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Posts posted by Ilsildor

  1. Welcome to EA bro. The company that feeds on your money and good will.


    Anyways, not the first time or last time you'll see them pull a fast one on consumers, and the consumers will like it too.


    Last time a bought an EA game I was sorely disappointed. Same with this time. Honestly only we can get them to change but everyone seems to be happy with the current situation, which is sad really.


    Personally? I don't buy games with dlc as a "with new copies only". In fact, i dont buy dlc at all. I research every game to make sure theres no drm. I will not buy a game with drm anymore, i wont even give it the dignity of illegally downloading it to try it, its instant garbage to me. Blizzard was pushing it, but theyre not too bad. And EA is the first thing i search for now when it comes to purchasing games. Because if their name is on it, itll likely have some garbage aspect to it, or even if it didn't i'd be supporting them which is just immoral

  2. You make a good case for Damange and Healing meters for raids, however, meters are often used to exclude people or kick people from groups. Sorry your DPS is not where it should we better get another who has higher DPS. All of a sudden the game becomes gear gated, because a player may not have top tiered equipment, or a player is kicked because he does .2% less dps then his class should.


    Sorry to say I don't support meters, if you are killing mobs, then dps is fine or the healing is fine, enough said.



    Ive never seen a player kicked in 2 years of pugging for .2% under.


    In fact, most players got away with being 60% or more under than the top dps.


    ONLY 2 situations where dps were kicked for poor performance as i recall. This was at least the majority.


    A) #### dps was needed, the group wasnt meeting it. One player consistently being on the bottom is replaced.




    B) groups standards were high and asked for top performers, players lied or weasled their way in and didn't meet group standards.


    In both examples, it shows how it is useful. Dps boasting was usually met with negative attention.


    WoWs dungeon finder tool was a poor exception. That was a problem primarily assosciated with greater annonimity.

  3. Im not truly nostalgic over any old mmo.


    UO had a lot of great moments. So did WoW. Was one necessarily better than the other? No i think they were comepletely different. Do i want a game exactly like either of them? Hell no.


    So what do i want? More.


    I want the impossible, really. A mix of skyrim(1stperson/3D combat)/ uo(ondeathdropeverything/skillsystem)/ minecraft(playermodifyingworld)/ sims(builder)/ eve(playerpolitics/economy/empires)/ horizons(what it wanted to be, orig. races/play as a dragon with eve-like dedication for powerful advancement)

    + decent physics, weather. Player built cities, player owned governments and territory. Npc's hired to do day-day duties in towns. Destructible environments/homes. Vast unexplored land, randomly generated. Natural disasters. And to put the RP back into RPG. Etc....

  4. Exactly, instead of creating something new they did...more of what WoW does, just in Star Wars skin.

    I left WoW years ago bored and not wanting to do THAT stuff anymore and not looking back, coming in SWTOR with hope only to be sadly disappointed. I did this in WoW and left not wanting to the same over and over again. Why would i want to do it in SWTOR now?

    Pointless and sad.

    And from what i see many ppl are feeling the same way.


    Im with you on this one. They dont have rep grinds however, though that wouldve at least been something else to do.

  5. So why are you here?


    I'm bored and have nothing better to do. Mostly the reason I was playing SWTOR, but at least this is free. I enjoy forums.


    I could go to the D3 forums, but they're not really that interesting and I'd rather let that game sit in the back of my mind till release.


    I could go back to WoW forums, but those are just full of trolls.


    MMO-Champ? Yeah Maybe, haven't wandered around there too much other than the WoW section but if they're just going to talk about changes to a game I lost interest in ages ago it just seems more pointless than this.


    Terraria forums? God that game is full of children, I wanted to enjoy it but those forums are just literally childish.


    Those are my only options I have lol.

  6. I say it every time. My basis of "failed" is on the fact that 8/10 friends who i started playing this game with all quit. And I myself, just hit unsubscribe today. 5 bugs in 1 minute for the last time, that gets me killed and puts me on the other side of the map wasting like 15 minutes of my time.


    And I mean you can easily look at this and be like "Wow, you're quitting because the game bugged out and made you lose 15 minutes out of how much time you probably spend on here?" Or whatever your argument may be... but no...


    If I had an excellent memory, which I don't. I'd recall for you countless times where this game has upset/disappointed/frustrated/infuriated/etc me. Mostly due to bugs, performance issues or horrible design choices, mistakes, limitations, restrictions, errors, etc...


    If I dialogued every one of my single issues I kid you not, I would've created probably at least a 100 page book by now. Dec 17 - Jan 30.


    Heck, I made a post, in 3 days I had 80 issues. The sad thing is, a lot of those issues repeated themselves constantly, but I only wrote them down once. That was about 3 weeks ago. It was deleted a day after it was posted. People were adding more and more various issues that even I wasn't encountering and were unique.


    Out of my 80 issues, I think 5 or so have been fixed in the past 3 weeks. With promises of some minor fixes or updates coming in March.



    But out of the things I liked? Well I enjoyed the class story to a degree, though I felt they weren't incredibly well written. I LOVED Kaon Under Siege, but mostly because it was a copy of L4D and I loved that game. I liked a lot of dialogue scenes like where the Sith Warrior stabs that mother and throws her against the wall, or when the Bounty Hunter says "You will realize what a complete idiot you are." Mostly, I enjoyed interacting with the community... The sociable community anyways that weren't douchebags.


    Everything else just feels subpar so I can't really say I liked it, =/ as I've seen similar things done better. I guess that's all really, I still have a guild though so IF something changes soon that makes me reconsider... well MAYBE... I don't know what that could be though.

  7. I've been 50 for a week and have been wondering the same thing...


    I've ran HM FPs with friends mostly, and I'm already all Tier 2...


    OPs are a scheduled event...


    Dailies are a big no-no, no one should try to tell others that doing the same quests every day is "fun".


    Companions are kinda pointless at lvl50 unless you're doing dailies.


    Already have everything I need from Biochem...


    And I don't PVP in MMO's, I save that for more refined Genre's



    So what I end up finding is that I'm sitting on the fleet at lvl50 wondering what other game I should play, or reading these forums. Does it all just seem to easy and quick to everyone else?

  8. Sounds like a poor decision made on snipers.


    Bh unload and power shot and rapid shots all obey the color crystal. Everything else is either a missile or the rail gun.


    Except sweeping blasters, i think thats always orange and needs to change as well. Not only that but sweeping blasters doesnt even require a facing nor does it even point you to what youre shooting at. More than one thing wrong with that ability other than its ridiculous high heat cost + no affecting talents.

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