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Posts posted by fahima

  1. Wanted to see if they fixed anything as promised.

    1 weekly conquest, but no exp boost, no cxp boost... and after 15k conquest it is a waste.... BUT CONQUEST all things.

    Run and OP for conquest? whats the point everyone is 15k+ conquest already. Not like there is great items in there for an incentive.

    Run a flashpoint for anything... nothing special but a time sink, no reason to run them for items... they do not exist like they did. Oh run MM for crystals... OBVIOUS come September it will mean nothing.


    But thank you EA you are going to save me 15 bucks a month, since I am out as of today... I lived through your garbage from opod beta days, until you could not make up your minds making new launch adjustments every other week... So now instead of correcting the issues that have been around since launch, you have smashed the game with a hammer destroying further actual incentive to play.

    FYI if I wanted to play a gimme easymode game I would be playing WOW.

  2. It is a fail patch, the person who thought and approved this conquest everything needs to be fired.

    I am sure the idea guys who thought calling it a double exp week buy adding conquest to all and not actually CXP and EXP doubling are laughing their butts off.


    Yesterday raw exp was rocking, cxp was not, resurfacing of old bugs, companion glitches... somewhat playable.

    Today... pointless CONQUEST ALL THE THINGS!! but the exp and cxp is the exact same, sure is not double.


    Thanks EA for making a decent game into a failed version Hello Kitty carebear world treasure island.


    Since they are not listening the only way to make them listen is via the pocket book, cancel the subs.

  3. No seriously I would love an assault cannon in the same style as the blaster rifle and pistol but in assault cannon form.


    BUT PLEASE a suggestion that would put a ton o' people over the moon if the sound was that of The Justice/Sorcorro ones, just a bit louder.

    But with a full auto style stream of spent shells instead of the single, same bolt action also.

    For the body model same as the Causality but beefier with like a double paddle style on the back like a Browning M2.



    IMHO I would buy one even if it was still the single shell ejection, the same size as the blaster rifle if it sounded like the Justice.

  4. I had errors like this today 6-28-2108 as well. I deleted the "bitraider" file under Ea/Bioware/Swtor and restarted launcher. Took about 5 minutes to verify (update correctionss?) and was able to click on "Play"

    *side note ~ Not sure if this has anything to do with my launcher/login screen showing 5.7 as the active patch, although this is the 1st issue I've had with launching the game for quite awhile.


  5. I am now sitting roughly at 850 nearly constant kills... zero saber gloves.

    I have 1 blade tyrant, 2 bountys

    I did get a couple of bracers to drop on the odd times I went over there and sold for insane profit and selling off all the blues and greens in my nearly 70 hours of farming of about 490k and 90 commendations.

    Got more orange armor pieces from sharptooth and the blind jedi near by, a half dozen orange saber drops 1 blaster rifle and 1 sniper rifle.



    I AM BORED but want my darned gloves for my sin.

  6. Took some serious working around to be able to play without the excess strobe and cd bars making want to hurl.


    The post earlier about making some adjustments kind of helped but had to figure out what worked for me.


    So far started a new toon and down to a single bar and different class. Not my fav class but enjoying it for now. Honestly the difference between the classes for the GCD is pretty dramatic for how much cd bar/gcd strobe you are getting.

  7. Honestly all forum rage aside the fall out follow up has been way less than stellar.


    They honestly need to get one person with a bit of PR spin and social grace to field these issues as they arise... The first mmo company to do so without being demeaning nor insulting to the player will win over loyal customers.

  8. You shouldn't bother arguing with them. They aren't going to get it. I think this is why the devs aren't actually taking care of this in a timely manner. I think they don't understand that it is actually hurting peoples heads and causing problems. I have played games for 20 years and this is the first time a game has ever made me stop playing it because it made me sick. I am really debating about coming back after the 21st if that's when they decide to fix it. I mean really what if they break something else? Oh well this baby/whiner is out for now. =D


    hey just had a dust up with a guy in my guild about it.. I was way less than nice in that conversation.

    I also doubt ill be back but we will see, The choice to return or not is solely based on the time I am being shorted.

  9. For the reading is a chore, it does not affect me you baby/whiner etc crowd. Let me set this in plain English...


    The combat effects are spread out in the main focal point of the screen, toning down the bloom and other lighting in the settings mutes and washes it out a great deal... besides being in the main focal area of the screen, also they do not override the main gama and brightness settings causing a peripheral flash at a 1-1.5 second interval.


    The bar flash it is a white or blueish white (both contrasting colors to everything else) not really controlled by the over all game settings. Having to turn the overall gama and brightness settings making dark enough to strain to see the actual game...Secondary the tiles are darkened to pointless button mashing increasing the flashing strobe effect. See the horrible cycle? More strobe more eye strain. Adding a strobe like affect is a big no no anyways.


