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Posts posted by Falonarion

  1. Had no choice to install game via steam.  Windows 11 for some odd reason will not install the game via the main swtor site, windows blocked it with error message of unknown site. 

    Manage to get steam to work, making sure everything is linked. Been abled to purchase cartel coins with no problems even setup a subscription. However do not fully trust steam so been using STeam Wallet for all my purchases. Do not save my CC/Debit card info on steam.  (steam has bad habit of having data breaches where hackers could obtain CC/Debit Card info)

  2. 64bit systems Windows 10/11, lot of RAM. Good Broadband Connection.   Depending on what timezone you live, best to make sure that what ever server you play on can handle that timezone.  In the beta test for that Cloud test server, me being in Mountain Timezone average ping was in the 200's (kept crashing a lot that I just gave up and never log into the game.  Something to consider since I play on Darth Malgus as well and my ping there averages 140ms so it stands to reason that DM becomes a cloud server the ping will increase.  

    I played a xbox game via the PC that was cloud based and ping was in the 190's and heavy lag, ended getting a refund since that game was unplayable.  

    I play on Satele Shan (SS) and my ping averages between 20-50ms.  

    So EA going to have to really work with Amazon in making sure players do not experience lag after moving to the cloud or EA going to see a exodus of players unsubscribing in a hurry that would make the exodus from SWG look tame in comparison. 

    Best thing to do when BW makes the announcement is to make sure you have nothing on the GTN selling. Your mail boxes are empty.  Expect a long downtime and wait, expect that your characters might be lost during the move, make sure all assets including credits are in your legacy bank in just case something does happen to your characters.  Log off in a Planetary Cantina (do not log off in Fleet).  Guild banks?  who knows, just have to roll the dice and wait and see.  

    Hope for the best plan for the worst   :)  

    • Confused 1
  3. About time someone brought this up.


    I gave up trying to find a group oh about around 2010 or thereafter forget which. Anyway I made the mistake of mentioning was DEAF and was treated with abusive comments and toxic hate that I just gave up trying to do any sort of FP/OPS.


    Just concentrated on getting all stories and get Legendary status for both SF and SS servers. One thing I like about having a Legacy is the Legacy Storage where you can put your assets in and delete characters and start over with different names.


    I quit World of Warcraft over this very issue of hatred against the DEAF. I guess it must be normal now to show any sort of toxic hate against anyone who is not considered to be "normal".


    Reminds of this Historical Phrase: "Those who fail to learn from history are doomed/cursed to repeat it".


    I remember back when Star Wars Galaxy was active, being deaf was not a problem, heck was even part of Unity (Beta Guild) and was a Alpha Tester (I told them was deaf and they did not mind that at all). During my time with SWG the guild had like 40 deaf folks playing. We had a lot of fun... PVP, Dungeons, you name it we did everything.


    The Force is one

    The Force is unity

    The Force is not a tool

    Those who serve the Force respect the Balance of Light and Dark.

    The Pure Light Side is False

    The Pure Dark Side is False

    There is no Peace if one cannot respect the Balance of Light and Dark side of the Force

  4. Unless I read it wrong, did not EA/BW assured players that "they will be able to play their own way during Jedi Onslaught"?


    Level 71 Mercenary, Joined the Republic during Jedi Siege, was hoping to join the Republic during Jedi Onslaught and yet instead is forced into playing Empire.


    What gives?


    Do not understand how or why EA/BW would do this... Then again should not be surprised since EA/BW does have a habit of lying to the players or misleading them...

  5. He should be on the inner ring, just as you exited the door from your ship. Just move around the ring until you see him. He sometimes is hard to spot. It should be showing up on your mini-map and big map. (if not showing up on your maps, then you should put in a bug report).


    Location of inner ring is between corridors/ship doors and Cantina area. :D

  6. I'm having a slightly different issue. I've attuned the two pillars out to the left and right of the center one, but the one behind it... I can't attune to it as the only runes I can click on are the three in front of it. I can't click on the second rune to complete the circuit; they're all null now. Help!


    Guess they never fixed this. Having same issue, first toon lvl 67 and cannot complete the quest. This is annoying. I mean we are now into 2017 and quest Yavin 4 Fates Unsealed is still broken??????

