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Posts posted by Leoxastarth

  1. I know I know this must have been asked many many times already, but I'm seriously torn so much between these two while at the same time being desperate to settle down in one, so I just want to ask people; in the context of 6.0 between Sorcerer and Assassin, speaking strictly as a DPS that likes both group content and warzones, which would you play and why? What feels most 'fun' and flashy to you etc? Any insight into how you guys view the classes would be appreciated a lot.
  2. So I'm coming back to the game after a roughly 2 year hiatus, and I've always, always played Sorcerer, I was planning to play one again but it seems almost everyone agrees the class is 100% the weakest and not good.


    Is this true? Is Sorcerer just weak and no fun anymore? Ideally after all the story stuff, I'd want to do stuff like occasional warzones casual pvp and some story dungeons and stuff, anyone got any advice? I tried Assassin but it was just a bit boring to me, not very flashy. Does Madness Sorcerer not work in PVP anymore? They used to be quite good.

  3. I have a marauder at 24 and a juggernaut at 25, so maybe I dont have the full lvl 50's experience of the Sith Warrior yet, but basically Im worried at this point, mainly about falling behind in DPS in both PVP and PVE, as a juggernaut, every where I try to look for an answer, I see the same "Marauders do more dmg ofc, they are the 'pure' dps class" and etc.


    So basically is this really true do you guys think? Would I get gimped just because I want to be a DPS 1-saber style instead of dual? I really prefer juggernaut to be honest, mostly due to the fact I love the 1-saber style / force push, style fighting than all the bleeds and frenzy attacks of dual wield marauder, plus the armor too. And again I dont want to be stuck playing a tank, I really want to be DPS just not with two lightsabers, and obviously I want to be a Sith Warrior.

  4. Right well my predicament is this, I want to be a Sith Warrior, but I dont want to tank, like ever, however, Im not a fan of dual-saber combat, I prefer heavy armor and 1-saber style combat it just appeals to me a lot.


    So I guess my question simply is, can a juggernaut dps (Planning on vengeance) be on par in dps with a marauder in PVP and PVE?

  5. It is pretty much a waste of time yes, the only reason you want to farm these, is a) You think you have some lucky and might get lucky, or b) you just love SWTOR pvp that much that you dont care not being rewarded for your time spent PVPing or being pitted against people who have better gear than you because they rushed to lvl 50 when the drop-rate of the champion tokens was still high (It was nerfed last patch or was it the patch before? Cant remember, one of the patches nerfed the rate on getting tokens anyway)
  6. hah, I'm trolling? Coming from the dude who claims to have lost 30 in a row. Everyone knows your full of **** and are just whining about a couple losses. More queuing, less QQ'ing


    btw, your logic makes perfect sense, Im lying about losing 30 games, but my suggestion is to get a quest objective update after 30 losses, yeah, Its obvious who is full of what here,

  7. I just started PvPing after hitting 50 and I gotta say I'm quite discouraged.I probably win 1 out of 10 games, and somehow I'm always top one or 2 heals in my crappy level 50 blue gear, and there are people in full pvp epics healing less than me.


    Not to mention I've got 5 ear pieces from stupid bags. This RNG stuff is nonsense. What would happen if I finally got enough commendations to buy an item, so I buy some gloves for example, then I get the champion gloves from my next bag. Well look at that. A whole crap load of bags / commendations wasted because of this terrible terrible gear system.


    I want to like this game so much, but the more I play it the more frustrated I become with it. Don't even get me started on Illum.....


    Yep pretty much all of this is how it goes for me too, I gave up on Ilum like two days ago, our server has low republic population, and our Ilum consists of 6 people farming armaments in central, which roughly takes around 2-3 hours to complete IF, only IF you are good at being able to grab the armaments fast.

  8. Let''s say on average a warzone takes 12 minutes to complete (some end early some go the entire time).


    If you got an instant queue, you'd be looking at 360 minutes (6 hours) to lose 30 in a row. And you won't get instant queues, so lets call it an even 400 minutes (6 hours 40 minutes).


    This means it would take you 1200 minutes (20 hours!) to complete your daily!


    So, how does your solution help you at all? It doesn't, you're trolling and you're bad at it !!! Ur just mad bro, say it


    Im not trolling, and how is my solution bad? Ive played 30+ games, with them all being losses, me saying I should get quest credit for that is me trolling? No of course not, you havent been in the same situation, so immediately you dismiss everything as trolling, just showing yourself off as selfish and ignorant, oh and p.s. to the guy who asked, my champ bags are only either empty (just centurion commendations) or, have only unassmbled relic, currently, got entire centurion set, valor rank 60, + 6 spare champions relics in storage :) RND - progression, how 'skilled' players do it ;D :D.


    BW is the troll here not me, its a simple suggestion and a fair one, if anyone has been in my position before, they know what I mean, if you havent, and you disagree with this, your just snobby and selfish, since someone playing 30 games and getting 1 quest objective completion from that does not harm you.