    It is a known effect of strobe lights, and some of us do have issues on bright days the natural strobe effect of shadow and light. It being real life we deal with it, but paying for it for abuse is another.


    But since it does not affect you, you say "you must have a hard time driving." Some of us do and you spout more ignorant crap of "Go see a DOCTOR!!" wow brainiac HOW do you think we have found out about our photo sensitive reactions?


    No of course you don't since it does not affect you it must not be real.... nice head in the sand mentality that caused rl unneeded death and suffering through out history.. It does not affect you there for must not be real.

    So instead of going "hmm there might be something to this..." you say qq more, adapt to it etc. posting more short sided ignorant comments thinking it is over blown and funny.

    Glad mine and others physical discomfort gives you actual joy...

    I am so glad your special snowflake little microverse has never hit a hiccup and caused you any discomfort..

  10. I just wish I could play without getting dizzy from the new bars or that EA/Bioware cared enough to fix the problem.


    I am with you on this. I got bored last night and went and tried gama/brightness removing bars differing contrasts. after 10 minutes was motion sick yet again and logged off.


    This could have been handled in a way different way, with a bit of PR spin and basic cs skills added a touch of humor and grace and most would be happy. Ill post my example of how it should have been.


    Since the mods here work over time squashing some very constructive feedback and shown it in the PTR of the issue being brought up days in advanced they could have swept it more under the rug... but they did not and we were able to find it, it went to show some lack of pre planning.

    They should have been a tad more diligent and got them gone the day of patch. Turned around with a quick pr spun response instead of we are looking into it and leaving us waiting for another 24 hours for Reid to step in it with his first post and the fail lock poll.


    The dev/pr/cs response should have been more like this with a touch of humor


    "whoa there folks cool the hyper drives!! The peon programming droids got a case of fat fingers and flubbed a tiny bit of coding that had a negative affect with the Ilum fix, we are working hard to correct the little droid's slip! Please be patient while we find the coding gremlins that are at the root of the issue."

    (a revert to the last version would have done wonders. it could have been within the first 24 hours and slipped in with the Ilum fix and no one would have been canceling and forum raging. It would have appeased a ton of people and came across like you are paying attention.

    but see how just a tiny bit of creativity and humor can sooth the savage nerd rage?)


    "Upon further investigation we found the coding issue is not the result of a droid flub but the result in the coding interacting with illegal third party software being used by people cheating in the game further ruining and impacting the overall experience for the remainder of the server population. Again please be patient while we fix the issue."


    (see a bit of bs spin but shifting the focus away from the "MEH dont care about feedback!" mindset. but would get the general population focusing the power of gamer rage on the cheating and hacking piles of wamp rat crap that ruining yet another fine game with the botting hacking and exploiting. the latter three being allowed to continue IMHO is more game breaking that the overall bug issues.)


    It does seem to me overall the ea/bw mindset is make and the zombies will come!! Instead of taking the feedback, communicating with the player base and getting some actual help we as a whole are kept int he dark and treated in a us vs. them mentality.

  11. Why not just change white color to transparent red? that would be sufficient and only small change that is done in one minute.


    It does not matter the color it is the nearly constant blacked out tiles and the constant flashing in the peripherals that is causing a major migraine/eyestrain/motion sickness issue with people.


    As it sits right at this moment it is also breaking reaction based skills to non working dps skills.

  12. Actually a smaller screen would be better if the stuff on the monitor caused migraines.

    Flashing lights on the sides often are a cause of migraines, for example when you're driving along an alley with sun shining trough the trees onto the street every 50m or so.


    Well, not in SWTOR, since a lot of the lower resolutions come in awfully blurry, and the mods in the CSR forum telling you that it is your monitor being broken or malfunctioning.


    Avoiding the common causes by a professional UI team would be the best option overall. But you know, people with basic UI design knowledgedo not work for sheep.



    Oh, and @Mods: How about mentioning the migraine caused by the UI in the title of the thread?


    I started getting them at work a few years ago, I was subjected to x5 the level allowed by ohsa in lums on a flickering set of florescent lights. It got corrected but had to move from that area to being under a wobbling set of halogens, between the wobble effect and the glare off my anti static mat I was getting them constantly.

    I corrected the issue but still get them from the flickering mainly off of white CFG bulbs. I have switched my house lights to full spectrum normal bulbs.

  13. The DirectX 9c 2010 redistributable for framerate and graphics optimization that was passed around really helped a lot of people with med to low systems seems to have been changed. I was getting 15-20fps (barely playable) before the idea for this work around was suggested. After installing and overwriting the current redistributable, I was getting 25-40 fps with the same graphics settings and it was a huge difference in gameplay.


    This latest patch has seemed to have effected or disable that hotfix. Now my FPS is back down to 15-20fps. Is anyone else noticing a drop in framerate?


    Not running that but have noticed a stutter when I actually played until I got a serious ocular migraine from the flashing crap in the UI.

