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Posts posted by chrisftw

  1. 1997 ish Ultima Online had skills that raised when you used them, not levels.


    Maybe we could have something like that.


    and you literally had to play for years to become grandmaster.


    there's a game like this its called eve-online. currently my skill i'm training will take 2 weeks to complete. i'll log back in when its finished.

  2. Never again.


    The Corporate Moto of EA: All consumers are morons and our workers are slaves. **** them both as often as possible.


    Never again


    what games will you be buying instead?


    give me a good game that wasn't produced, distributed or created by EA. just one. and it needs to have sold over 8 million copies as well.

  3. lol i love how all of you act like you were abused by EA.


    gamers will never cease to amaze me.


    EA is one of the largest gaming companies around. for you to say you won't buy an EA game or from any of their affiliates. you may as well just stop gaming. or focus your efforts on facebook games. because they have their hands into everything popular nowadays.

  4. even if you wanna play only pvp, it's gonna be quite boring with f2p. Becouse you will only be able to play a certain number of wzs a week and you won't be able to play the new wz, then i don't know how it will work with rwz.


    And there will be no way you can play operations if you're not a subscriber!


    pvp honestly to me i reserve for First person Shooters or Real Time Strategy games.


    i hardly if ever participate in pvp ever in an MMO. its never been a draw to me.


    and i'm ok with only doing so many flash points and operations a week. as long as i can buy the ops or flash points i like and skip the rest i'm ok with that. and adventure packs and all that good stuff i'm looking forward to seeing what hat trick they can pull.

  5. Well yeah they haven't said that you won't be able to pay to unlock it. I mean the basic idea behind F2P (aside from making more money :D) is that you go at your own pace. So as I said before maybe you only ever want to do on thing in the entire game. So you buy it. And as leathfuil pointed out, it's probably going to be you buy it and it's yours forever. So say it costs like 15 bucks. Given with a subscription you get many other stuff, but you don't want those stuff you only want that particular thing. So why pay 15 bucks a month when you can pay 15 bucks once. I hope you guys see how I'm thinking here :)


    its like you're in my head!!

  6. Well that's great, but on the other hand, I quit because of the F2P conversion and will not be back. I don't like to feel like I'm being nickel and dimed when I'm playing a game. I get enough of that in the real world. You can say the subscription model will stay the same, but we're talking EA here. We both know that's not going to happen. So chasing off the loyal paying customers in order to try to woo back the people who are too cheap to fork out a whopping fifty cents a day is a good business model? I guess it's easier than fixing the game, though.


    to each there own i've played a lot of free 2 play games as well as some b2p games i've seen what goes into cash shops.


    just because its F2P doesn't mean its a bad game man. people love there LOTRO and their EQ2. both free to play both pretty fun to play as a simple diversion when you're bored.


    as long as they don't put lockboxes like they will have in GW2 and you see them all over in STO i'll be fine.

  7. Well no why should he? Maybe he doesn't care about operations and all he wants to do is PvP. Why should he then pay 15 bucks, and not do all those stuff, rather than paying say 5 dollars to unlock Warzones?


    Edit: Given we don't know the prices or if it's going to be per month or a one time fee, I'm sure in the end it will pay off to just buy what you wish to play.


    this is exactly what i was thinking. i'm only subbed now because of all the bonus coins you get leading up to when it happens. i'm hoping that everything will be well priced. like maybe a flashpoint is 5 bucks. but an operation is 10 bucks. i buy what i want to play and savings is almost immediate after two months.


    also i love fluff. so i hope they add some pretty cool outfits or social gear in the shop as well.

  8. Yeah the title pretty much says it all.


    I've been toying with the idea of re-subbing for quite some time. then i saw the bonuses you get for having a sub leading up to the F2P play conversion and i had to jump on top of it.