  9. Its a pretty simple request, and fair I think, at least give us something more than crappy medals, And I am in all honesty serious, make ever 30th consecutive warzone loss count as a 'win' in your daily, I have missed out on 4 days of dailies because for some reason on my server, empire loses all the time, maybe Ive just been unlucky in the sense that we even lose the imp vs imp huttball games, either way, 34 games done so far, every single one a loss, I really wanna complete my daily, cant you add a more fair system? Or at least make sever transfer available already...
  10. Heya guys, just recently reached level 10, I want to be a DPS, but I picked juggernaut, because I love heavy armor, and one-saber style combat, I was just wondering if anyone knew, what would be the best dps / leveling build and rotation for a jugger, keep in mind I dont want to tank, just dps, and pvp on occasion.
  11. Stop misusing comma's kthx.


    How ironic, this coming from a guy who types as if he is texting on a cheap mobile phone. Oh and by the way, the so called 'racial slang' is actually a widely accepted terminology most of the time used to describe that particular kind of dictatorship, I guess our University lecturers must think they are 'cool' to use it...hmmm, perhaps they simply have a brain, oh well.

  12. I dont understand this at all, what is your problem with people enjoying the game!? You have utterly, brought PVP progress to a halt with no reason, this is so damn unfair, first you take away the ability to be able to do the Ilum daily, its virtual impossible, for any imperials on my server to do so, we never have enough peak numbers to make an ops, and whenever we set foot in Ilum, its a matter of running to center to be picked off and farmed by republic troopers, which along with merc's, is another issue, you REFUSE to acknowledge.


    You have forced on us, random loading screens now, so just in-case, our PVP experience wasn't crap enough, with the new patch we need to suffer sudden random load screens.


    Ignoring the fact, i have an almost full set of Centurion gear, due to having opened around 50-60 odds champions bags, to only ONCE, ONCE, find a champion trinket token, and that you reward PVP progress through sheer dumb luck, than actually people working for it, I now cant even get my daily champion bag from Ilum either, as I explained above, so well done Bioware, just keep making the game crap and more crap, because Im sure, the group of whiners you listened to about Ilum are just so damn, good, professional and qualified at games design.

  13. I stopped reading your post when you stated your gains from bags.


    Every Champ bag contains 3 Cent tokens and 5k credits, UNLESS you get a Champ token, at which point it only contains 2 Cent tokens and the 5k credits. Champ bags are not meant to give you champ gear, they're meant to get you Centurion gear with a CHANCE to upgrade yourself to better gear. Battlemaster is the same way.


    Yeah, sure, its only a small chance and bonus, even though many people easily get a full-set of PVP gear from 10 bags, if they have just a bit of luck.


    Luck should not be the factor of progression, in PVP or PVE.

  14. The RNG should be a bonus only. So they decide when they want a bag earned, ie 2 a week 1 a month whatever. Give out tokens at this pace.




    Add an rng fun factor to get your gear early. So once in a while you get one early.


    The entire system should not be RNG. Someone will suffer, that is part of the R in RNG. And it's really not fun. If 500,000 people flip a coin 26 times there will be some who get only 1 tail, it will happen.


    All this basically.

  15. So, I really want this explained by someone, how is it fair, that when I put in 20+ hours to farm for these bags (Yes our server imps lose that much), along with a friend I might add, how is it fair, that out of these 26 bags, I have ONLY, -ONLY- received 1-3 Centurion Commendations and 4-5k credits. Im genuinely curious to see what makes this system fair when my friend and many other people pretty much get their entire set, by bag 15th at the latest, while I am stuck using my weak pre-pvp gear, lacking the much needed stats I need vs other lvl 50's.


    This is an absolutely dumb system, and I keep farming these bags hoping, for ONCE I might get a gear token piece, but it never seems to come, and before people say "Oh well your getting commendations", commendations dont count for squat when there's people next to you receiving better or superior gear, for free, while you need to be stuck farming for weeks, to be able to afford one piece? And I have no doubt some people are gonna assume Im exaggerating, but Im not, and I think from now on, Im simply going to screen-shot each bag opening, perhaps my characters bugged? No idea, I will see what happens with bag number 27 tomorrow.

  16. We got a whole thread going on discussing that question in http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=142274&page=6


    Bottom line, hybrid is by far superior (it's not even close), only good thing about the creeping terror build is the 2 sec CC, but damage and burst wise, the hybrid spec demolishes it.



    ps: your first sentence seems to imply that you think the main appeal of the hybrid spec is Lightning Barrage (I don't know if it's what you meant), but Lightning Barrage is just a little bonus, the main strength of the hybrid build is the instant cast Chain Lightning that you get from wrath (making it instant and giving it +20% damage), it's amazing. You don't use chain lightning without getting a wrath proc otherwise.


    Oh, no I know the main bonus is CL, but still I really love Lightning barrage.

  17. Played Madness up to lvl 34, am now lightning, yes, Madness is way superior in -every- way, but its also more boring, your spamming FL, and DoT's, I prefer lightnings play, big burst spikes, and whatnot, just shame its so weak.
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