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Posts posted by Dminz

  1. Hey everyone,


    I haven't been to sure which armor set I should start saving up for and buying for pvp. I have the recruit Eliminator gear set, and I have purchased one peice of Eliminator battlemaster ( believe thats the name). I am a Pyro pt and have seen PT's with either Eliminator or Combat Tech (also think thats the name, not the tank gear) Please advise.


    PS. If Pyro is not the better 50 pvp spec please say inform.



  2. Simple as the name of the thread. I have a 50 merc and I like him, I know commando is the mirror. However I want other opinions as to which would do me better in PVP. I think merc does well for what I like in PVP, though I hear people say powertech (vanny on repub) is better.


    What do others think? I will solely be a PVP player since pve doesn't tickle my fancy. If I could get opinions on how vanguard fares in PVP I would like to hear them please :)

  3. Hey all,


    I've been wanting to make a Jedi of some sort and I am torn between sage and shadow. End game I really only want to PVP not so much pve right away, and I know sages are great in PVP but I'm sure that will change as does every class over time.


    How is the leveling for shadow, is it a pain or fairly easy? Secondly, how well do they do in PVP?



    Thas for any feedback

  4. Hi everyone


    My dilemma is I dont know whether or not I want to make a Jedi guardian. I currently play a merc and love it, but I wanna switch up and try something new. I was wondering how the guardian plays and if it's worth making for end game PVP.


    I have a 36 marauder and just don't like it, it's one of those classes I just cannot get the hang of so I have decided to stop playing him. Is the guardian play style very similar or different? I felt like I was too squishy as a marauder and want a class that can take a few hits without looking at my health bar the whole time.


    Secondly, how do guardians do in PVP at 50? I assume not so well because I don't see that many when I am in wz or open world. How does their damage look because I hear many are avoiding guardians because of bad damage in PVP.


    It's either guardian or damn sage like everyone else :p appreciate all feedback!

  5. Hey fellow mercs! :)


    I have a level 29 merc and a level 36 marauder. I LOVE to pvp and I enjoy the merc play style so far. The marauder for me is slow and eye gouging. The only reason I play the marauder is becuase I hear in pvp mercs are too easily interrupted and easily defeated. What I would like to know is how true is that. I know mercs can place high on damage charts but that doesn't mean they are a good class for pvp.


    I am aware survivability is lower as a merc but most ranged usually are. Does the lack of a interrupt really cripple the class and if I were to level mine to 50 would I regret it.


    I know that in other games no matter how weak a class may seem a good player is someone who can overcome and do good regardless. Does that apply if that's the situation ?


    Thanks guys I really appreciate any feelings yinz would like to share!

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