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Posts posted by Rogirek

  1. Hey folks,


    First off, we want to thank all of you for your feedback about Companion balance following 4.0.2. As we go into the weekend, we wanted you to know that we have gone through this thread, the forums, Reddit, and social media to gather everyone’s perspectives. We have come out of this with quite a few action items that we are going to take, including buffs for Companions. On Monday, we are going to release a forum post highlighting our plans to address current Companion balance, along with the state of Heroic Missions and Star Fortress.


    Thank you all once again for your feedback.




    Just throwing this out there, but I really hope you don't revert healing companions back to as powerful as they were! They were way too strong, and trivialized almost all content while leveling. Not to mention world PvP became very frustrating; it was basically CC the healer companion and kill the person fast, or they wouldn't die at all. I definitely appreciated the healing companion nerf.

  2. The 3 large pillars, covered in purple lightning arcing between the pillars, with the metal chains between them. Located in "Oricon: Dread Cavern", on the "Seeds of Dread" quest. A large Corrupted Elder Subteroth is standing on the central platform between the 3 pillars.


    The purple lightning arcing between the pillars is what makes it cool, if it is made available, keep the lightning please! Would be particularly neat if it also had the Subteroth trapped in the lightning beams like it does on the quest :)

  3. No, it means warzones are the same as before, you are forced to group with random idiots instead of being able to group with people who know what they are doing. Which was what we WANTED, which was by far the BEST feature of ranked warzones. The ability to do this is what would have made warzones (which are a lame form of PVP) at least TOLERABLE.


    Where it is NOT the same as before is that Ilum is now only a place. The one open world system we had IS GONE FROM THE GAME. Here yesterday, gone today.


    You realize they've already said, repeatedly, that they are bringing it back in the future, polished & improved so that it isn't a pointless buggy timesink? I'd much rather it be gone until it's fixed, and not have to waste time there now while it sucks.

  4. All of the negative comments were enough to make me bother to post.


    I am personally glad that you were willing to pull a major feature, that you felt was not ready, from the patch on short notice.


    I have Battlemaster, I have my valor 65 Korrelian speeder... and I'm still eager to play what's being added in 1.2, even without the Ranked Warzones. There's still a lot of new PvP content being added (same-faction warzones for Voidstar, totally new warzone that allows same-faction, new tier of PvP gear, etc.)


    Being willing to pull a feature that felt incomplete, rather than rushing it into a patch and fixing it later, makes me think you guys are on the right track. Releasing polished, complete content is always better than half-assed "we'll fix it someday in the future" content.


    Just thought I'd drop in and say thanks; despite all of the haters out there, I, for one, think you made the right call.

  5. Macros with modifier-key conditionals. The equivalent in another prominent MMO is as follows:


    /cast [mod:alt] Force Lightning; [mod:shift]Electrocute; Shock


    This basically creates a button that would do Force Lightning if I was holding ALT, Electrocute if I was holding Shift, and Shock if I was holding neither. The #showtooltip part means that it shows the icon and tooltip of the appropriate ability, based on which conditions were met.


    In PvP, pretty nearly every ability available to a character is situationally useful in some way. However, including abilities that are generally only useful to other specs (particularly in PvE) results in more abilities than there is barspace; and adding more bars is a very ugly solution.

  6. I have a question pertaining to Armoring, and the fact that Cybertech is the only crafting source for that mod type.


    I feel that Synthweaving should be able to make Strength & Willpower Armoring, and Armormech should be able to make Aim/Cunning armoring. Cybertech would still have the advantage of being able to craft ALL types of Armoring. Mod modifications make sense as a Cybertech-exclusive, but the Armoring for the item that a Synthweaver/Armormech makes.... it really seems like if they could make the item then they would be able to make the Armoring for it (since that's the entire purpose of having made a piece of armor in the first place; its Armor).


    This would make Synthweaving and Armormech far more practical for the people with these Crew Skills, who wish to use the Custom gear they make while leveling. Is it likely that we'll ever see any cross-Crew-Skill functionality such as this? Or is the fact that one Crew Skill has something always going to make it strictly exclusive to that Crew Skill only (which Augments sort of already go against, to a small extent)?


    EDIT: In other news, saying "Mod mods" or "Mod modifications" sounds very odd and vague, even though I'm obviously referring to the mod type literally called "Mod"

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