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Posts posted by Shawky

  1. I very seldom post, but this is really getting annoying. I reported people on Yavin 4 for it (giving names) and today I go to Iokath and someone named limit break is botting all the secured caches. I can only surmise that since NOTHING was done on Yavin 4, they will be taking over Iokath soon. Would it hurt for someone to check these areas once in awhile? I have been a paid subscriber since pre launch and I am really disgusted with the lack of concern you guys have for this.
  2. Not skipping the cinematics doesn't work most of the time...I saw a post liike this all the way back to 2014. I am on Shadowlands server. Instead of all this new content why don't you guys work on fixing the stuff that is broken. Another pet peeve besides KDY is star fortress....every time you take an elevator your companion disappears. KDY is a rep flashpoint...shame on you for not fixing this!
  3. Why won't you guys do anything about all the botts running around Yavin 4? They appear, slice, then disappear. Treefiddy has been there 24/7 since I have been doing dailies there the last three weeks. So has Vickollo and Smithson. I have slicing as a crew skill and I am unable to slice anything while I am there. I am sure it wouldn't be hard to find them -- or is SWTOR actually supporting this? I pay to play....not to watch a bott loot everything in sight.
  4. Ok, I have found a fix for the dreaded taxi bug. This seems to be a cache issue for me. Change your memory usage from programs to system cache. Then turn your computer completely off. Turn it back on and enter the game. You will be able to take the taxi then :).
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