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Posts posted by agape_

  1. trolling? hardly i just find it funny that apprently 2 well know posters are so shy for other oppinions.


    i basicly never disagreed with your, that you think im doing it thast your problem, im asking only and stateing my oppinions, but since you clearly are ignorant for others oppinion then its getting kinda funny to read your answers, couse you havent gotten the point yet, and im getting tired of cutting it out for you, well i could write it in my mother tonge but it would hardly help.

    but its kinda funny that you call anotehr one a troll when the person have another oppinion, didt think it was kindergarden.


    then let me cut out in stone for you. hate premades, but can understadn you to a sertan point. i cna understadn the thing of groupeing with your freinds/guildies. but pug farm for the fun of it, if you did that RL then where im comming from its called funny things murder and so on, the puggers never asked for it. but what your saying is tah tthe puggers need to groupe up to face you? they need to be in groupe to have a chance?


    to return to your so beautyfull answers- then i like solo quee happens im groupeing but hardly premadeing.

    and i know you need 16 for ranked never stated otherwise, but lets start with first 4 other ppl you need for the first, funny enough those arent hard to get, the 8 others ofc if they are on the other faction it gets a little tricky unless you already have them on Vent/TS3 or what you now use. but all in all rather easy. forgot to mention that the ranked team i was against was premaders on my server, i just happend to beat apprently acording to you.


    I actually love pre-mading all the time, I love grouping up with a perfect 4 man composition and trying to keep the other team from getting 3 medals so they dont even get credit for the warzone match. I love double queing as a double premade so I can make the opposing teams day even worse. I know you hate it but I don't care about you or your opinions and nothing you say will ever make it stop.

  2. Except that is not what i am doing. At all. I don't complain about other hikers being able to scale Everest, i just don't have any desire to scale Everest myself.


    You say it makes me a 'fruitcake',but using your logic, the VAST MAJORITY of earths population are 'fruitcakes'. How many of the billions of earths inhabitants have no desire to climb Everest?




    As far as your "get better" advice is concerned: It is impossible to queue solo for rateds. Therefore, rateds were meant to be played by premades. Rateds. So take your advice and apply it to yourself. Fruitcake.:cool:


    Sounds like complaining to me. Your Everest seems to be finding friends, which means you're either anti social or lazy. So if you want to continue just hiking, lose your 4 warzones for your daily but don't expect anyone to care

  3. No...What I was referring to were the many Agapex "I am god" posts and the many OPFOTM posts saying things like all guilds pale into comparison to theirs, "we're so good" "I love to be rude to Pubs," etc. Yeah real friendly...Sir, those are the posts that have aggravated a lot of people and shown great immaturity on the part of those posters.


    BTW...I owe an apology to Taun Tauns. They have not been the boisterous, "We are God," posters. Someone sent me a message asking me to correct that. Three cheers to their guild and their adult behavior and tact. Thank heavens there is an Imp guild with educated adults.



  4. LOL you obviously care what I think, otherwise you wouldn't be responding to me over and over. Trying to figure out who I am, but truthfully I'm whoever you want me to be. I can assure you though.. I am not a OPFOTM :D


    CAUTION: unknown scrub vying for attention

  5. The simple matter is There are cheaters/hackers in this game. we are not going to get away from them, and the dev team won't take enough action to discourage them. Those that claim there is no such thing happening in game are only trying to cover there own tracks becouse they know there guilty.


    After all this time you still havent told us which toon you play on the harbinger,

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