  7. Chapter 3 (Ilum) needs to be fixed... Gave up on that chapter since could not get past the 2 elite npc's with my lvl 65 toon.... one shot dead... not fun and would love to get the legacy buff...


    Also would love to see Star Wars Galaxies brought back... Sort of missed that game, think Bioware would do a better job of it then SOE...


    One thing like to see if possible for solo content, is to allow solo players to have full group of companions for those times when one cannot get into groups.... Yes talking about those players who kicked you from their groups after telling them your deaf and cannot use voice during OPS missions...


    Also tired of the attitude some of the Bioware support staff and devs have regarding deaf folks, not all of us deaf are civies you know, lot of them are war vets whom have great respect for but it appears from reading deaf forums that bioware has shown massive disrespect to toward the vets who became deaf due to war injuries.... and the guild's who they used to be members of kicked them out for being deaf... They should be ashamed of themselves...

  8. I think you all forgetting one thing....


    THE JEDI ORDER contributed to the fall of Skywalker to the dark side...


    The jedi order reminded skywalker that the jedi code forbids and type of attachments so it means that if his mother is in danger he has to forget his mother and allow her to be killed for the good of the order.... <--- this is something that the sith dark lord took advantage of.... skywalker loved his mother, and he was denied the chance to save her....


    To be honest, at first impression makes the Jedi Order a order of homosexuals + haters of all things relating to love and procreation + mother haters....

  9. We could certainly have a deaf person in the guild and be friendly to them. Downloading Teamspeak isn't necessarily a requirement at all, though do enjoy speaking there. But if that was a problem, certainly you could not get in TS and hang in-game with in-game chat!


    We have some folks on the western side of the US, absolutely. I don't know how many off the top of my head.


    Checked out your guild website, read the charter. Though do agree with majority of it and it is refreshing to see a active no drama guild, the activity regulation was the deciding factor not to bother applying for your guild. Do not misunderstand me, am a active gamer when I need to be, but there will be periods of inactivity that can last several months due to either real life or medical issues. Do not think your guild would be good fit. Will look elsewhere.


    Thx again...

  10. The players without non-healing characters are at a severe disadvantage. Jedi Sentinels don't have the mega healing capabilities like the Jedi Con and are mostly 100% dependent upon the healing powers of the companion. If the companion goes down, the player is totally screwed. Since the nerf, I and my companion go down frequently in the heroic Star Fortress. I don't have a very large list of friends that play the game, I can simply ask them for help. Nor do I have the time to search for others. I work for a living and my free time is very limited. If the game continues to be frustrating I will move onto another game and unsub swtor. As one of the founder players it would be a shame to leave.


    This is going to hurt a lot, play mostly tank/melee characters and been relying heavily on healing comps. Having this sort of nerfs is bad, but have found that BIOWARE does not listen to the player base who plays pve, they only listen to the pvpers/raiders instead, those type of players love to see nerfs so they can remain top epeen players on the boards and pay lots of money to the cartel store.


    Have not been playing for a bit, but going to check out to see how bad these nerfs are, if cannot play or keep getting dead because of these nerfs, will not not post, but will instead cancel my CC card, delete all of my characters and then unsub and uninstall.


    As a DEAF player, have had hard time finding help or ran into hostile players who are for some reason against deaf players... So never had a chance to raid, or doing flashpoints on hard mode due to being deaf.

  11. Since could not find a support forum here, posting here instead. Even though sumitted a Ticket, as usual it was ignored.


    Character Name: Rhianniaki

    Class Mercenary

    Level 65

    Gear Rating 190+

    Subscriber: YES

    Chapter VIII: Taking Flight "Get to the Control Spar"

    SOLO (No companions due to story line restrictions)


    Problem is Strong type mob keeps killing me via stuns and preventing me from using heals. Used my stun breaker once and mob restuns me 5 seconds later. After I think 8-10 times in a row being killed, I gave up. My stun breaker has a 2 min cooldown (so cannot reuse it) hence keep getting killed. Self heals is prevented so cannot heal and end up dead.


    After gave up, it cost me almost 15,000 credits for repairs.


