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Posts posted by Pratorean

  1. You know what we should all do? All meet up at our respective fleets on our respective servers and all make a fraps video of everyone dancing and waving to all the bitter wow fanboys leaving because they can't handle tor, to the music.


    Na na na na. Na na na na. Hey hey hey Goodbyeeeeeeee


    HAHAHA HELL YEAH. Its funny they log in to troll the game. Or complain in general chat. Just proves my point. 1 Misery loves company 2. They have no other options to use their entertainment time on. As soon as Aion became boring I stopped logging in. I did not continue to log in and say god this game sucks. Same for Rift. Same for EQ2 (after 7 years mind you) EQ2 was epic..... If I ever get to the point to where this game is a drag ill not log in. I don't see though. Bioware is in this for the long haul. I am having a blas with the endgame there is and I am enjoying the time I am spending with my 2 sons and my real life best friend in the game. I have found some great friends in the guild I am in and they all love the game as well. I think as a rule of thumb the unsatisfied tend to speak up more then the satisfied. That is why even though I rarely post on these threads I felt compelled to do so. Bioware desrves credit for creating a great game..

  2. Agreed, I play with my brother and RL friends, although they didn't join until a couple of weeks after Xmas (I was in early access) it's been great fun.


    The problem is a lot of the "hardcore" players are your typical 1% crowd....dailies and dailies only once they hit max level, forgetting they also have:


    Legacy xp to earn

    Lots of codex entries unfinished

    Datacrons to find

    Titles to earn

    Raids to run

    Crafting to do

    7 other stories to complete


    Anyone that hits 50 and claims to have completed the game is an out and out liar, not finished by a long way.



    I agree 100% I just finished my Sorc and killed Malgus/ it was awesome. People that think this game sucks good luck finding anything better. WOW rofl can go from 1 to max level in 3 days and have almost no fun doing it. EQ2 lol there is a reason it had to go free to play. Rift ???? nope it will be free to play soon and is all but dead. Sorry I am just one man and my opinion is just that my opinion but I love this game. THANK YOU BIOWARE YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!

  3. To the OP there number you see only refers to the shard you are in. I know this for a fact as I could see in my guild window I had guild mates with me on Tatooine but they did not show on the planet if I used the search tool by clicking on the number. The reason bioware did this was so we are not fighting for updates. IMO this was smart. COnsidering this was the best launch of an MMO I have ever seen. Its easy to get a group if you need one just use General Chat etc. There are so many people in fact I have never had to wait on a group. Granted I play in a decent size guild. The sales numbers of the game its self are staggering. If you divide those number amongst the servers equally the number is massive. Its pointless math though because the players them self are not divided equally. This game is far from dead. As long as BW can keep content up this could be the biggest MMO we have seen in a long time.
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