    Glad the game is going f2p because now i can buy what i want and skip all the rest. i left when 1.2 came out because i wanted a dungeon finder in that patch. it never came so from the time that patch came out to yesterday i've been unsubbed. i've missed the high style approach of the games graphics as well as the story lined quest.


    i was playing TSW and WOW. TSW was a better approach at story but i still longed for TOR. WOW was well. that was just WOW but every time i go to cancel my sub for WOW i'm reminded I locked into a 1 year contract.

  9. Because they want you to pay more money when paid transfers come. Their bottom line is $$$, not your concerns.


    yeah fight the power!!


    i hate when walmart charges me for groceries. i keep asking management to let me just walk in and out with what i need. and i'll pay those corporate dogs when i feel like it.

  10. actually downloaded everquest 2. NEVER played it before but considering it was free to play i figured why not. Awesome game. but it really lacked the graphical and combat game play. swtor had what i wanted although swtor is lacking in bridge builders, time wasters hell there's not even faction rep. if they could just add this stuff this game would be my home for the next 8 months until it shuts down.


    no just kidding. but really i'd stay for a few years.


    SWTOR just has a very well oiled hate machine running full time against it. look at any gaming news site. ANY MENTION of TOR both good or bad. you get an influx of troll comments and blind fanboyisim.

  11. It is still somewhat sad and silly that they don't merge active accounts into a smaller group of servers instead of using this transfer BS to hide the fact that they are merging servers. I would rather see them say server A-G will be down for 2 hours while we merge them into X server than this BS they are pulling.


    But Merging servers would also be admitting they have crap for a player base compared to what they try and tell everyone.


    sorry but unless you have some 10 to 15 million players you don't need more than 10 servers. PERIOD.


    merge all these servers please. i don't care. its not a sign of defeat. its just smart business.

  12. Isn't that simple math? You have 3 servers at 1/3rd the desired population, so you move 2 of them to the third.


    holy crap.. how did you do that?!


    so you're saying that if you take 3 dead servers and offer to transfer off two of them to the 3rd dead server that the 3rd dead server will be MORE populated?!


    how does this work?!

  13. Ahem. Sorry to burst your bubble but why are you even posting on this forum? As you are not currently subbed your posts are totally invalid. And unlike you I'm not too lazy to dig a little deeper.


    BEHOLD!!! ChrisFTW FTL



    i have unsubbed. but i've never wrote any unsub threads nor do you see me writing novels about how the game can improve based on what i hate and how it should improve. although I am thinking about resubbing. been thinking about it all day.


    also to me the game itself is PERFECT. its the population issue that got me.


    which means my post stands on its own merits.

  14. Hi OP:


    The more people like you give it "one more shot", the longer it will take the game to get to it's F2P status.


    Please, guys, stop giving it one more shot and wait a bit.


    you apparently haven't heard of this game called Warhammer Online.


    its also run by EA.


    that game has ONE server. oh and its 14.99/month.


    TOR will NOT be going F2P.

  15. I originally rolled on the firkraan crystal server, which is horribly low in population. I took a break after getting one toon to 50 and another to 44 on the pub side. I resubbed and decided to play Empire on the fatman. I would really want to transfer my first two toons to the fatman so they can all be together. Seeing how heavy the fatman is I doubt it will be a destination server. So my question is, how long after the free transfers will paid transfers be offered?


    and this post alone is why the first set of transfers will be designated.


    otherwise everybody will just free transfer over to fatman.

  16. The reason we don't have species in this game that are actually iconic to Star Wars is the Devs here only chose those that they could easily copy/paste from the human model and tweak slightly. It's laziness, plain and simple. Any talk of them needing oh-so many extra stories, VO issues, Psychoanalytical nonsense about "relating" to the character is all a smokescreen for that.


    It's their game, they can be lazy if they want to be, but they should really stop with the ********.


    you're really set on the whole lazy thing aren't you.


    im impressed at your tenacity.


    kinda reminds me how our current president was campaigning for office. got into office then realized it wasn't that simple. you can't just flip a light switch.


    but i digress you know way better than even bioware knows. considering you've done it yourself in the mmo you helped create, code and do extensive VO work for. what was the name of it again?

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