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Posts posted by Vexdrall

  1. SWG sucked at the start, and got worse as they tried to fix it.


    So... did you really play SWG or I am reading some unforgivable sentence? "Sucked at the start"?


    You better joking.


    P.S: Obviously not all people don't like SWG, but as the great game was for many many at the very beggining, I hardly doubt if really 'sucked'... until NGE, of course.

  2. SWTOR has too much to improve this game. But understand this: the work of ALL classes storylines, without doout, carried to Bioware toooo much time working about it, so that's why right now we don't have much great variety of things to do... anyways, I understand that point, because after all I have EIGHT STORIES to play and enjoy, what will keep you for sure pretty busy ingame :p (Remember dudes, you're paying each month for a lot of content of this game, not just only to play one class, you know... this game deserves so far to play ALL classes. All are awesome, they all deserve to be played at least once or even more, what the hell...) Oh, and some pvp by many open pvp worlds, duels and three good battlegrounds. Some crafting, enjoying my companions, some space ship battles and having fun times with good people by chatting and the flashpoints / operations / heroics / expeditions thing, you know...


    The future of this mmo will be very handled for sure by the next kind of new contents could add Bioware... so be really careful.


    Not like having great necessity to take as reference SWG, but you could get something from there. Because there is no more about that fantastic game, what had some fantastic ideas like the bounties, the moldeable citadels, free space, etc., etc...


    To sum up about what I'm referring right now, I will quote this:


    The problem with many of todays MMOs(SWTOR included) is endgame content. Most players will rush to the end, and it becomes a cycle of being unable to release content fast enough to retain the player base - something WoW is suffering from.


    Crafting, Character creation - Galaxies slaps SWTOR in the face here. Whenever I look around a server here, classes look identical, same companions, same almost everything.


    The last patch even saw them have ground to space artillery cannons you could use, player housing, player bounties, open pvp, ability to raid any planet you wanted -


    SWTOR never set out to be SWG 2 but SWG had alot to offer a player back in the day, before NGE destroyed it and it should be respected for its sheer vision and scope. And Bioware should be mindful that a simple design 'mistake' can cost you tens of thousands of players like when the NGE arrived on Nov 15th 2005.


    /clap over 9000 :w_cool:


    Cheers and good luck to all. Let's enjoy for now and apport sometimes to improve a lot this game itself and work together as well for a safe, prosperous and enjoyable community (something that even can make greater a MMORPG)! :p

  3. Last night when the server load was heavy, I didn't see many people but didn't give it much thought. Today on Coruscant, I've seen maybe 8 people? During beta, there were a LOT of people. This "sharding" or "instancing" seems a little overboard. :(


    Time by time my friend. You know this is only the beggining, but I hope servers' seize will increase anyways. And, obviously, lot of people won't play after beta. You know, some won't like at all the game after testing it, some wouldn't play for now because for their computer system, etc.

  4. I do, and clearly you are trying to entice people to antagonize you and create issues.


    *walks away and adds you to the ignore list*


    Like the trollest here is you and not him.


    You dare to tell us what kind of topics we must post or not? This is not basically something insulting or worst... just a simple topic to comment.


    And everyone's mind is in perfect conditions like yours to realize this is a freaking FICTIONAL videogame, as well Star Wars it is. Just tyring to enjoy it in the best way we can, in all senses, like commenting this...


    Oh, and of course Empire never is 100% evil, as well 100% the Republic's people aren't good at all. There are always shames at everywhere, no matter what.


    P.S: Is kinda sad Empire will loose anyways (confirmed by this quote in wookieepedia: "By around 2,000 BBY, the Empire had seemingly vanished from the galaxy, and the Galactic Republic was once again the dominant government." Taken here---> http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Sith_Empire_(Post%E2%80%93Great_Hyperspace_War)), but STILL we have more content about how will develope this war my friends. No one here know that, except Bioware of course, so let's enjoy the videogame and let the future come in time, ;9

  5. Ehm, makes no great 'sense' to get a relationship with Lord Zash just because...





    She will finally become as your enemy because she wants you dead... for some special reason he secretaly has. Is about something I won't tell you, but as you can read, that means she won't never want to make any kind of romantic relationship with the male Inquisitor. Just to make her pwan for a kind of trap. That's all.



    And if you want more romantic relationships, don't worry. For sure there will be more by future contents Bioware will add.

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