    To me this a game breaker, if I remember correctly seems SOR + previous expansions had the same problem with mobs using way too many stuns and grapple stuns... Seems to me either Bioware refuses to learn from their mistakes or their were a different dev team who refused to learn from the previous mistakes of SOR when the stuns and grapple stuns were causing way too many problems.


    At present unable to complete the quest/mission to get to next part.


    Have asked for help and gotten "learn to play". I really do not appreciate such replies. I cannot help being DEAF, no reason for some of you hearing folks to show such hate toward those of us who are DEAF.



  12. It should be noted that before 4.0, just leveling, you could get 3-5mil credits easily grinding 1-60 content.


    Now, we don't pay for skills, we don't need to gear our Companions and profession training is cheap.


    So, doesn't it make sense to lower the amount of credits entering the system if only to cut down on credit inflation?


    Really 3-5 million credits?


    Took my Merc 1-60 doing all class missions and never gotten over 850,000 credits. So do not see how it is possible to make 3-5 million credits. (This includes Splicing and Treasure hunting).

  13. Translation: they're going to control how much you can earn in a day through time sinks (level sync) and limiting credit sources to mission rewards. This is a pretty major nerf.


    Credits are about to become a lot more valuable.


    This will increase the number of credit scammers/credit sellers & spammers plus cheating.. Nerfing credit is bad idea. Increase it and these scammers go bye bye...


    Have to wonder about these credit nerfs, it gives impression that BIOWARE fully supports these credit scammers in trying to get people to lose real life money to these online criminals...

  14. Since returning to SWTOR been hit every day be it on the starter planets or fleet but mostly via ingame mail by credit/gold sellers. Noticing the pattern that they use the same website address. <-- this is one of the main reasons I unsubscribe and quit playing SWTOR a few ago and it appears Bioware has not done anything to make them go away. BTW bioware your ingame report spam is not working, they keeping coming back after a reporting them for spam...


    Getting hit by these mailbox spammers as much as 1-3 per every 1-5 hours. Really annoying....


    If it was not for the fact that bioware is having a new storyline expansion, I be unsubbing again...

  15. Like to request that Bioware allow players to have more then one companion or at least have all companions for a full group in case of for example a Makeb quest called Stealing Thunder where you have to defeat a super elite droid using base defenses.


    My lvl 53 assassin kept being defeated. Kept asking for help or advice and no one was interested in helping...


    Think Bioware should allow us to have full group of companions since having a healer comp battling a super elite droid that has a nasty knockback that reduces your health pool 10% per hit is not fun at all.


    This was on Begeren Colony Server. There was more then 50 players on the planet at time..

  16. I do not believe this new system will improve the gameplay at all. It will just confuse the long time players and ruin almost every single build we currently have. While Bioware may think this is great b/c everyone will be starting over like its a new game... however it will not be great. Disciplines' will kill this game. Please post below if you are opposed to the new Disciplines system. If you like the system, that's your opinion and you are welcome to it. This post is to show Bioware that we do not want this "improvement"! This thread is not to debate whether or not the Disciplines system will be effective.


    I refuse to purchase the expansion until the Discipline system is removed.


    Bioware and Devs will not listen to the player base..


    SOE and Devs did not listen to the beta testing community/Unity Test Guild when CU+NGE was introduced...


    Since this game is FTP with Sub as optional.. Bioware does not care, all they care is making $$$.


    So do not bother to complain, do not bother with talking about it.. They just going to ignore you...

  17. ...instead, sell them on the GTN, even if you just want to drop them in there at standard list price. Players could really use the greens and blues right now during this 12XP boost event, and there is a shortage of gear on some servers.


    You will most likely sell the greens and blues right now because they are in demand. I would assume that crafting and selling low level mods would also be a good thing at the moment, as they are also likely in demand.


    Could use lower level stims, heals and boosts as well. And if you have 25 percent XP boosts to sell, now is the time...they are in demand at the moment to my surprise.


    Seems to be a shortage, unfortuantly have seened on the two servers play on green and blue gear been wanting for my toons that are on boosting mode, being sold on the GTN from low side of 4k credits to highside of 40 million credits... If had millions of credits to spare would be able to afford those outrageous prices...


    LOWER THOSE PRICES... on the GTN...



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