  14. My GF's SWTOR induced migraine tells me that it actually matters a lot - at least to us.


    Mine mattered a great deal to me along with the added motion sickness effect... I had to go lay down in a dark room and sleep it off.

    I made an attempt at it just a bit ago and did not last 3 minutes before feeling the queasy guts and seeing the added aura flashes in my vision.

  15. I think the global flash - on the cool down could be just toned down a little. There are more glaring problems than just that though. Once a button has been pressed and a spell has been casted, once the CD has completely, on my screen some of the buttons appear very dark, as if they are not yet available. Yet I know they are. I click on them anyway, more often than not I am right and it activates the ability again. Overall the combat menu/system is actually better, but for some as I say problems I found. It is more responsive, and not much delay on using combat buttons, as there was before the patch. If they tone down the bright CD animations and fix this dark buttons problem - fooling people into thinking the ability is not available when it should be, (Like I say I tested this a few times) then I think they could be closer to fixing this problem with the ability bar.


    It is beyond toning it down, they have also broke reactionary skills with this crap.

    The ui color in the strobe is also causing issues with people who are getting motion sickness like affects, headaches and eye strain.. They were also given the feedback but ignored it and pushed it anyways.

    Now that they have been called on it and a vocal group has spoken out they have been met with silence and qq much from the fanboys.

  16. I have been playing MMO's since the beta of Anarchy Online (still my favorite MMO of all time) and I've always read the forums from time to time for any MMO I was currently playing but these forums stand out FAR beyond any other MMO forum I have ever read.

    Yes, everyone on the forums for most games are there to post about something they are annoyed with. When you are upset about something, you want to post about it. When you are happy and enjoying a game, you don't typically come to the forums to post about how much fun you're having or how game mechanics are working the way you like so the majority of posts on ANY forum are going to typically be complaints of some sort. Not all topics will be negative, but on average, a majority of them will be negative to some degree.

    My first, and less annoying observation here is that while all MMO forums are filled with a majority of negative posts, these forums are absolutely cluttered with about 95% negative posts most of which will have 2 or 3 threads on the same damn page complaining about the same exact problem. Yes I understand that some of these problems are valid and worth discussing while others are problems like whining about travel time and are aspects of almost every MMO out there. A lot of these ridiculous posts make me wonder if these people have ever even played an MMO before they come to these forums to complain about the smallest issues like the lack of end game content because you flew through to game in 2 weeks and have nothing to do.

    Now my second and far more irritating observation is for all these whiny threads, whether they are valid gripes about the game or not, the responses from others players consist of nothing but ************ at the OP about how he/she is an idiot/selfish. I understand how overly stuffed these forums are with people ************ about constant server down times and yes it sucks, don't lie to me and tell me you are totally fine and content with it. Am I going to get on the forum and post about how angry I am about it? No because it doesn't change/help anyone. But when one of these posts do show up, what the **** drives hundreds of you people to post 58 pages of comments either complaining about the the OP or ************ amongst yourselves?! I saw a post the other day that complained about time it takes to go from planet to planet with 162 PAGES of replies almost all of which told the OP he was a moron and its part of every game and to quit playing the game because obviously he can't handle it. 162 PAGES?! are you people serious? Yes these threads are either redundant or a typical aspect of any mmo, but just because they are, does that warrant logging onto the forums so you could be the hundredth or even thousandth person to call some kid an idiot for posting about it?!


    I find it hard to believe you claim AO beta and have not seen this... What AO offical forums were YOU paying attention to during several of their MAJOR melt downs, server crashes, destructive CDs, Damaged CD's forums wipes?

    I know the other place wiped the forums a few times and had a HUGE uproar over a few major issues that they constantly swept under the rug and prayed would go away...Guess what the same bugs then are still there now... They would fix one thing break five others and leave the broken crap broken.

    I see this horrible cycle of fix one break another and leave it showing up in this game as well.

  17. Just going to throw in my opinion,


    I was able to use the last one and now they changed it I can still use it. I look down at the toolbar and seen a cd with a few secs left, so it works and it tells me what I need,


    I dont get an epileptic fit when it flashes.


    I do not get a fit but a raging headache and eye strain along with motion sickness. Say what you will but the strobe effect has got to go.


    Nope just checked this retarded monkey coding is still in place. Yet nothing but scraps from bioware and only half assed canned responses.

    Even the poll said do not want... yet they would rather piss off more player base close threads and sweep this under the rug and tell us wait for another month and MAYBE we will fix it... IF you freaking clowns have a player base left at that point.


    HEY BW stop taking EA's lack of CS and go back doing something slightly fresh and new...Oh ya NEVERMIND!! I should have learned my lesson from the neverwinter series and having end files or corrupt files missing from my game disks... even after patching would NOT allow me to continue... When support was contacted about it was told OH sorry some shipped that way... your bad luck..


    I am now 100% comfortable you are not going to see another sub from me... Do I feel ripped off... you freaking betcha.

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