what you like. I personally play Defense spec and find it to be a blast in PVP. No, your damage will not be top tier, but it will also get much better than the numbers you are seeing now. A Defense Jug can be a valuable team member due to your utility. We are also fantastic ball handlers in Hutt Ball. Practice, practice, practice.


    What level are you?

  5. .....When I asked "new to TOR, anything I should know before we start" the number of answers I got was... ZERO. ....


    Thank you very much, TOR PvP can go and ... itself.


    Did you say this at the beginning of a WZ? I don't think there is enough time to explain such an open ended question at the start of a match. If you don't know how to play at all then you can't expect someone to hold your hand at the beginning of a WZ. This is what personal research and a guild is for. Even asking this stuff on the fleet should get some positive replies. The stickies here in the PVP forum are enough to get you started.

  6. The issue with the lopsided teams I have seen lately have not necessarily been gear related, but class. Such as a team with 2 healers Vs. team with none.


    That being said, I did have a surprisingly good game of Huttball yesterday on a team I never thought could win. We did not have a single force user on our team. All Bounty Hunters and Agents. I even commented on it at the start of the match thinking "oh great, another lopsided match". We won 1-0. I have to give that very determined team props.

  7. Best one I have seen was in a CW match. We held mid and the opponents the sides. I come back from death, look at my map and see that my team has completely abandoned mid. When I commented on this in chat I was told "You can't win with just mid".
  8. Yup, another week+ of broken pvp with incomplete teams. Pathetic fail from Bioware.


    Amazing...and I thought two weeks was an extremely long time for this bug to go unpatched. Guess I'll wander over to the patch notes and see what it was that they decided was more important.

  9. If they can't fix it in the 2 weeks since 1.4 hit, then they either simply don't care, or are incompetent beyond belief.


    This is what gets me. Two weeks is a long time for such a game breaking PVP bug.

  10. As an example, every time I get into Denova, I usually attack the south node with my teammates. When enemy team arrives, I always count how many they have. If they have only 4-5 or so, it usually means they're going to attack the node closest to our spawn. So, I always check and move to intercept if I see red tags streaking along far away.


    On the other hand, if you're going to one of the northern nodes, take a look at the other side and see how many are on the way to theirs. If more than 2, let south know.

  11. If I start typing in "Focus the healers" and you think that's bullying, you need to grow a pair and learn about other societies who can lash you for spitting your gum on the sidewalk.


    This type of communication is completely acceptable. It's if you were to say "Focus the f'n healers you idiot noobs. You all suck!" where there is a problem.

  12. People do not act this way in RL so the fact they do online makes them nothing more than a bunch of *******. Same goes for the way people talk to each other on forums, this one being no exception.


    I actually get a kick out of the ragers. I'll start out by politely calling them out for berating their teammates. Often times it ends there. If it doesn't, I'll just push their buttons for the rest of the match.

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