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Posts posted by Thugmuch

  1. My guild finally completed this encounter after a few nights and multiple attempts. While the difficulty of this encounter is quite laughable, the pylons deactivating is quite obnoxious. We tried different ways of solving each attempt, almost every one listed in this thread. However, what we did that finally worked was praying to our Lord Almighty Tebow. We all kneeled and said a prayer to Lord Tebow and what do ya know? The pylons did NOT deactivate on us. Try it out. It worked for us!
  2. ive been 50 for a few days now and been healing warzone matchs with my friends. I usually do about 250k+ healing per match and will end up with about 2-3 medals, while my dps and tank friends will get 5-7 each. Theyre all damage medals.... healing needs more medals added to it!!


    Things like saving a player from the brink of death and maybe one awarded at the end for top and 2nd place healer or something... idk but its unfair that im keeping my dps and tank friends alive and theyre getting 2 to 3 times mroe medals than me

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