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Posts posted by MMOADD

  1. I thought up a priority "flow chart" for my Smuggler.


    Survival (this means you ALWAYS shoot first!) > Credits > Ladies > Republic.


    I also have some ground rules: I always do right by the kids because I have a soft spot for them and I will never kill an innocent that wasn''t in my way.

  2. Tank + Kira is good stuff! Don't forget to use her health bar as an extension of yours. Allow her to have the aggro at first but keep your own threat close (which takes experience without any kind of threat meters) then taunt the mob off of her as she gets diown to 30% or so health. You want to leave her with a decent amount of health in case she gets caught up in a cone or an AoE. Then you can use your cooldowns to further extend the fight.
  3. I think the big breaking point for people once they put it all into action is that Guardian Slash is redundant and inferior. Most Guardians are not having any trouble at all keeping 5 stacks of sunder on their target with the improved talent. So once you have those 5 stacks the benefit of Guardian Slash becomes suspect. A lot of people are taking Vigilance up to Overhead Slash because it's actually higher DPS due to it's shorter cooldown. While DPS shouldn't be a tanking Guardian's focus it does equal more threat and a higher quality soloing experience.
  4. Most MMO companies are not going to release an address to 'ping' these days, especially one like this that's quickly climbing into the millions for subscriber numbers. They have enough traffic to worry about on a day to day basis without every random dude pinging them...not to mention the fan site 'ping-o-meter' that would be sure to pop up and further exacerbate the problem.
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